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图片上传+缩略图+水印处理代码:    //文件上传<br>     Public function _upload( $thumb = false , $thumbWidth = '' , $thumbHeight = '') {<br>         $upload = new \Think\Upload();// 实例化上传类<br>         $upload->maxSize = 3145728 ;// 设置附件上传大小<br>         $upload->exts =  array('jpg', 'gif', 'png', 'jpeg');// 设置附件上传类型<br>         $upload->savePath =  '/' . CONTROLLER_NAME .'/'; // 设置附件上传目录<br>         $info = $upload->upload();<br>         if(!$info) {<br>             return array('status' =>0, 'info'=> $upload->getError() );<br>         }else{<br>             if( $thumb ) {    //生成缩略图<br> <br>                 $image = new \Think\Image(); <br> <br>                 foreach($info as $file) {<br>                     $thumb_file = './Uploads/' . $file['savepath'] . $file['savename'];<br>                     $save_path = './Uploads/' .$file['savepath'] . 'mini_' . $file['savename'];<br>                     $image->open( $thumb_file )->text('德兴房产','./data/1.otf',30,'#A7AAA4',\Think\Image::IMAGE_WATER_SOUTHWEST)->save( $thumb_file );<br>                     $image->open( $thumb_file )->text('德兴房产','./data/1.otf',24,'#A7AAA4',\Think\Image::IMAGE_WATER_SOUTHWEST)->thumb( $thumbWidth, $thumbHeight )->save( $save_path );<br>                     return array(<br>                         'status' => 1, <br>                         'savepath' => $file['savepath'],<br>                         'savename' => $file['savename'],<br>                         'pic_path' => $file['savepath'] . $file['savename'],<br>                         'mini_pic' => $file['savepath'] . 'mini_' .$file['savename']<br>                     );   <br>                 }<br>             }else{<br>                 foreach($info as $file) {<br>                     return array(<br>                         'status' => 1, <br>                         'savepath' => $file['savepath'],<br>                         'savename' => $file['savename'],<br>                         'pic_path' => $file['savepath'].$file['savename']<br>                     );   <br>                 }<br>             }<br>         }<br>     }前端主要代码(参考http://www.thinkphp.cn/code/151.html):                        <div> <br>                             <div> <br>                                 <div> <br>                                     <div> <br>                                         <div> <br>                                             <input><br>                                         </div> <br>                                         <div> <br>                                             <p><br>                                                 </p> <ul></ul> <br>                                             <br>                                         </div> <br>                                     </div> <br>                                 </div> <br>                             </div> <br>                         </div> <!-- END #TAB3 --><br> <br>                         <div> <br>                             <button>确 认</button><br>                             <a>返 回</a><br>                         </div> <br>                      <br>                 <br>             <br>         <br>     <br> <br> <block><br>     <link> <br>     <link> <br>     <script></script><br>     <script></script><br>     <script><br /> $(function(){<br /> var sid = "{:session_id()}";<br /> $(&#039;#upload&#039;).uploadify({<br /> &#039;swf&#039;:&#039;__PUBLIC__/assets/plugins/uploadify/uploadify.swf&#039;,<br /> &#039;buttonText&#039;: &#039;选择图片&#039;,<br /> &#039;formData&#039;: { &#039;session_id&#039;:sid},<br /> &#039;uploader&#039;: "{:U(&#039;uploadPic&#039;)}",<br /> &#039;fileTypeDesc&#039;:&#039;Image File&#039;,<br /> &#039;fileTypeExts&#039;:&#039;*.jpg; *.jpeg; *.gif; *.png&#039;,<br /> &#039;auto&#039; : true,<br /> &#039;removeCompleted&#039;: false,<br /> onUploadSuccess: function(file, data, response) {<br /> $(&#039;#progress&#039;).hide();<br /> var result = $.parseJSON(data);<br /> //错误处理。。。<br /> if(result.status == 0){<br /> alert(result.info);<br /> return false;<br /> }<br /> //上传成功<br /> var id = Math.random().toString();<br /> id = id.replace(&#039;.&#039;,&#039;_&#039;); //生成唯一标示<br /> var html = &#039;<li class="imageitem" id="&#039;+id+&#039;">&#039;;<br /> html+= &#039;<input type="hidden" name="file[]" value="&#039;+result.pic_path+&#039;">&#039;; //隐藏域,是为了把图片地址入库。。<br /> html+= &#039;<input type="hidden" name="minifile[]" value="&#039;+result.mini_pic+&#039;">&#039;; //隐藏域,是为了把图片地址入库。。<br /> html+= &#039;<img src="/static/imghw/default1.png" data-src="__ROOT__/Uploads/&#039;+result.pic_path+&#039;" class="lazy" style="max-width:90%" style="max-width:90%" / alt="TP3.2:上传预览+缩略图+水印实例" >&#039;;<br /> html+= &#039;<span class="txt">&#039;;<br /> html+= &#039;<a title="删除" href=javascript:remove("&#039;+result.pic_path+&#039;","&#039;+id+&#039;");><img src="/static/imghw/default1.png" data-src="__PUBLIC__/assets/plugins/uploadify/remove.png" class="lazy" / alt="TP3.2:上传预览+缩略图+水印实例" >&#039;;<br /> html+= &#039;<a title="设为封面" href=javascript:tocover("&#039;+result.pic_path+&#039;");><img src="/static/imghw/default1.png" data-src="__PUBLIC__/assets/plugins/uploadify/right.png" class="lazy" / alt="TP3.2:上传预览+缩略图+水印实例" >&#039;;<br /> html+= &#039;&#039;;<br /> html+= &#039;<em><input class="form-control" value="&#039;+file.name+&#039;">&#039;;<br /> html+= &#039;&#039;;<br /> $(&#039;#image_result&#039;).append(html);<br /> },<br /> onUploadStart: function(){<br /> $(&#039;#progress&#039;).text(&#039;正在上传...&#039;); //用户等待提示。<br /> },<br /> onInit: function (){ <br /> $("#upload-queue").hide(); //隐藏上传队列 <br /> } <br /> }); <br /> });<br /> function remove(file,id){<br /> alert(&#039;删除成功!&#039;+"\r\n"+file);<br /> $(&#039;#&#039;+id).remove();<br /> }<br /> function tocover(file){<br /> alert(&#039;设为封面成功&#039;+"\r\n"+file);<br /> }<br /> function check(){<br /> if($(&#039;input[name="title"]&#039;).val()==""){<br /> toastr[&#039;error&#039;](&#039;标题不能为空!&#039;);<br /> return false;<br /> }<br /> }<br /> <br /> </script><br> </block>TP3.2:上传预览+缩略图+水印实例TP3.2:上传预览+缩略图+水印实例


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