Home Web Front-end JS Tutorial Detailed explanation of the interpreter mode of javascript design patterns_javascript skills

Detailed explanation of the interpreter mode of javascript design patterns_javascript skills

May 16, 2016 pm 04:46 PM
javascrip interpreter mode

What is "interpreter mode"?

First open "GOF" and look at Definition:
Given a language, define a representation of its grammar, and define an interpreter that uses this representation to interpret sentences in the language.

Before I start, I still need to popularize a few concepts:

Abstract syntax tree:

The interpreter mode does not explain how to create an abstract syntax tree. It does not involve syntax analysis. The abstract syntax tree can be completed by a table-driven parser, or it can be created by a handwritten (usually recursive descent) parser, or provided directly by the client.


refers to a program that parses expressions describing client call requirements to form an abstract syntax tree.


refers to the program that interprets the abstract syntax tree and executes the function corresponding to each node.

To use the interpreter mode, an important prerequisite is to define a set of grammatical rules, also called a grammar. Regardless of whether the rules of this grammar are simple or complex, these rules must be in place because the interpreter mode parses and performs corresponding functions according to these rules.

Let’s first take a look at the structure diagram and description of the interpreter mode:

Detailed explanation of the interpreter mode of javascript design patterns_javascript skills

AbstractExpression: Define the interface of the interpreter and agree on the interpretation operation of the interpreter.
TerminalExpression: Terminal interpreter is used to implement operations related to terminal symbols in grammar rules. It no longer contains other interpreters. If the combination mode is used to build an abstract syntax tree, it is quite For leaf objects in composite mode, there can be multiple terminal interpreters.
NonterminalExpression: Nonterminal interpreter, used to implement operations related to non-terminal symbols in grammar rules. Usually one interpreter corresponds to a grammar rule and can include other interpreters. If combined mode is used To build an abstract syntax tree, it is equivalent to the combination object in the combination pattern. There can be multiple nonterminal interpreters.
Context: Context usually contains data or public functions required by each interpreter.
Client: The client refers to the client that uses the interpreter. Usually, expressions made according to the grammar of the language are converted into abstract syntax trees described using the interpreter object, and then called Explain the operation.

Below we use an xml example to understand the interpreter mode:

First of all, we need to design a simple grammar for expressions. For universality, use root to represent the root element, abc, etc. to represent elements, a simple xml As follows:

Copy code The code is as follows:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding "UTF-8">
<root id="rootId">

The grammar of the agreed expression is as follows:

1. Get the value of a single element: starting from the root element and going to the element where you want to get the value. The elements are separated by "/", before the root element. Do not add "/". For example, the expression "root/a/b/c" means to obtain the value of the a element, the a element, the b element, and the c element under the root element.
2. Get the value of the attribute of a single element: of course there are multiple ones. The attribute to get the value must be the attribute of the last element of the expression. Add "." after the last element and then add the name of the attribute. . For example, the expression "root/a/b/c.name" means to obtain the value of the name attribute of the element a, element b, and element c under the root element.
3. Get the value of the same element name, of course there are multiple ones. The element to get the value must be the last element of the expression, add "$" after the last element. For example, the expression "root/a/b/d$" means to obtain the set of values ​​of multiple d elements under the root element, under the a element, and under the b element.
4. Get the value of the attribute with the same element name, of course there are multiple ones: the element to get the attribute value must be the last element of the expression, add "$" after the last element. For example, the expression "root/a/b/d$.id$" means to obtain the set of id attribute values ​​of multiple d elements under the root element, under the a element, and under the b element.

The above xml, the corresponding abstract syntax tree, the possible structure is as shown in the figure:

Detailed explanation of the interpreter mode of javascript design patterns_javascript skills

Let’s take a look at the specific code:

1. Define context:

Copy code The code is as follows:

* Context, used to contain some global information needed by the interpreter
* @param {String} filePathName [the path and name of the xml that needs to be read]
function Context(filePathName) {
// Previous processed element
this.preEle = null;
// xml Document object
this.document = XmlUtil.getRoot(filePathName);

Context.prototype = {
// Re-initialize the context
reInit: function () {
this.preEle = null;
* Methods commonly used by various Expressions
* Get the current element based on the name of the parent element and the current element
* @param {Element} pEle [Parent element]
* @param {String} eleName [Current element name]
* @return {Element|null} [Current element found]
getNowEle: function (pEle, eleName) {
var tempNodeList = pEle.childNodes;
var nowEle;

for (var i = 0, len = tempNodeList.length; i < len; i ) {
if ((nowEle = tempNodeList[i]).nodeType === 1)
if (nowEle .nodeName === eleName)
                                                                                                       return nowEle;
return null;


getPreEle: function () {
return this.preEle;
setPreEle: function (preEle) {
this.preEle = preEle;
getDocument: function () {
        return this.document;

A tool object XmlUtil is used in the context to obtain xmlDom. Below I am using DOMPaser of DOM3. Some browsers may not support it. Please use a basic browser:

Copy code The code is as follows:

// Tool object
// Parse xml and obtain the corresponding Document object
var ;
var xmldom = parser.parseFromString('<root id="rootId"><a><b><c name="testC">12345</c><d id= "1">d1</d><d id="2">d2</d><d id="3">d3</d><d id="4"> d4</d></b></a></root>', 'text/xml');

          return xmldom;                                                                                                                                                                              

The following is the interpreter code:

Copy code

The code is as follows:

     * 元素作为非终结符对应的解释器,解释并执行中间元素
     * @param {String} eleName [元素的名称]
    function ElementExpression(eleName) {
        this.eles = [];
        this.eleName = eleName;

    ElementExpression.prototype = {
        addEle: function (eleName) {
            return true;
        removeEle: function (ele) {
            for (var i = 0, len = this.eles.length; i < len; i++) {
                if (ele === this.eles[i])
                    this.eles.splice(i--, 1);
            return true;
        interpret: function (context) {
            // 先取出上下文中的当前元素作为父级元素
            // 查找到当前元素名称所对应的xml元素,并设置回到上下文中
            var pEle = context.getPreEle();

            if (!pEle) {
                // 说明现在获取的是根元素
            } else {
                // 根据父级元素和要查找的元素的名称来获取当前的元素
                var nowEle = context.getNowEle(pEle, this.eleName);
                // 把当前获取的元素放到上下文中

            var ss;
            // 循环调用子元素的interpret方法
            for (var i = 0, len = this.eles.length; i < len; i++) {
                ss = this.eles[i].interpret(context);

            // 返回最后一个解释器的解释结果,一般最后一个解释器就是终结符解释器了
            return ss;

     * 元素作为终结符对应的解释器
     * @param {String} name [元素的名称]
    function ElementTerminalExpression(name) {
        this.eleName = name;

ElementTerminalExpression.prototype = {
interpret: function (context) {
var pEle = context.getPreEle();
var ele = null;
if (!pEle) {
ele = context.getDocument().documentElement;
} else {
ele = context.getNowEle(pEle, this.eleName);

                                                                                                                                                                                            Get the value of the element
* The interpreter corresponding to the attribute as a terminal symbol
* @param {String} propName [Name of the attribute]


function PropertyTerminalExpression(propName) {
this.propName = propName;

PropertyTerminalExpression.prototype = {
interpret: function (context) {
// Directly get the value of the last element attribute

return context.getPreEle().getAttribute(this.propName);


Let’s first look at how to use the interpreter to get the value of a single element:

Copy code

The code is as follows:void function () { var c = new Context();
// If you want to get the value of multiple d elements, that is, the value of the following expression: "root/a/b/c"
// First, you must build the abstract syntax tree of the interpreter
var root = new ElementExpression('root');
var aEle = new ElementExpression('a');
var bEle = new ElementExpression('b');
var cEle = new ElementTerminalExpression ('c');

// Combination
aEle.addEle(bEle); bEle.addEle(cEle);

console.log('The value of c is = ' root.interpret(c));


Output: The value of c is = 12345

Then we use the above code to get the value of the attribute of a single element:

Copy code

The code is as follows:

void function () {
var c = new Context();
// Want to get the id attribute of the d element, which is the value of the following expression: "a/b/c .name"
// c is not terminated at this time, you need to modify c to ElementExpression
var root = new ElementExpression('root');
var aEle = new ElementExpression('a');
var bEle = new ElementExpression('b');
var cEle = new ElementExpression('c');
var prop = new PropertyTerminalExpression('name');

// Combination

console.log('The attribute name value of c is = ' root.interpret(c));

// If you want to use the same context for continuous parsing, you need to re-initialize the context object
// For example, if you want to continuously re-obtain the value of the attribute name, of course you can recombine the elements
/ / Re-parse, as long as you are using the same context, you need to re-initialize the context object
             c.reInit(); ));

输出: c的属性name值是 = testC 重新获取c的属性name值是 = testC






























在解释器模式中,一条语法规则用一个解释器对象来解释执行。对于解释器的实现来讲,功能就变得比较简单,只需要考虑这一条语法规则的实现就可以了,其他的都不用管。 2.易于扩展新的语法

It is precisely because of the way that an interpreter object is responsible for a grammar rule that it is very easy to extend new grammars. To extend the new syntax, you only need to create the corresponding interpreter object and use this new interpreter object when creating the abstract syntax tree.


Not suitable for complex syntax

If the grammar is particularly complex, the work of building the abstract syntax tree required for the interpreter mode is very arduous, and multiple abstract syntax trees may need to be built. So the interpreter mode is not suitable for complex grammars. It might be better to use a parser or compiler generator.

When to use?

When there is a language that needs to be interpreted and executed, and the sentences in the language can be represented as an abstract syntax tree, you can consider using the interpreter mode.

When using the interpreter mode, there are two other characteristics that need to be considered. One is that the syntax should be relatively simple. Grammar that is too responsible is not suitable for using the interpreter mode. The other is that the efficiency requirements are not very high; High, not suitable for use.

The previous article introduced how to obtain the value of a single element and the value of a single element attribute. Let’s take a look at how to obtain the value of multiple elements, as well as the values ​​of the names of multiple elements, as well as the previous tests. For the artificially assembled abstract syntax tree, we also implemented the following simple parser to convert expressions that conform to the previously defined grammar into the abstract syntax tree of the previously implemented interpreter: I posted the code directly:

Copy code The code is as follows:

 // 读取多个元素或属性的值
    (function () {
         * 上下文,用来包含解释器需要的一些全局信息
         * @param {String} filePathName [需要读取的xml的路径和名字]
        function Context(filePathName) {
            // 上一个被处理的多个元素
            this.preEles = [];
            // xml的Document对象
            this.document = XmlUtil.getRoot(filePathName);

        Context.prototype = {
            // 重新初始化上下文
            reInit: function () {
                this.preEles = [];
             *  各个Expression公共使用的方法
             * 根据父元素和当前元素的名称来获取当前元素
             * @param  {Element} pEle    [父元素]
             * @param  {String} eleName [当前元素名称]
             * @return {Element|null}         [找到的当前元素]
            getNowEles: function (pEle, eleName) {
                var elements = [];
                var tempNodeList = pEle.childNodes;
                var nowEle;

                for (var i = 0, len = tempNodeList.length; i < len; i++) {
                    if ((nowEle = tempNodeList[i]).nodeType === 1) {
                        if (nowEle.nodeName === eleName) {

                return elements;
            getPreEles: function () {
                return this.preEles;
            setPreEles: function (nowEles) {
                this.preEles = nowEles;
            getDocument: function () {
                return this.document;

        // 工具对象
        // 解析xml,获取相应的Document对象
        var XmlUtil = {
            getRoot: function (filePathName) {
                var parser = new DOMParser();
                var xmldom = parser.parseFromString('<root id="rootId"><a><b><c name="testC">12345</c><d id="1">d1</d><d id="2">d2</d><d id="3">d3</d><d id="4">d4</d></b></a></root>', 'text/xml');

                return xmldom;

         * 元素作为非终结符对应的解释器,解释并执行中间元素
         * @param {String} eleName [元素的名称]
        function ElementExpression(eleName) {
            this.eles = [];
            this.eleName = eleName;

        ElementExpression.prototype = {
            addEle: function (eleName) {
                return true;
            removeEle: function (ele) {
                for (var i = 0, len = this.eles.length; i < len; i++) {
if (ele === this.eles[i]) {
this.eles.splice(i--, 1);
return true;
interpret: function (context) {
// 先取出上下文中的当前元素作为父级元素
// 查找到当前元素名称所对应的xml元素,并设置回到上下文中
var pEles = context.getPreEles();
var ele = null;
var nowEles = [];

if (!pEles.length) {
// 说明现在获取的是根元素
ele = context.getDocument().documentElement;
} else {
var tempEle;
for (var i = 0, len = pEles.length; i < len; i++) {
tempEle = pEles[i];
nowEles = nowEles.concat(context.getNowEles(tempEle, this.eleName));

// 找到一个就停止
if (nowEles.length) break;


var ss;
// 循环调用子元素的interpret方法
for (var i = 0, len = this.eles.length; i < len; i++) {
ss = this.eles[i].interpret(context);

return ss;

* 元素作为终结符对应的解释器
* @param {String} name [元素的名称]
function ElementTerminalExpression(name) {
this.eleName = name;

ElementTerminalExpression.prototype = {
interpret: function (context) {
var pEles = context.getPreEles();
var ele = null;
if (!pEles.length) {
ele = context.getDocument().documentElement;
} else {
ele = context.getNowEles(pEles[0], this.eleName)[0];

// 获取元素的值
return ele.firstChild.nodeValue;

* 属性作为终结符对应的解释器
* @param {String} propName [属性的名称]
function PropertyTerminalExpression(propName) {
this.propName = propName;

PropertyTerminalExpression.prototype = {
interpret: function (context) {
// 直接获取最后的元素属性的值
return context.getPreEles()[0].getAttribute(this.propName);

* 多个属性作为终结符对应的解释器
* @param {String} propName [属性的名称]
function PropertysTerminalExpression(propName) {
this.propName = propName;

PropertysTerminalExpression.prototype = {
interpret: function (context) {
var eles = context.getPreEles();
var ss = [];

for (var i = 0, len = eles.length; i < len; i++) {

return ss;

* 以多个元素作为终结符的解释处理对象
* @param {[type]} name [description]
function ElementsTerminalExpression(name) {
this.eleName = name;

ElementsTerminalExpression.prototype = {
interpret: function (context) {
var pEles = context.getPreEles();
var nowEles = [];

for (var i = 0, len = pEles.length; i < len; i++) {
nowEles = nowEles.concat(context.getNowEles(pEles[i], this.eleName));

var ss = [];

for (i = 0, len = nowEles.length; i < len; i++) {

return ss;

* 多个元素作为非终结符的解释处理对象
function ElementsExpression(name) {
this.eleName = name;
this.eles = [];

ElementsExpression.prototype = {
interpret: function (context) {
var pEles = context.getPreEles();
var nowEles = [];

for (var i = 0, len = pEles.length; i < len; i++) {
nowEles = nowEles.concat(context.getNowEles(pEles[i], this.eleName));

var ss;
for (i = 0, len = this.eles.length; i < len; i++) {
ss = this.eles[i].interpret(context);

return ss;
addEle: function (ele) {
return true;
removeEle: function (ele) {
for (var i = 0, len = this.eles.length; i < len; i++) {
if (ele === this.eles[i]) {
this.eles.splice(i--, 1);
return true;

void function () {
// "root/a/b/d$"
var c = new Context('Interpreter.xml');
var root = new ElementExpression('root');
var aEle = new ElementExpression('a');
var bEle = new ElementExpression('b');
var dEle = new ElementsTerminalExpression('d');


var ss = root.interpret(c);

for (var i = 0, len = ss.length; i < len; i++) {
console.log('d的值是 = ' + ss[i]);

void function () {
// a/b/d$.id$
var c = new Context('Interpreter.xml');
var root = new ElementExpression('root');
var aEle = new ElementExpression('a');
var bEle = new ElementExpression('b');
var dEle = new ElementsExpression('d');
var prop = new PropertysTerminalExpression('id');


var ss = root.interpret(c);

for (var i = 0, len = ss.length; i < len; i++) {
console.log('d的属性id的值是 = ' + ss[i]);

// 解析器

* 解析器的实现思路
* 1.把客户端传递来的表达式进行分解,分解成为一个一个的元素,并用一个对应的解析模型来封装这个元素的一些信息。
* 2.根据每个元素的信息,转化成相对应的解析器对象。
* 3.按照先后顺序,把这些解析器对象组合起来,就得到抽象语法树了。
* 为什么不把1和2合并,直接分解出一个元素就转换成相应的解析器对象?
* 1.功能分离,不要让一个方法的功能过于复杂。
* 2.为了今后的修改和扩展,现在语法简单,所以转换成解析器对象需要考虑的东西少,直接转换也不难,但要是语法复杂了,直接转换就很杂乱了。

* 用来封装每一个解析出来的元素对应的属性
function ParserModel() {
// 是否单个值
// 是否属性,不是属性就是元素
// 是否终结符

ParserModel.prototype = {
isEnd: function () {
return this.end;
setEnd: function (end) {
this.end = end;
isSingleValue: function () {
return this.singleValue;
setSingleValue: function (oneValue) {
this.singleValue = oneValue;
isPropertyValue: function () {
return this.propertyValue;
setPropertyValue: function (propertyValue) {
this.propertyValue = propertyValue;

var Parser = function () {
var BACKLASH = '/';
var DOT = '.';
var DOLLAR = '$';
// 按照分解的先后记录需要解析的元素的名称
var listEle = null;

// 开始实现第一步-------------------------------------

* 传入一个字符串表达式,通过解析,组合成为一个抽象语法树
* @param {String} expr [描述要取值的字符串表达式]
* @return {Object} [对应的抽象语法树]
function parseMapPath(expr) {
// 先按照“/”分割字符串
var tokenizer = expr.split(BACKLASH);
// 用来存放分解出来的值的表
var mapPath = {};
var onePath, eleName, propName;
var dotIndex = -1;

for (var i = 0, len = tokenizer.length; i < len; i++) {
onePath = tokenizer[i];

if (tokenizer[i + 1]) {
// 还有下一个值,说明这不是最后一个元素
// 按照现在的语法,属性必然在最后,因此也不是属性
setParsePath(false, onePath, false, mapPath);
} else {
// 说明到最后了
dotIndex = onePath.indexOf(DOT);

if (dotIndex >= 0) {
                            // 说明是要获取属性的值,那就按照“.”来分割
                            // 前面的就是元素名称,后面的是属性的名字
                            eleName = onePath.substring(0, dotIndex);
                            propName = onePath.substring(dotIndex + 1);

                            // 设置属性前面的那个元素,自然不是最后一个,也不是属性
                            setParsePath(false, eleName, false, mapPath);
                            // 设置属性,按照现在的语法定义,属性只能是最后一个
                            setParsePath(true, propName, true, mapPath);
                        } else {
                            // 说明是取元素的值,而且是最后一个元素的值
                            setParsePath(true, onePath, false, mapPath);


                return mapPath;

/** * /
Function setparsepath (end, ele, propertyValue, mappath) {
var pm = new parseermodel ();
pm.seitend (end); // If there is a "$" symbol, it means it is not a value
                             / / Remove "$"
ele = ele.replace(DOLLAR, '');
mapPath[ele] = pm;

// Start to realize the second step ----------------------------------------

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