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将数据导出至 M$ Access

Release: 2016-06-07 15:32:26
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Dev Express 中的 dxDBGrid/cxGrid 均提供了将表格中 数据 导出 到 M$ Excel 等中的方法,但大多时候,却需将 数据 导出 至 M$ Access 中... 于是便有了本文。 uses ComObj, Gauges, ShellAPI; const ExportTabName_MDB = '营销 数据 '; MDBStr = 'Provider=

Dev Express 中的 dxDBGrid/cxGrid 均提供了将表格中数据导出到 M$ Excel 等中的方法,但大多时候,却需将数据导出至 M$ Access 中...

      ComObj, Gauges, ShellAPI;

      ExportTabName_MDB = '营销数据';
      MDBStr = 'Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=%s';

      ExportName: string;
      ExportColumnLst: TStringList; //列名;列类型(长度)
      ExportName:= '导出结果.MDB'; //use a SaveDialog to select the save name here
      ExportColumnLst:= TStringList.Create;

      //(示例)导出列列表,注意 格式
      ExportColumnLst.Add('Contact;联系人 varchar(30)');
      ExportColumnLst.Add('Gender;性别 varchar(2)');
      ExportColumnLst.Add('Address;地址 varchar(100)');
      ExportColumnLst.Add('PostCode;邮编 varchar(6)');

        ExportToMDB(ExportName, ExportColumnLst);

    procedure ExportToMDB(ExportMDBName: string; ExportColumnLst);
      function CreateMDB(MDBFileName: string): Boolean;
        vMDB: Variant;
        Result:= False;

        vMDB:= CreateOleObject('ADOX.Catalog');
        vMDB.Create(Format(MDBStr, [MDBFileName]));
        vMDB:= UnAssigned;

        Result:= True;

      function CreateTab(MDBAndTabName: string; ExportColumnLst: TStringList;
        aqy_ExecSQL: TADOQuery): Boolean;
        i: Integer;
        StrTmp: string;
        SQLTxt: string;
        MDBName: string;
        TabName: string;
        Result:= False;

        SQLTxt:= '';
        for i:= 0 to ExportColumnLst.Count - 1 do
          StrTmp:= ExportColumnLst.Strings;

          if SQLTxt = '' then
            SQLTxt:= Copy(StrTmp, Pos(';', StrTmp) + 1, Length(StrTmp));
            SQLTxt:= SQLTxt + ',' +
                       Copy(StrTmp, Pos(';', StrTmp) + 1, Length(StrTmp));

        MDBName:= Copy(MDBAndTabName, 1, Pos(';', MDBAndTabName) - 1);
        TabName:= Copy(
                       Pos(';', MDBAndTabName) + 1,

        with aqy_ExecSQL do

            'Provider=MSDataShape.1;Data Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;' +
            'Data Source=' + MDBName + ';Persist Security Info=false';

            'create table ' + TabName +
            '(' +
              SQLTxt +

            on E: Exception do
                         PChar('创建表失败!' + #13 + '失败原因:' + E.Message),
                         MB_OK + MB_ICONERROR

        Result:= True;
      aqy_ExecSQL: TADOQuery;
      SQLTxt: string;
      i: Integer;
      StrTmp: string;
      ExportColumn: string;
      ExportColumnParam: string;
      ExportParamLst: TStringList;
      GgTip: TGauge;
      CurrRec: Integer;
      if CreateMDB(ExportMDBName) then
        aqy_ExecSQL:= TADOQuery.Create(Self);
          if CreateTab(
                       ExportMDBName + ';' + ExportTabName_MDB,
                      ) then
            Screen.Cursor:= crHourGlass;

            ExportColumn:= '';
            ExportColumnParam:= '';
            ExportParamLst:= TStringList.Create;
            for i:= 0 to ExportColumnLst.Count - 1 do
              StrTmp:= ExportColumnLst.Strings;

              if ExportColumn = '' then
                ExportColumn:= Copy(StrTmp, 1, Pos(';', StrTmp) - 1);
                ExportColumnParam:= ':' + ExportColumn;
                ExportColumn:= ExportColumn + ',' +
                                 Copy(StrTmp, 1, Pos(';', StrTmp) - 1);
                ExportColumnParam:= ExportColumnParam + ',:' +
                                      Copy(StrTmp, 1, Pos(';', StrTmp) - 1);
                ExportParamLst.Add(Copy(StrTmp, 1, Pos(';', StrTmp) - 1));

              'select ' + ExportColumn + ' from TabName where ID=' +

              with aqy_ExportData do //aqy_ExportData: TADOQuery;
                SQL.Text:= SQLTxt;

                //pnl_ExportFile: TPanel;
                GgTip:= TGauge.Create(pnl_ExportFile); //Gauge 进度提示
                with GgTip do
                  Parent:= pnl_ExportFile;
                  Left:= 0;
                  Height:= 21;
                  Width:= pnl_ExportFile.Width;
                  ForeColor:= clFuchsia;
                  MinValue:= 0;
                  MaxValue:= RecordCount;
                  Visible:= True;

                CurrRec:= 0;
                while not Eof do

                  if CurrRec mod 20 = 0 then
                    GgTip.Progress:= CurrRec;


                  with aqy_ExecSQL do

                      'Insert Into ' + ExportTabName_MDB +
                      ' Values(' + ExportColumnParam + ')';

                    for i:= 0 to ExportParamLst.Count - 1 do

                      on E: Exception do
                        GgTip.Visible:= False;

                                   PChar('导出文件失败! ' + #13 + '失败原因:' +
                                         E.Message + ' '
                                   MB_OK + MB_ICONERROR
                  end; //End with


                end; //End while

                Close; //aqy_ExportData
                GgTip.Visible:= False;

                if MessageBox(
                              PChar('导出文件成功! ' + #13 +
                                    '现在查看导出结果(' + ExportMDBName + '吗?'
                               MB_YESNO + MB_ICONINFORMATION
                             ) = IDYES then
                  ShellExecute(0, 'Open', PChar(ExportMDBName), nil, nil, SW_SHOW);
              on E: Exception do
                pnl_ExportFile.Caption:= '';
                GgTip.Visible:= False;

                           PChar('导出文件过程中发生错误! ' + #13 +
                                 '错误描述:' + E.Message + ' '
                           MB_OK + MB_ICONERROR

          Screen.Cursor:= crDefault;



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