NPM is a Node package management and distribution tool that has become an unofficial standard for publishing Node modules (packages). With NPM, you can quickly find the packages used by specific services, download, install and manage installed packages.
Commonly used commands in NPM include:
(1)$ npm install moduleNames
Install Node module
Note: If you don’t know the name of the module when using it, you can follow the
Find the desired module using the index value. npm also provides the query function $ npm search indexName
After the installation is completed, a node_modules directory will be generated, under which are the installed node modules.
The installation of node is divided into global mode and local mode. Normally it will run in local mode and the package will be installed
Go to the local node_modules directory that contains statistics about your application code. In global mode, the Node package will be
Install it into node_modules in the Node installation directory. The global installation command is
Learn to use $npm set global=true to set the installation mode
, $npm get global can view the currently used installation mode.
(2)$ npm view moduleNames
Note: If you want to view the content of a tag under the package.json folder, you can use
(3)$ npm list
View the installed node packages in the current directory
Contents under node_modules. $ npm list parseable=true can display the current content in the form of a directory
All node packages installed before
(4)$ npm help
View help command
(5)$ npm view moudleName dependencies
View package dependencies
(6)$ npm view moduleName repository.url
View the source file address of the package
(7)$ npm view moduleName engines
View the version of Node that the package depends on
(8)$npm help folders
View all folders used by npm
(9)$ npm rebuild moduleName
Used to rebuild after changing the package content
(10)$ npm outdated
Check whether the package is outdated, this command will list all outdated packages, and you can update the package in time
(11)$ npm update moduleName
Update node module
(12)$ npm uninstall moudleName
Uninstall node module
(13) An npm package is a folder containing package.json, and package.json describes the structure of this folder. Visit
The method to ask npm for the json folder is as follows:
This command will open a webpage in the default way. If the default opening program is changed, it may not open as a webpage
$ npm search packageName
Use the following command to check the interdependent packages of this module
npm is the package manager for Node.JS. When doing Node.JS development, it is often used to install/uninstall packages. In fact, it does the work of publishing packages.
Configuration package.json
To package a program, you must first configure various settings, which are specified by package.json in the root directory of the package. The content of package.json must be in strict JSON format, that is:Strings must be enclosed in double quotes, not single quotes;
The attribute name must be enclosed in double quotes;
Never add an extra comma after the last attribute.
There are many attributes of the configuration object. For details, please refer to here. Here are the commonly used items:
version: version number.
description: A short introduction.
author: author information. Contains three attributes: name, email, and url.
bin: If there is an executable file in the program (mainly called from the command line), specify it here. You can specify multiple files.
main: The program entry when calling this package using require.
dependencies: Dependent packages, version numbers can be specified.
npm install
#!/usr/bin/env node
Register npm account
To publish the package to npm, you need to register an account first. npm does not provide a web version of the registration wizard. Registration also needs to be done through the command line:npm adduser
After executing this command, prompts for entering your username, email, and password will appear in sequence. Just wait for a while after entering them.
The preparations are all done. Execute the following command to publish the package:
npm publish
If you want to update the package, just modify the version number in package.json and re-execute the publish command.