Home > Backend Development > PHP Tutorial > 程序员 - 我用了PHP API 上传图片提示 直接上传文件 401Unauthorized

程序员 - 我用了PHP API 上传图片提示 直接上传文件 401Unauthorized

Release: 2016-06-06 20:49:47
991 people have browsed it



$upyun = new UpYun('*', '*', '*');

try {
    echo "直接上传文件\r\n";
    $fh = fopen('sample.jpeg', 'rb');
    $rsp = $upyun->writeFile('12.jpeg', $fh, True);   // 上传图片,自动创建目录
    echo "DONE\n\r\n";

    echo "设置MD5校验文件完整性\r\n";
    $opts = array(
        UpYun::CONTENT_MD5 => md5(file_get_contents("sample.jpeg"))
    $fh = fopen('sample.jpeg', 'rb');
    $rsp = $upyun->writeFile('/demo/sample_md5.jpeg', $fh, True, $opts);   // 上传图片,自动创建目录
    echo "DONE\r\n\r\n";

    echo "直接生成缩略图,不保存原图片,仅对图片文件有效\r\n";
    $opts = array(
        UpYun::X_GMKERL_TYPE    => 'square', // 缩略图类型
        UpYun::X_GMKERL_VALUE   => 150, // 缩略图大小
        UpYun::X_GMKERL_QUALITY => 95, // 缩略图压缩质量
        UpYun::X_GMKERL_UNSHARP => True // 是否进行锐化处理
    $fh = fopen('sample.jpeg', 'rb');
    $rsp = $upyun->writeFile('/demo/sample_thumb_1.jpeg', $fh, True, $opts);   // 上传图片,自动创建目录
    echo "DONE\r\n\r\n";

    echo "按照预先设置的缩略图类型生成缩略图类型生成缩略图,不保存原图,仅对图片空间有效\r\n";
    $opts = array(
        UpYun::X_GMKERL_THUMBNAIL => 'thumbtype'
    $fh = fopen('sample.jpeg', 'rb');
    $rsp = $upyun->writeFile('/demo/sample_thumb_2.jpeg', $fh, True, $opts);   // 上传图片,自动创建目录
    echo "DONE\r\n\r\n";
catch(Exception $e) {
    echo $e->getCode();
    echo $e->getMessage();
Copy after login
Copy after login

class UpYunException extends Exception {/*{{{*/
    public function __construct($message, $code, Exception $previous = null) {
        parent::__construct($message, $code);   // For PHP 5.2.x

    public function __toString() {
        return __CLASS__ . ": [{$this->code}]: {$this->message}\n";

class UpYunAuthorizationException extends UpYunException {/*{{{*/
    public function __construct($message, $code = 0, Exception $previous = null) {
        parent::__construct($message, 401, $previous);

class UpYunForbiddenException extends UpYunException {/*{{{*/
    public function __construct($message, $code = 0, Exception $previous = null) {
        parent::__construct($message, 403, $previous);

class UpYunNotFoundException extends UpYunException {/*{{{*/
    public function __construct($message, $code = 0, Exception $previous = null) {
        parent::__construct($message, 404, $previous);

class UpYunNotAcceptableException extends UpYunException {/*{{{*/
    public function __construct($message, $code = 0, Exception $previous = null) {
        parent::__construct($message, 406, $previous);

class UpYunServiceUnavailable extends UpYunException {/*{{{*/
    public function __construct($message, $code = 0, Exception $previous = null) {
        parent::__construct($message, 503, $previous);

class UpYun {
    const VERSION            = '2.0';

    const ED_AUTO            = 'v0.api.upyun.com';
    const ED_TELECOM         = 'v1.api.upyun.com';
    const ED_CNC             = 'v2.api.upyun.com';
    const ED_CTT             = 'v3.api.upyun.com';

    const CONTENT_TYPE       = 'Content-Type';
    const CONTENT_MD5        = 'Content-MD5';
    const CONTENT_SECRET     = 'Content-Secret';

    // 缩略图
    const X_GMKERL_THUMBNAIL = 'x-gmkerl-thumbnail';
    const X_GMKERL_TYPE      = 'x-gmkerl-type';
    const X_GMKERL_VALUE     = 'x-gmkerl-value';
    const X_GMKERL_QUALITY   = 'x­gmkerl-quality';
    const X_GMKERL_UNSHARP   = 'x­gmkerl-unsharp';

    private $_bucket_name;
    private $_username;
    private $_password;
    private $_timeout = 30;

     * @deprecated
    private $_content_md5 = NULL;

     * @deprecated
    private $_file_secret = NULL;

     * @deprecated
    private $_file_infos= NULL;

    protected $endpoint;

    * 初始化 UpYun 存储接口
    * @param $bucketname 空间名称
    * @param $username 操作员名称
    * @param $password 密码
    * @return object
    public function __construct($*, $*, $*, $endpoint = NULL, $timeout = 30) {/*{{{*/
        $this->_bucketname = $*;
        $this->_username = $*;
        $this->_password = md5($*;
        $this->_timeout = $timeout;

        $this->endpoint = is_null($endpoint) ? self::ED_AUTO : $endpoint;

     * 获取当前SDK版本号
    public function version() {
        return self::VERSION;

     * 创建目录
     * @param $path 路径
     * @param $auto_mkdir 是否自动创建父级目录,最多10层次
     * @return void
    public function makeDir($path, $auto_mkdir = false) {/*{{{*/
        $headers = array('Folder' => 'true');
        if ($auto_mkdir) $headers['Mkdir'] = 'true';
        return $this->_do_request('PUT', $path, $headers);

     * 删除目录和文件
     * @param string $path 路径
     * @return boolean
    public function delete($path) {/*{{{*/
        return $this->_do_request('DELETE', $path);

     * 上传文件
     * @param string $path 存储路径
     * @param mixed $file 需要上传的文件,可以是文件流或者文件内容
     * @param boolean $auto_mkdir 自动创建目录
     * @param array $opts 可选参数
    public function writeFile($path, $file, $auto_mkdir = False, $opts = NULL) {/*{{{*/
        if (is_null($opts)) $opts = array();
        if (!is_null($this->_content_md5) || !is_null($this->_file_secret)) {
            //if (!is_null($this->_content_md5)) array_push($opts, self::CONTENT_MD5 . ": {$this->_content_md5}");
            //if (!is_null($this->_file_secret)) array_push($opts, self::CONTENT_SECRET . ": {$this->_file_secret}");
            if (!is_null($this->_content_md5)) $opts[self::CONTENT_MD5] = $this->_content_md5;
            if (!is_null($this->_file_secret)) $opts[self::CONTENT_SECRET] = $this->_file_secret;

        // 如果设置了缩略版本或者缩略图类型,则添加默认压缩质量和锐化参数
        //if (isset($opts[self::X_GMKERL_THUMBNAIL]) || isset($opts[self::X_GMKERL_TYPE])) {
        //    if (!isset($opts[self::X_GMKERL_QUALITY])) $opts[self::X_GMKERL_QUALITY] = 95;
        //    if (!isset($opts[self::X_GMKERL_UNSHARP])) $opts[self::X_GMKERL_UNSHARP] = 'true';

        if ($auto_mkdir === True) $opts['Mkdir'] = 'true';

        $this->_file_infos = $this->_do_request('PUT', $path, $opts, $file);

        return $this->_file_infos;

     * 下载文件
     * @param string $path 文件路径
     * @param mixed $file_handle
     * @return mixed
    public function readFile($path, $file_handle = NULL) {/*{{{*/
        return $this->_do_request('GET', $path, NULL, NULL, $file_handle);

     * 获取目录文件列表
     * @param string $path 查询路径
     * @return mixed
    public function getList($path = '/') {/*{{{*/
        $rsp = $this->_do_request('GET', $path);

        $list = array();
        if ($rsp) {
            $rsp = explode("\n", $rsp);
            foreach($rsp as $item) {
                @list($name, $type, $size, $time) = explode("\t", trim($item));
                if (!empty($time)) {
                    $type = $type == 'N' ? 'file' : 'folder';

                $item = array(
                    'name' => $name,
                    'type' => $type,
                    'size' => intval($size),
                    'time' => intval($time),
                array_push($list, $item);

        return $list;

     * 获取目录空间使用情况
     * @param string $path 目录路径
     * @return mixed
    public function getFolderUsage($path) {/*{{{*/
        $rsp = $this->_do_request('GET', $path . '?usage');
        return floatval($rsp);

     * 获取文件、目录信息
     * @param string $path 路径
     * @return mixed
    public function getFileInfo($path) {/*{{{*/
        $rsp = $this->_do_request('HEAD', $path);

        return $rsp;

    * 连接签名方法
    * @param $method 请求方式 {GET, POST, PUT, DELETE}
    * return 签名字符串
    private function sign($method, $uri, $date, $length){/*{{{*/
        //$uri = urlencode($uri);
        $sign = "{$method}&{$uri}&{$date}&{$length}&{$this->_password}";
        return 'UpYun '.$this->_username.':'.md5($sign);

     * HTTP REQUEST 封装
     * @param string $method HTTP REQUEST方法,包括PUT、POST、GET、OPTIONS、DELETE
     * @param string $path 除Bucketname之外的请求路径,包括get参数
     * @param array $headers 请求需要的特殊HTTP HEADERS
     * @param array $body 需要POST发送的数据
     * @return mixed
    protected function _do_request($method, $path, $headers = NULL, $body= NULL, $file_handle= NULL) {/*{{{*/
        $uri = "/{$this->_bucketname}{$path}";
        $ch = curl_init("http://{$this->endpoint}{$uri}");

        $_headers = array('Expect:');
        if (!is_null($headers) && is_array($headers)){
            foreach($headers as $k => $v) {
                array_push($_headers, "{$k}: {$v}");

        $length = 0;
        $date = gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s \G\M\T');

        if (!is_null($body)) {
                fseek($body, 0, SEEK_END);
                $length = ftell($body);
                fseek($body, 0);

                array_push($_headers, "Content-Length: {$length}");
                curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_INFILE, $body);
                curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_INFILESIZE, $length);
            else {
                $length = @strlen($body);
                array_push($_headers, "Content-Length: {$length}");
                curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $body);
        else {
            array_push($_headers, "Content-Length: {$length}");

        array_push($_headers, "Authorization: {$this->sign($method, $uri, $date, $length)}");
        array_push($_headers, "Date: {$date}");

        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $_headers);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, $this->_timeout);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 1);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
        //curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 0);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, $method);

        if ($method == 'PUT' || $method == 'POST') {
            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
        else {
            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 0);

        if ($method == 'GET' && is_resource($file_handle)) {
            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FILE, $file_handle);

        if ($method == 'HEAD') {
            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_NOBODY, true);

        $response = curl_exec($ch);
        $http_code = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);

        if ($http_code == 0) throw new UpYunException('Connection Failed', $http_code);


        $header_string = '';
        $body = '';

        if ($method == 'GET' && is_resource($file_handle)) {
            $header_string = '';
            $body = $response;
        else {
            list($header_string, $body) = explode("\r\n\r\n", $response, 2);

        if ($http_code == 200) {
            if ($method == 'GET' && is_null($file_handle)) {
                return $body;
            else {
                $data = $this->_getHeadersData($header_string);
                return count($data) > 0 ? $data : true;
            //elseif ($method == 'HEAD') {
            //    //return $this->_get_headers_data(substr($response, 0 , $header_size));
            //    return $this->_getHeadersData($header_string);
            //return True;
        else {
            $message = $this->_getErrorMessage($header_string);
            if (is_null($message) && $method == 'GET' && is_resource($file_handle)) {
                $message = 'File Not Found';
            switch($http_code) {
                case 401:
                    throw new UpYunAuthorizationException($message);
                case 403:
                    throw new UpYunForbiddenException($message);
                case 404:
                    throw new UpYunNotFoundException($message);
                case 406:
                    throw new UpYunNotAcceptableException($message);
                case 503:
                    throw new UpYunServiceUnavailable($message);
                    throw new UpYunException($message, $http_code);

     * 处理HTTP HEADERS中返回的自定义数据
     * @param string $text header字符串
     * @return array
    private function _getHeadersData($text) {/*{{{*/
        $headers = explode("\r\n", $text);
        $items = array();
        foreach($headers as $header) {
            $header = trim($header);
            if(strpos($header, 'x-upyun') !== False){
                list($k, $v) = explode(':', $header);
                $items[trim($k)] = in_array(substr($k,8,5), array('width','heigh','frame')) ? intval($v) : trim($v);
        return $items;

     * 获取返回的错误信息
     * @param string $header_string
     * @return mixed
    private function _getErrorMessage($header_string) {
        list($status, $stash) = explode("\r\n", $header_string, 2);
        list($v, $code, $message) = explode(" ", $status, 3);
        return $message;

     * 删除目录
     * @deprecated 
     * @param $path 路径
     * @return void
    public function rmDir($path) {/*{{{*/
        $this->_do_request('DELETE', $path);

     * 删除文件
     * @deprecated 
     * @param string $path 要删除的文件路径
     * @return boolean
    public function deleteFile($path) {/*{{{*/
        $rsp = $this->_do_request('DELETE', $path);

     * 获取目录文件列表
     * @deprecated
     * @param string $path 要获取列表的目录
     * @return array
    public function readDir($path) {/*{{{*/
        return $this->getList($path);

     * 获取空间使用情况
     * @deprecated 推荐直接使用 getFolderUsage('/')来获取
     * @return mixed
    public function getBucketUsage() {/*{{{*/
        return $this->getFolderUsage('/');

    * 获取文件信息
    * #deprecated
    * @param $file 文件路径(包含文件名)
    * return array('type'=> file | folder, 'size'=> file size, 'date'=> unix time) 或 null
    //public function getFileInfo($file){/*{{{*/
    //    $result = $this->head($file);
    //  if(is_null($r))return null;
    //  return array('type'=> $this->tmp_infos['x-upyun-file-type'], 'size'=> @intval($this->tmp_infos['x-upyun-file-size']), 'date'=> @intval($this->tmp_infos['x-upyun-file-date']));

    * 切换 API 接口的域名
    * @deprecated
    * @param $domain {默然 v0.api.upyun.com 自动识别, v1.api.upyun.com 电信, v2.api.upyun.com 联通, v3.api.upyun.com 移动}
    * return null;
    public function setApiDomain($domain){/*{{{*/
        $this->endpoint = $domain;

    * 设置待上传文件的 Content-MD5 值(如又拍云服务端收到的文件MD5值与用户设置的不一致,将回报 406 Not Acceptable 错误)
    * @deprecated
    * @param $str (文件 MD5 校验码)
    * return null;
    public function setContentMD5($str){/*{{{*/
        $this->_content_md5 = $str;

    * 设置待上传文件的 访问密钥(注意:仅支持图片空!,设置密钥后,无法根据原文件URL直接访问,需带 URL 后面加上 (缩略图间隔标志符+密钥) 进行访问)
    * 如缩略图间隔标志符为 ! ,密钥为 bac,上传文件路径为 /folder/test.jpg ,那么该图片的对外访问地址为: http://空间域名/folder/test.jpg!bac
    * @deprecated
    * @param $str (文件 MD5 校验码)
    * return null;
    public function setFileSecret($str){/*{{{*/
        $this->_file_secret = $str;

     * @deprecated
    * 获取上传文件后的信息(仅图片空间有返回数据)
    * @param $key 信息字段名(x-upyun-width、x-upyun-height、x-upyun-frames、x-upyun-file-type)
    * return value or NULL
    public function getWritedFileInfo($key){/*{{{*/
        if(!isset($this->_file_infos))return NULL;
        return $this->_file_infos[$key];
Copy after login
Copy after login

空间名 账户 密码都是对的 用*代替了 PHP API 就改了空间名 账户 密码 其他都没变




$upyun = new UpYun('*', '*', '*');

try {
    echo "直接上传文件\r\n";
    $fh = fopen('sample.jpeg', 'rb');
    $rsp = $upyun->writeFile('12.jpeg', $fh, True);   // 上传图片,自动创建目录
    echo "DONE\n\r\n";

    echo "设置MD5校验文件完整性\r\n";
    $opts = array(
        UpYun::CONTENT_MD5 => md5(file_get_contents("sample.jpeg"))
    $fh = fopen('sample.jpeg', 'rb');
    $rsp = $upyun->writeFile('/demo/sample_md5.jpeg', $fh, True, $opts);   // 上传图片,自动创建目录
    echo "DONE\r\n\r\n";

    echo "直接生成缩略图,不保存原图片,仅对图片文件有效\r\n";
    $opts = array(
        UpYun::X_GMKERL_TYPE    => 'square', // 缩略图类型
        UpYun::X_GMKERL_VALUE   => 150, // 缩略图大小
        UpYun::X_GMKERL_QUALITY => 95, // 缩略图压缩质量
        UpYun::X_GMKERL_UNSHARP => True // 是否进行锐化处理
    $fh = fopen('sample.jpeg', 'rb');
    $rsp = $upyun->writeFile('/demo/sample_thumb_1.jpeg', $fh, True, $opts);   // 上传图片,自动创建目录
    echo "DONE\r\n\r\n";

    echo "按照预先设置的缩略图类型生成缩略图类型生成缩略图,不保存原图,仅对图片空间有效\r\n";
    $opts = array(
        UpYun::X_GMKERL_THUMBNAIL => 'thumbtype'
    $fh = fopen('sample.jpeg', 'rb');
    $rsp = $upyun->writeFile('/demo/sample_thumb_2.jpeg', $fh, True, $opts);   // 上传图片,自动创建目录
    echo "DONE\r\n\r\n";
catch(Exception $e) {
    echo $e->getCode();
    echo $e->getMessage();
Copy after login
Copy after login

class UpYunException extends Exception {/*{{{*/
    public function __construct($message, $code, Exception $previous = null) {
        parent::__construct($message, $code);   // For PHP 5.2.x

    public function __toString() {
        return __CLASS__ . ": [{$this->code}]: {$this->message}\n";

class UpYunAuthorizationException extends UpYunException {/*{{{*/
    public function __construct($message, $code = 0, Exception $previous = null) {
        parent::__construct($message, 401, $previous);

class UpYunForbiddenException extends UpYunException {/*{{{*/
    public function __construct($message, $code = 0, Exception $previous = null) {
        parent::__construct($message, 403, $previous);

class UpYunNotFoundException extends UpYunException {/*{{{*/
    public function __construct($message, $code = 0, Exception $previous = null) {
        parent::__construct($message, 404, $previous);

class UpYunNotAcceptableException extends UpYunException {/*{{{*/
    public function __construct($message, $code = 0, Exception $previous = null) {
        parent::__construct($message, 406, $previous);

class UpYunServiceUnavailable extends UpYunException {/*{{{*/
    public function __construct($message, $code = 0, Exception $previous = null) {
        parent::__construct($message, 503, $previous);

class UpYun {
    const VERSION            = '2.0';

    const ED_AUTO            = 'v0.api.upyun.com';
    const ED_TELECOM         = 'v1.api.upyun.com';
    const ED_CNC             = 'v2.api.upyun.com';
    const ED_CTT             = 'v3.api.upyun.com';

    const CONTENT_TYPE       = 'Content-Type';
    const CONTENT_MD5        = 'Content-MD5';
    const CONTENT_SECRET     = 'Content-Secret';

    // 缩略图
    const X_GMKERL_THUMBNAIL = 'x-gmkerl-thumbnail';
    const X_GMKERL_TYPE      = 'x-gmkerl-type';
    const X_GMKERL_VALUE     = 'x-gmkerl-value';
    const X_GMKERL_QUALITY   = 'x­gmkerl-quality';
    const X_GMKERL_UNSHARP   = 'x­gmkerl-unsharp';

    private $_bucket_name;
    private $_username;
    private $_password;
    private $_timeout = 30;

     * @deprecated
    private $_content_md5 = NULL;

     * @deprecated
    private $_file_secret = NULL;

     * @deprecated
    private $_file_infos= NULL;

    protected $endpoint;

    * 初始化 UpYun 存储接口
    * @param $bucketname 空间名称
    * @param $username 操作员名称
    * @param $password 密码
    * @return object
    public function __construct($*, $*, $*, $endpoint = NULL, $timeout = 30) {/*{{{*/
        $this->_bucketname = $*;
        $this->_username = $*;
        $this->_password = md5($*;
        $this->_timeout = $timeout;

        $this->endpoint = is_null($endpoint) ? self::ED_AUTO : $endpoint;

     * 获取当前SDK版本号
    public function version() {
        return self::VERSION;

     * 创建目录
     * @param $path 路径
     * @param $auto_mkdir 是否自动创建父级目录,最多10层次
     * @return void
    public function makeDir($path, $auto_mkdir = false) {/*{{{*/
        $headers = array('Folder' => 'true');
        if ($auto_mkdir) $headers['Mkdir'] = 'true';
        return $this->_do_request('PUT', $path, $headers);

     * 删除目录和文件
     * @param string $path 路径
     * @return boolean
    public function delete($path) {/*{{{*/
        return $this->_do_request('DELETE', $path);

     * 上传文件
     * @param string $path 存储路径
     * @param mixed $file 需要上传的文件,可以是文件流或者文件内容
     * @param boolean $auto_mkdir 自动创建目录
     * @param array $opts 可选参数
    public function writeFile($path, $file, $auto_mkdir = False, $opts = NULL) {/*{{{*/
        if (is_null($opts)) $opts = array();
        if (!is_null($this->_content_md5) || !is_null($this->_file_secret)) {
            //if (!is_null($this->_content_md5)) array_push($opts, self::CONTENT_MD5 . ": {$this->_content_md5}");
            //if (!is_null($this->_file_secret)) array_push($opts, self::CONTENT_SECRET . ": {$this->_file_secret}");
            if (!is_null($this->_content_md5)) $opts[self::CONTENT_MD5] = $this->_content_md5;
            if (!is_null($this->_file_secret)) $opts[self::CONTENT_SECRET] = $this->_file_secret;

        // 如果设置了缩略版本或者缩略图类型,则添加默认压缩质量和锐化参数
        //if (isset($opts[self::X_GMKERL_THUMBNAIL]) || isset($opts[self::X_GMKERL_TYPE])) {
        //    if (!isset($opts[self::X_GMKERL_QUALITY])) $opts[self::X_GMKERL_QUALITY] = 95;
        //    if (!isset($opts[self::X_GMKERL_UNSHARP])) $opts[self::X_GMKERL_UNSHARP] = 'true';

        if ($auto_mkdir === True) $opts['Mkdir'] = 'true';

        $this->_file_infos = $this->_do_request('PUT', $path, $opts, $file);

        return $this->_file_infos;

     * 下载文件
     * @param string $path 文件路径
     * @param mixed $file_handle
     * @return mixed
    public function readFile($path, $file_handle = NULL) {/*{{{*/
        return $this->_do_request('GET', $path, NULL, NULL, $file_handle);

     * 获取目录文件列表
     * @param string $path 查询路径
     * @return mixed
    public function getList($path = '/') {/*{{{*/
        $rsp = $this->_do_request('GET', $path);

        $list = array();
        if ($rsp) {
            $rsp = explode("\n", $rsp);
            foreach($rsp as $item) {
                @list($name, $type, $size, $time) = explode("\t", trim($item));
                if (!empty($time)) {
                    $type = $type == 'N' ? 'file' : 'folder';

                $item = array(
                    'name' => $name,
                    'type' => $type,
                    'size' => intval($size),
                    'time' => intval($time),
                array_push($list, $item);

        return $list;

     * 获取目录空间使用情况
     * @param string $path 目录路径
     * @return mixed
    public function getFolderUsage($path) {/*{{{*/
        $rsp = $this->_do_request('GET', $path . '?usage');
        return floatval($rsp);

     * 获取文件、目录信息
     * @param string $path 路径
     * @return mixed
    public function getFileInfo($path) {/*{{{*/
        $rsp = $this->_do_request('HEAD', $path);

        return $rsp;

    * 连接签名方法
    * @param $method 请求方式 {GET, POST, PUT, DELETE}
    * return 签名字符串
    private function sign($method, $uri, $date, $length){/*{{{*/
        //$uri = urlencode($uri);
        $sign = "{$method}&{$uri}&{$date}&{$length}&{$this->_password}";
        return 'UpYun '.$this->_username.':'.md5($sign);

     * HTTP REQUEST 封装
     * @param string $method HTTP REQUEST方法,包括PUT、POST、GET、OPTIONS、DELETE
     * @param string $path 除Bucketname之外的请求路径,包括get参数
     * @param array $headers 请求需要的特殊HTTP HEADERS
     * @param array $body 需要POST发送的数据
     * @return mixed
    protected function _do_request($method, $path, $headers = NULL, $body= NULL, $file_handle= NULL) {/*{{{*/
        $uri = "/{$this->_bucketname}{$path}";
        $ch = curl_init("http://{$this->endpoint}{$uri}");

        $_headers = array('Expect:');
        if (!is_null($headers) && is_array($headers)){
            foreach($headers as $k => $v) {
                array_push($_headers, "{$k}: {$v}");

        $length = 0;
        $date = gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s \G\M\T');

        if (!is_null($body)) {
                fseek($body, 0, SEEK_END);
                $length = ftell($body);
                fseek($body, 0);

                array_push($_headers, "Content-Length: {$length}");
                curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_INFILE, $body);
                curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_INFILESIZE, $length);
            else {
                $length = @strlen($body);
                array_push($_headers, "Content-Length: {$length}");
                curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $body);
        else {
            array_push($_headers, "Content-Length: {$length}");

        array_push($_headers, "Authorization: {$this->sign($method, $uri, $date, $length)}");
        array_push($_headers, "Date: {$date}");

        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $_headers);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, $this->_timeout);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 1);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
        //curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 0);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, $method);

        if ($method == 'PUT' || $method == 'POST') {
            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
        else {
            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 0);

        if ($method == 'GET' && is_resource($file_handle)) {
            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FILE, $file_handle);

        if ($method == 'HEAD') {
            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_NOBODY, true);

        $response = curl_exec($ch);
        $http_code = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);

        if ($http_code == 0) throw new UpYunException('Connection Failed', $http_code);


        $header_string = '';
        $body = '';

        if ($method == 'GET' && is_resource($file_handle)) {
            $header_string = '';
            $body = $response;
        else {
            list($header_string, $body) = explode("\r\n\r\n", $response, 2);

        if ($http_code == 200) {
            if ($method == 'GET' && is_null($file_handle)) {
                return $body;
            else {
                $data = $this->_getHeadersData($header_string);
                return count($data) > 0 ? $data : true;
            //elseif ($method == 'HEAD') {
            //    //return $this->_get_headers_data(substr($response, 0 , $header_size));
            //    return $this->_getHeadersData($header_string);
            //return True;
        else {
            $message = $this->_getErrorMessage($header_string);
            if (is_null($message) && $method == 'GET' && is_resource($file_handle)) {
                $message = 'File Not Found';
            switch($http_code) {
                case 401:
                    throw new UpYunAuthorizationException($message);
                case 403:
                    throw new UpYunForbiddenException($message);
                case 404:
                    throw new UpYunNotFoundException($message);
                case 406:
                    throw new UpYunNotAcceptableException($message);
                case 503:
                    throw new UpYunServiceUnavailable($message);
                    throw new UpYunException($message, $http_code);

     * 处理HTTP HEADERS中返回的自定义数据
     * @param string $text header字符串
     * @return array
    private function _getHeadersData($text) {/*{{{*/
        $headers = explode("\r\n", $text);
        $items = array();
        foreach($headers as $header) {
            $header = trim($header);
            if(strpos($header, 'x-upyun') !== False){
                list($k, $v) = explode(':', $header);
                $items[trim($k)] = in_array(substr($k,8,5), array('width','heigh','frame')) ? intval($v) : trim($v);
        return $items;

     * 获取返回的错误信息
     * @param string $header_string
     * @return mixed
    private function _getErrorMessage($header_string) {
        list($status, $stash) = explode("\r\n", $header_string, 2);
        list($v, $code, $message) = explode(" ", $status, 3);
        return $message;

     * 删除目录
     * @deprecated 
     * @param $path 路径
     * @return void
    public function rmDir($path) {/*{{{*/
        $this->_do_request('DELETE', $path);

     * 删除文件
     * @deprecated 
     * @param string $path 要删除的文件路径
     * @return boolean
    public function deleteFile($path) {/*{{{*/
        $rsp = $this->_do_request('DELETE', $path);

     * 获取目录文件列表
     * @deprecated
     * @param string $path 要获取列表的目录
     * @return array
    public function readDir($path) {/*{{{*/
        return $this->getList($path);

     * 获取空间使用情况
     * @deprecated 推荐直接使用 getFolderUsage('/')来获取
     * @return mixed
    public function getBucketUsage() {/*{{{*/
        return $this->getFolderUsage('/');

    * 获取文件信息
    * #deprecated
    * @param $file 文件路径(包含文件名)
    * return array('type'=> file | folder, 'size'=> file size, 'date'=> unix time) 或 null
    //public function getFileInfo($file){/*{{{*/
    //    $result = $this->head($file);
    //  if(is_null($r))return null;
    //  return array('type'=> $this->tmp_infos['x-upyun-file-type'], 'size'=> @intval($this->tmp_infos['x-upyun-file-size']), 'date'=> @intval($this->tmp_infos['x-upyun-file-date']));

    * 切换 API 接口的域名
    * @deprecated
    * @param $domain {默然 v0.api.upyun.com 自动识别, v1.api.upyun.com 电信, v2.api.upyun.com 联通, v3.api.upyun.com 移动}
    * return null;
    public function setApiDomain($domain){/*{{{*/
        $this->endpoint = $domain;

    * 设置待上传文件的 Content-MD5 值(如又拍云服务端收到的文件MD5值与用户设置的不一致,将回报 406 Not Acceptable 错误)
    * @deprecated
    * @param $str (文件 MD5 校验码)
    * return null;
    public function setContentMD5($str){/*{{{*/
        $this->_content_md5 = $str;

    * 设置待上传文件的 访问密钥(注意:仅支持图片空!,设置密钥后,无法根据原文件URL直接访问,需带 URL 后面加上 (缩略图间隔标志符+密钥) 进行访问)
    * 如缩略图间隔标志符为 ! ,密钥为 bac,上传文件路径为 /folder/test.jpg ,那么该图片的对外访问地址为: http://空间域名/folder/test.jpg!bac
    * @deprecated
    * @param $str (文件 MD5 校验码)
    * return null;
    public function setFileSecret($str){/*{{{*/
        $this->_file_secret = $str;

     * @deprecated
    * 获取上传文件后的信息(仅图片空间有返回数据)
    * @param $key 信息字段名(x-upyun-width、x-upyun-height、x-upyun-frames、x-upyun-file-type)
    * return value or NULL
    public function getWritedFileInfo($key){/*{{{*/
        if(!isset($this->_file_infos))return NULL;
        return $this->_file_infos[$key];
Copy after login
Copy after login

空间名 账户 密码都是对的 用*代替了 PHP API 就改了空间名 账户 密码 其他都没变

$rsp = $upyun->writeFile('12.jpeg', $fh, True);

保存路径必须已斜杠 "/" 开头: $rsp = $upyun->writeFile('/12.jpeg', $fh, True);

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