1. The first type:
2. The second type:
var e = window.location.host;
var a = window.location.href;
if (isSubdomain(arguments[1], e) == 1) {
f = f "/# m/" a;
b = true
} else {
if (isSubdomain(arguments[1], e) == 2) {
f = f "/#m/" a;
b = true
} else {
f = a;
b = false
} else {
b = true
if (b) {
var c = window.location.hash;
if (!c.match("fromapp")) {
if ((navigator.userAgent.match(/(iPhone |iPod|Android|ios|SymbianOS)/i))) {
} catch(d) {}
function isSubdomain(c, d) {
this.getdomain = function(f) {
var e = f.indexOf("://");
if (e > 0) {
var h = f.substr(e 3)
} else {
var h = f
var g = /^www./;
if (g. test(h)) {
h = h.substr(4)
return h
if (c == d) {
return 1
} else {
var c = this.getdomain(c);
var b = this.getdomain(d);
if (c == b) {
return 1
} else {
c = c.replace(".", "\.");
var a = new RegExp("\." c "$");
if (b.match(a) ) {
return 2
} else {
return 0
How to use:
Another article, I don’t feel as good as the above one, but you can refer to it
var browser_class = navigator.userAgent;
var browser_class_name1 = browser_class.match("Mobile");
var browser_class_name2 = browser_class.match("mobile");
var location_url = window .location.href;
if (browser_class_name1 != null || browser_class_name2 != null) {
if (location_url.match("wap") == null) {
window.location.href = " http://wap.xxxx.com";
} else {
if (location_url.match("3g") != null || location_url.match("wap") != null ) {
window.location.href = "http://wap.xxxx.com";