The Grid Layout Javascript enables web-developers to stick to a Grid Layout quickly and simply Web 2.0 Badges - a set of free and very cool web badges (transparent). Mycoolbutton - simple web 2.0 button maker. Stripe Generator - the profes
The Grid Layout Javascript enables web-developers to stick to a Grid Layout quickly and simply

Web 2.0 Badges - a set of free and very cool web badges (transparent).

Mycoolbutton - simple web 2.0 button maker.

Stripe Generator - the professional and popular web 2.0 stripe generator. - Loading gif generator.

Webscriptlab - Ajax loading gif gen.

Roundedcornr - rounded corners very usefull and stylish.

Web 2.0 logo creatr - simple web 2.0 logo generator.

logocreator - another web 2.0 logo creator.

Web 2.0 Logo Generator

Web20generator - web 2.0 template generator.

Buttonator - online buttons generator

Web 2.0 Stylr - web 2.0 logo generator. - online background image generator. - new loading gif generator. - simple online gradient image maker - web 2.0 stripe generator

Other usefull online generators:
ascii generators

- ASCII Artist
This little program converts your picture to ASCII text art
- ASCII Generator
Generate a ASCII graphic from a word or text. Over 130 fonts.
- ASCII-O-Matic
is a web application that can convert an image into ASCII Art dynamically
color generators

css generators

domain name generators

email generators

- Advanced Email Link Generator
Advanced Email Link Generator with Anti-Spam Encoder
- E-Mail Icon Generator
For GMail, Hotmail, MSN, Yahoo!, AOL and many more!
- Email Riddler (online tool)
Email Riddler is an online tool that encrypts and transform your email address into a series of numbers when displaying it, making it virtually impossible for spam harvesters to crawl and add your email to their list.
- NeedASig
Email and Forum Signature Icon Generator
favicon generators

flash generators

- Flash Buttons Menu Generator
Free Animated Flash Buttons Menu Generator
This tool will let you easily embed flash movies into HTML.
form generators

- Accessible Form Builder
Generate XHTML-compliant accessible forms quicky and easily
- Accessible Form Creator
allows you to create forms for web sites containing all the additional markup required to make the forms accessible under div 508 standards and the W3C WCAG 1.0 Priority 1-3 Guidelines.
- Contact Form Generator
The free Website Contact Form Generator utility enables you to create form-to-email scripts for your ASP, PHP or Perl web site with no programming skills needed.
- CSS Form Code Maker
Generates ‘Colorful Box Layout’ For Forms
- Form Element Generator
allows you to create forms for web sites containing all the additional markup required to make the forms accessible under div 508 standards and the W3C WCAG 1.0 Priority 1-3 Guidelines.
- FormLogix
FormLogix is an online web database and form generator solution.Free
- JotForm
Web Based WYSIWYG Form Builder
- PHP FormMail Generator
A tool to create ready-to-use web forms in a flash. Once the form has been generated, you have a full functional web form. Including error checking of required fields, email address validation, credit card number & expiry date checking, multiple attachments sending, and email auto responding.
- Wufoo
Making forms easy + fast + fun.
- Web Form Factory
Open Source Web Form Generator
fun & humor

graphics & image generators

- Ajaxload
Ajax loading gif generator
- Background Image Maker
A background image maker that lets you choose the type, margin, linecolor, background color, size and transparency.
- Button Maker
A quick and easy tool that automatically creates an 80×15 or 88×31 button by your specifications.
- Button Maker :: Adam Kalsey
Create 80×15 stickers for your blog with any text or color you desire.
- Brilliant Button Maker by
A web application to create customizable 80×15 brilliant buttons
- PHP/SWF Charts
is a simple, yet powerful PHP tool to create attractive web charts and graphs from dynamic data.
- ACME Label Maker
Make a label!
- Create A Graph
Create Graphs and Charts
- iGal
Online Image GALlery generator
- Web2.0 Logo Creator
Web2.0 Logo Generator
- Cool Text (Logo Generator)
Logo and Graphics Generator
- Online SiGGy Maker
Online Signature Maker
- phpThumb()
The PHP thumbnail creator
- PixelButton
PixelButton is an Antipixel online generator, easy and fast to use.
- Portrait Avatar Maker
- Portrait Illustration Maker
Let’s make an original icon!
- RSS Button Generator
150 Fonts, 144 Colors - 80×15 Pixel Button Maker
- Sparklines
You can start right away by dynamically creating a sparkline using the Sparkline Generator Web Application
- StripGenerator
Make your own cartoon online
- Texture Maker
Texture Maker is a seamless texture generator and designer…..
- Thumbnail Generator
An easy way to process thumbnails from a large amount of images
- Tile Machine 1.0
A web generator for designing graphic tiles
- Typogenerator
typoGenerator is a random generator for ‘typoPosters’. the user types some text; typoGenerator searches for the text and creates a background from the found images….
- Wallpaper Generator
- Web Album Generator 1.8
Create Online Photo Albums
htaccess generators

metatag generators

misc generators

password generators

- Free Password Generator
Free passwords for all purposes
- hashapass
Hashapass automatically generates strong passwords from a master password and a parameter.
- Perfect Passwords
GRC’s Ultra High Security Password Generator
- Phonetic Password Generator
online Password Generator
- Password generator
this is a little Javascript program that will concatenate two fields and MD5 them…
- Password Generator
This tool lets you use one “master” password to create unique, complex passwords for each website you visit.
- Perfect Passwords
Ultra High Security Password Generator
pdf generators

php & MySQL generators

popup generators

- Accessible Pop-up Window Generator
Create pop-ups that are accessible and search engine-friendly
- Popup Window Generator
This code generator will make a script that you can add to your page using the Insert HTML Element which will pop up a window for you.
- Popup Window Generator
Use Eric’s Popup window Generator to easily add popup windows to your site!
- Popup Window Maker
Fill out the specifications of the popup window you would like to use, including the URL and the various options such as menubars, toolbars, scrollbars, etc, and click the generate button
robots.txt generators

- Robots.txt Generator
Robot Control Code Generation Tool
- Robots.txt Generator
robots.txt Generator (german)
- Robots Txt Generator
Use this tool to generate a simple robots file for your website…
- Robots.txt syntax checker
This robots.txt syntax checker checks the contents of a site’s robots.txt…
rss generators

sitemap generators

- Free Sitemap Generator
“Our tool creates a sitemap as defined by Google™ for your site.”
- Google Sitemap Generator for WordPress v2 Final
This plugin generates a Google Sitemaps compliant sitemap of your WordPress blog.
- Google Sitemaps beta
Google sitemap generator
- ROR Sitemap Generator
This free tool will crawl your website and generate a ROR Sitemap with up to 1,000 URLs for ALL search engines, not just Google
- Sitemap Generator
Free Online Sitemap Generator - Build your Site Map online (XML, ROR, Text, HTML)
text generators

tooltip generators

- DHTML Tooltip Generator
Sometimes the HTML “alt=” isn’t enough to relay the detail you’d like it to. Here is a tool that will allow you to give your users more interactive tooltips.
- Flash Tooltip Generator
Free online flash generator create a flash tooltip
weblog generators

- Blogger archive script generator
This page will generate a Blogger archive script with your choice of date formatting, creating either a select (dropdown) menu, or a list of links….
free blog poll for your weblog
- Eris’ Template Generator
Free Blog Templates
- Firdamatic
The Design Tool for the Uninspired Webloggers
- Movable Type Style Generator
Create a Movable Type Style visually with this generator.
- PsycHo
Free weblog template generator
- Weblog Name Generator
Random Title Generator For Blogs
xml generators

- XMLBuddy
Supports XML and DTDs. Generates DTD from XML instance. Validates and provides code assist based on DTDs or document contents (no DTD)…
- XML Forms Generator
A standards-based, data-driven Eclipse plug-in that generates functional forms with XForms mark-up embedded within an XHTML document from a XML data instance or a WSDL document
- XML Generator
To Generate XML from any data source
1.Web2.0Stylr 在这个网站,你可以轻松制作出渐变和倒影效果,并能够选择20余种英文字体。

2.Web2.0Badges 这是一个制作Web2.0风格徽章的网站,他不仅提供在线服务,还提供了PSD文件下载。PS达人不妨下载源文件后自由挥洒创意。

3.Web2.0 Logo Creatr 功能和Web2.0Stylr

4.MyCoolButton 在线制作Web2.0风格按钮的网站,功能十分强大。