Universal traversal method, which can be used to traverse objects and arrays. $().each(), the callback function has two parameters:
The first one is the index of the object’s member or array, and the second one is the corresponding variable or content. If you want to exit each loop, you can make the callback function return false
There are two options as follows
计划类别: <select id="PLANTYPE"> <option value="0">-所有-</option> <option value="1">新建</option> <option value="2">续建</option> </select> 申报类型: <select id="AUDITTYPE"> <option value="0">-所有-</option> <option value="1">申报</option> <option value="2">修改</option> </select>
Use each method to get the text value in option, namely -all-, new, continue...
If you only use each loop once, you can start from option
$("option").each(function(index,data){ console.info($( data ).text()); //或者console.info($(this).text()); })
You can also start from select
$("select").each(function( index,data){ $("option", data).each(function(m,n){ console.info($(this).text()); }) })
$("option", data) must be added with data or $("option",this) to indicate the option
under this objectOtherwise it’s all options.
--------------------------Gorgeous dividing line----------------- ------------
There is another usage of each jQuery.each(object, [callback])
Unlike the $().each() method of jQuery objects, this method can be used to iterate over any object.
Use this method to traverse the above code
$.each($("option"),function(index,data){ console.info(index+" "+data); })
You can also traverse arrays
$.each( [0,1,2], function(i, n){ console.info( "Index:" + i + ": " + n ); });
Traverse objects
$.each({ name: "itmyhome", addr: "Beijing" },function(i, n){ console.info("Name: " + i + ", Value: " + n); });