body { MARGIN: 0px;以上代码的作用在上一天的教程有详细说明,大家应该一看就明白。定义了边框边距为0;背景颜色为#FEFEFE,背景图片为bg_logo.gif,图片位于页面右下角,不重复;定义了字体尺寸为12px;字体颜色为#666;行高150%。
注意:定义中列和右列div我都采用了POSITION: absolute;,然后分别定义了LEFT:200px;TOP:0px;和LEFT:500px;TOP:0px;这是这个布局的关键,我采用了层的绝对定位。定义中间列距离页面左边框200px,距离顶部0px;定义右列距离页面左边框500px,距离顶部0px;。
At this time, the page effect can only see three juxtaposed gray rectangles and a background image. But I want the height to be full screen, what should I do?
In order to keep the three columns with the same height, I tried to set "height:100%;" in #left, #middle and #right, but found that there was no expected adaptive height effect at all. After some attempts, I had to give each div an absolute height: "height:1000px;", and as the content increased, I needed to constantly correct this value. Is there no way to adjust the height? As Ajie's own study deepened, he discovered a flexible solution. In fact, there is no need to set 100% at all. We have been too deeply imprisoned by table thinking. This method will be introduced in detail in the next section of study.