jQuery is a JavaScript library, which is an extension of JavaScript, used to meet the increasing needs for different special effects. Its essence is JavaScript
Let’s write a basic JQ program to illustrate JQ.
1. Basic goals
There are the following three buttons on the web page. One can only hide text, one can only display text, and one can hide and display text at the same time. Click once to display, click again to hide, and the cycle is endless.
2. Production process
1. First, you need to download a JQ support file from the JQ official website and put it into your site folder. This support file is jQuery1.11. You can go to the jQuery official website to download jQuery1.11 that is compatible with the old browser IE6, but not jQuery2 that is not compatible with the old browser IE6.
2. The entire web page code is as follows, divided into fragments for explanation:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery-1.11.1.js"></script> <script> $(document).ready(function() { $("#hide").click(function() { $("#text").hide(); }); $("#show").click(function() { $("#text").show(); }); $("#toggle").click(function() { $("#text").toggle(); }); }); </script> <!-- <style type="text/css"> #text{ display:none } </style> --> <title>JQ淡出与显示</title> </head> <body> <p id="text"> 被折腾的文本 </p> <button id="hide"> 隐藏 </button> <button id="show"> 显示 </button> <button id="toggle"> 隐藏/显示 </button> </body> </html>
part<head>部分主要是实现核心代码部分,放在后面来讲,先说<body>部分 <body> <!--这是定义一段ID为text的文本,便于脚本控制--> <p id="text"> 被折腾的文本 </p> <!--分别设置ID为hide,show,toggle的按钮--> <button id="hide"> 隐藏 </button> <button id="show"> 显示 </button> <button id="toggle"> 隐藏/显示 </button> </body>
part<head> <!--网页的编码,声明要使用JQ--> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery-1.11.1.js"></script> <script> <!--JQ的代码编写首先要用$(document).ready(function() {});去定义一个总函数,缺少这个函数提供的框架之后的东西无法执行--> $(document).ready(function() { <!--之后再于这个函数内编写需要的函数--> <!--对于ID为hide这个按钮的click动作进行函数的调用,之后的动作依旧放在这个一个函数的里面--> $("#hide").click(function() { <!--隐藏ID的为text的文本--> $("#text").hide(); }); $("#show").click(function() { <!--显示ID的为text的文本--> $("#text").show(); }); $("#toggle").click(function() { <!--在隐藏与显示之间切换ID的为text的文本--> $("#text").toggle(); }); }); </script> lt;!--这段控制默认是显示还是不显示 <style type="text/css"> #text{ display:none } </style> -> <title>JQ淡出与显示</title> </head>