Load js files for your own use, supports multiple files, not compatible with IE
* Load js file
* @param {string || array} url js path
* @param {Function} fn Callback after loading is completed
* @return {object} game object
* @example
* getScript("url.js",fn)
* getScript(["url-1.js","url-2.js"],fn)
game .getScript = (function() {
var cache = {};//Cache the url internally, and will not request it next time
return function(url, fn) {
if ("string" == = typeof(url)) {
url = [url]; //If it is not an array, bring a set
var i = 0,//Loop
ok = 0,// Several js loaded successfully
len = url.length,//How many js in total
head = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0],
js, _url,
create = function (url) {//Create js
js = document.createElement("script");
js.type = "text/javascript";
js.src = url;
head.appendChild (js);
return js;
for (; i < len;) {
if (cache[encodeURIComponent((_url = url[i ]))]) {/ /If loaded
(ok >= len && fn) && fn();//If all js are loaded, execute the callback
cache[encodeURIComponent(_url) ] = !0;//Set cache
js = create(_url);//Create js
fn && (js.onload = function() {
if ( ok >= len) {/ /If all js are loaded, execute the callback
head = js = _url = create = null;
return this ;