<br> <strong>Frame structure tag<frameset></frameset></strong><br> Frames allow you to open two or even multiple pages in one browser window. You can understand it this way, <frameset> is actually a big <table>, but the entire page is the main body of <table>, and the content of each cell is an independent web page. <br><strong> Divide the frame structure into columns ("cols" and "rows" attributes) </strong><br> Since we say that the frame structure can be understood as a table with cells as a web page, it must be divided into columns . The cols attribute divides the page into several columns, while the rows attribute divides the page into several rows. Let’s look at an example. <br><br> <br><framesetrows> <br><framesrc></framesrc> <br><framesrc></framesrc> <br> <br> <br>where "rows="25%,75%" represents the page It is divided into two lines because it has two attribute values, and their sizes are 25% and 75% of the page height. Click here to see the display effect of the above code <frame>. <br> The <frame> tag has been used in the above example, and its src attribute is the content to be displayed in this frame. The two frames in this example can be resized by dragging them apart. If you want them to be fixed in size, use the noresize="noresize" attribute. <br> Note: The <frame> tag is an empty tag and needs to be added with a "/" to comply with XHTML requirements. <br><strong> About the <noframe> tag </noframe></strong><br> This tag will only work when the browser does not support the frame structure. Since almost all Internet users’ browsers now support the frame structure, we This label will not be introduced here. If you want to know more about it, you can check out the HTML manual on the Internet. <br><strong> Frame structure and DTD </strong><br> The DTD of a frame page is different from that of a general web page. The declaration method is as follows: <br> -//W3C//DTDXHTML1.0Frameset//EN""http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-frameset.dtd"></framesetrows> </table> </table> </frameset>