& Lt; h3 & gt; This is the parent element, the screen resolution is 1366*768 & lt;/h3 & gt;
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Happy National Day
Copy code
The code is as follows:
width: 500px;
height: 750px;
border: 5px solid red;
float: left;
width: 400px;
height: 300px;
border: 5px solid black;
Margin: 20px;
width: 150px;
height: 100px;
border: 5px solid blue;
Margin: 20px;
overflow: auto;
width: 600px;
height: 750px;
border: 5px solid red;
float: left;
margin-left: 15px;
Copy code
The code is as follows:
window.onload = function()
/*Get element object*/
var father = document.getElementById('father');
var son = document.getElementById('son');
var grandson = document.getElementById('grandson');
var data = document.getElementById('data');
data.innerHTML = "
Get the window size (related to the window size)
data.innerHTML = "Document.body visible area width: " document.body.clientWidth "
data.innerHTML = "Document.body visible area height: " document.body.clientHeight "
data.innerHTML = "window.innerWidth visible area width: " window.innerWidth "
data.innerHTML = "window.innerHeight visible area height: " window.innerHeight "
data.innerHTML = "document.documentElement visible area width: " document.documentElement.clientWidth "
data.innerHTML = "document.documentElement visible area height: " document.documentElement.clientHeight "
data.innerHTML = "Get the size of the element itself (regardless of whether there is a scroll bar)
data.innerHTML = ".son's own width (offsetWidth attribute, including left and right borders):" son.offsetWidth "
data.innerHTML = ".son's own height (offsetHeight attribute, including upper and lower borders):" son.offsetHeight "
data.innerHTML = ".son visual width (clientWidth attribute, excluding left and right borders):" son.clientWidth "
data.innerHTML = ".son visual height (clientHeight attribute, excluding upper and lower borders):" son.clientHeight "
data.innerHTML = "Get.grandson scrolling size and visual size
data.innerHTML = ".grandson scroll width (scrollWidth attribute):" grandson.scrollWidth "
data.innerHTML = ".grandson scroll height (scrollHeight attribute):" grandson.scrollHeight "
data.innerHTML = ".grandson visual width (clientWidth attribute, excluding vertical scroll bar and border):" grandson.clientWidth "
data.innerHTML = ".grandson visual height (clientHeight attribute, excluding horizontal scroll bar and border):" grandson.clientHeight "
data.innerHTML = "Get the size of .grandson being rolled up (related to the position of the scroll bar)
data.innerHTML = ".The height to which grandson is scrolled (scrollTop attribute, the vertical scroll bar slides to the bottom):" grandson.scrollTop "
data.innerHTML = ".grandson is scrolled to the left (scrollLeft attribute, the horizontal scroll bar slides to the far right):" grandson.scrollLeft "
data.innerHTML = "Get the browser window position (related to the window size)
*IE, Chrome, Safari, and Opera all provide support for window.screenLeft and *window.screenTop, but Firxfox does not support these two attributes;
*Firxfox, Chrome, Safari, and Opera all provide support for window.screenX *and window.screenY, but IE does not support these two attributes;
var leftPos = (typeof window.screenLeft == 'number')?window.screenLeft:window.screenX;
var topPos = (typeof window.screenTop == 'number')?window.screenTop:window.screenY;
data.innerHTML = "On the body page text part (window.screenTop(Y)):" topPos "
data.innerHTML = "The left side of the body text part (window.screenLeft(X)):" leftPos "
data.innerHTML = "Get screen resolution
data.innerHTML = "Screen resolution height (window.screen.height):" window.screen.height "
data.innerHTML = "Screen resolution width (window.screen.width):" window.screen.width "
data.innerHTML = "Get the available height and width of the screen
data.innerHTML = "Screen resolution height (window.screen.availHeight):" window.screen.availHeight "
data.innerHTML = "Screen resolution width (window.screen.availWidth):" window.screen.availWidth "
data.innerHTML = "Get the border size of .father
data.innerHTML = ".father upper border (clientTop):" father.clientTop "
data.innerHTML = ".father left border (clientLeft):" father.clientLeft "
data.innerHTML = " Get the distance from .son to the border of the parent element (that is, the border corresponding to the margin parent element)
data.innerHTML = ".son to the upper boundary of the parent element (offsetTop):" son.offsetTop "
data.innerHTML = ".son to the left edge of the parent element (offsetLeft):" son.offsetLeft "
ps: There are differences in how browsers parse boxes, so there will be small differences in the data obtained above. Attached is a picture.

Full code:
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<style type="text/css">
margin: 0 auto;
width: 500px;
height: 750px;
border: 5px solid red;
float: left;
width: 400px;
height: 300px;
border: 5px solid black;
margin: 20px;
width: 150px;
height: 100px;
border: 5px solid blue;
margin: 20px;
overflow: auto;
width: 600px;
height: 750px;
border: 5px solid red;
float: left;
margin-left: 15px;
<script type="text/javascript">
window.onload = function()
var father = document.getElementById('father');
var son = document.getElementById('son');
var grandson = document.getElementById('grandson');
var data = document.getElementById('data');
data.innerHTML = "<h3>获取视窗大小(跟窗口大小有关)</h3>";
data.innerHTML += "document.body可见区域宽: "+document.body.clientWidth+"<br/>";
data.innerHTML += "document.body可见区域高: "+document.body.clientHeight+"<br/>";
data.innerHTML += "window.innerWidth可见区域宽: "+window.innerWidth+"<br/>";
data.innerHTML += "window.innerHeight可见区域高: "+window.innerHeight+"<br/>";
data.innerHTML += "document.documentElement可见区域宽: "+document.documentElement.clientWidth+"<br/>";
data.innerHTML += "document.documentElement可见区域高: "+document.documentElement.clientHeight+"<br/>";
data.innerHTML += "<h3>获取元素自身大小(跟是否有滚动条无关)</h3>";
data.innerHTML += ".son自身宽度(offsetWidth属性,包括左右边框):"+son.offsetWidth+"<br/>";
data.innerHTML += ".son自身高度(offsetHeight属性,包括上下边框):"+son.offsetHeight+"<br/>";
data.innerHTML += ".son可视宽度(clientWidth属性,不包括左右边框):"+son.clientWidth+"<br/>";
data.innerHTML += ".son可视高度(clientHeight属性,不包括上下边框):"+son.clientHeight+"<br/>";
data.innerHTML += "<h3>获取.grandson滚动大小和可视大小</h3>";
data.innerHTML += ".grandson滚动宽度(scrollWidth属性):"+grandson.scrollWidth+"<br/>";
data.innerHTML += ".grandson滚动高度(scrollHeight属性):"+grandson.scrollHeight+"<br/>";
data.innerHTML += ".grandson可视宽度(clientWidth属性,不包括竖直滚动条和border):"+grandson.clientWidth+"<br/>";
data.innerHTML += ".grandson可视高度(clientHeight属性,不包括水平滚动条和border):"+grandson.clientHeight+"<br/>";
data.innerHTML += "<h3>获取.grandson被卷去的大小(跟滚动条的位置有关)</h3>";
data.innerHTML += ".grandson被卷去的高(scrollTop属性,竖直滚动条滑到最底端):"+grandson.scrollTop+"<br/>";
data.innerHTML += ".grandson被卷去的左(scrollLeft属性,水平滚动条滑到最右端):"+grandson.scrollLeft+"<br/>";
data.innerHTML += "<h3>获取浏览器窗口位置(跟窗口大小有关)</h3>";
*IE、Chrome、Safari、Opera 都提供了支持 window.screenLeft 和 *window.screenTop,但是Firxfox不支持这个两个属性;
*Firxfox、Chrome、Safari、Opera 都提供了支持 window.screenX *和 window.screenY,但是 IE 不支持这个两个属性;
var leftPos = (typeof window.screenLeft == 'number')?window.screenLeft:window.screenX;
var topPos = (typeof window.screenTop == 'number')?window.screenTop:window.screenY;
data.innerHTML += "body网页正文部分上(window.screenTop(Y)):"+ topPos+"<br/>";
data.innerHTML += "body网页正文部分左(window.screenLeft(X)):"+ leftPos+"<br/>";
data.innerHTML += "<h3>获取屏幕分辨率</h3>";
data.innerHTML += "屏幕分辨率的高(window.screen.height):"+ window.screen.height+"<br/>";
data.innerHTML += "屏幕分辨率的宽(window.screen.width):"+ window.screen.width+"<br/>";
data.innerHTML += "<h3>获取屏幕可用的高宽</h3>";
data.innerHTML += "屏幕分辨率的高(window.screen.availHeight):"+ window.screen.availHeight+"<br/>";
data.innerHTML += "屏幕分辨率的宽(window.screen.availWidth):"+ window.screen.availWidth+"<br/>";
data.innerHTML += "<h3>获取.father的边框大小</h3>";
data.innerHTML += ".father上边框(clientTop):"+ father.clientTop+"<br/>";
data.innerHTML += ".father左边框(clientLeft):"+ father.clientLeft+"<br/>";
data.innerHTML += "<h3>获取.son到父元素边界的距离(即对应margin+父元素对应的border)</h3>";
data.innerHTML += ".son到父元素上边界(offsetTop):"+ son.offsetTop+"<br/>";
data.innerHTML += ".son到父元素左边界(offsetLeft):"+ son.offsetLeft+"<br/>";
<div class="father" id="father">
<div class="son" id="son">
<h3>这是子元素,祝大家国庆快乐 </h3>
<div class="grandson" id="grandson">
<h3>这是孙子元素,祝大家国庆快乐 </h3>
<h3>259280570 </h3>
<h3>欢迎你加入 </h3>
<h3>国庆快乐 </h3>
<div class="data">
<div id="data"></div>
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