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jquery diluted version of banner asynchronous picture text effect switching picture special effects_jquery

Release: 2016-05-16 16:53:01
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<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <br><html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <br><head> <br><meta charset='utf-8'/> <br><title>全屏淡入淡出简洁banner,异步图片文字效果切换图片特效</title> <br><meta name="keywords" content="淡化版banner,淡化版banner"> <br><meta name="description" content="淡入淡出简洁banner" /> <br><style type="text/css"> <br>body,ul,li,ol{list-style:none;padding:0px;margin:0px;font-size:12px;} <br>img{border:0px;} <br><br>.bzBanner{width:100%; min-width:980px; height:auto; overflow:hidden; position: relative; } <br>.bzBanner .content,.bzBanner .col,.bzBanner .col a{width:100%; height:100%; position: absolute; top:0px; left:0px; } <br>.bzBanner .btn{position: absolute; bottom:25px; right:50px; z-index:5; } <br>.bzBanner .btn i{display:block; float: left; width:15px; height:15px; padding:0 5px; border-radius:15px; margin-left:15px; background:white; overflow:hidden; opacity:0.4; filter:alpha(opacity=40); cursor:pointer; } <br>.bzBanner .btn i:hover{background:#9C0; } <br>.bzBanner .btn i.act{opacity:0.8; filter:alpha(opacity=80); background:#9C0; } <br>.bzBanner .pre,.bzBanner .next{display:inline-block; width:72px; height:72px; background:url(./bzbanner/btn.png) no-repeat; position:absolute; top:50%; margin-top:-50px; z-index:3; } <br>.bzBanner .pre{left:30px; } <br>.bzBanner .next{right:30px; background-position:0 -72px; } <br>.bzBanner .pre:hover{background-position:0 -144px; } <br>.bzBanner .next:hover{background-position:0 -216px; } <br>.bzBanner .col a{color:white; } <br>.bzBanner .col span{display:inline-block; width:550px; height:200px; background:rgba(0,0,0,.1); position:absolute; z-index:3; bottom:70px; left:130px; } <br>.bzBanner .col span h3{font-weight:normal; font-size:28px; font-weight:normal; font-family:微软雅黑; padding:0px; margin:0px; padding-left:20px; line-height:70px; text-shadow:1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,.3); } <br>.bzBanner .col span p{display:inline-block; width:90%; line-height:25px; font-size: 14px; font-family:微软雅黑; margin:0px; padding:0px; padding-left:20px; text-shadow:1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,.3); } <br><br></style> <br></head> <br><body> <br><br><div class='bzBanner'> <br><div class='content'> <br><div class='col'> <br><a href='javascript:;' > <br><img src='./bzbanner/12.jpg' width=100% /> <br><span> <br><h3>独家首播:范玮琪&曾静玟《千年》</h3> <br><p>范玮琪&曾静玟《千年》MV首播!歌词特别力邀名词人葛大為操刀,延续“一日如千年”的概念,转换在爱情里就是可以把对方的思念拉得很长,每一秒的想念都可以像是一千年的蔓延。而一千年的等待,也因为一秒钟的珍爱相遇而有了意义爱情。</p> <br></span> <br></a> <br></div> <br><div class='col'> <br><a href='javascript:;' > <br><img src='./bzbanner/13.jpg' width=100% /> <br><span> <br><h3>独家首播:It Began With A Fallen Leaf</h3> <br><p>普莉西雅(Priscilla Ahn)和苏打绿全新单曲《It Began With A Fallen Leaf》MV首播!一袭白色雪纺洋装的普莉西雅置身于森林中,红发青峰似偶然闯入森林中活泼调皮的精灵,邂逅了森林中的仙女。歌曲由吴青峰作曲,普莉西雅和吴青峰共同作词,描述了对一位再也无法相见的好友的思念之情。</p> <br></span> <br></a> <br></div> <br><div class='col'> <br><a href='javascript:;' > <br><img src='./bzbanner/14.jpg' width=100% /> <br><span> <br><h3>首播:真的假的</h3> <br><p>暌违乐坛八年陶晶莹新专辑同名主打《真的假的》MV官方版首播!歌曲由周杰伦+林夕两位乐坛大才子携手合作,唱出男女情爱中许多真真假假的现象和矛盾,MV由廖人帥执导,时而如梦幻童话时而如辉煌宫殿的场景布置亦真亦假似幻似真,逼真特技效果十足!</p> <br></span> <br></a> <br></div> <br><div class='col'> <br><a href='javascript:;' > <br><img src='./bzbanner/15.jpg' width=100% /> <br><span> <br><h3>口袋·FAN 把你的偶像装进口袋里</h3> <br><p>睡不着过后,梦游到这里。在亚纶生日的这一天迎来闪闪发亮的【口袋·炎亚纶】!这里有新鲜资讯影像 ,是勾搭交流平台。是炎亚纶专属,为每一个可爱的布丁纪念永恒,关于阿布有爱的一切都在这里,在这 里全世界只看见你,快把阿布装进口袋,祝炎亚纶1120生日快乐!Android版和IOS越狱版抢先上线…</p> <br></span> <br></a> <br></div> <br></div> <br><div class='btn'><i></i><i></i><i></i><i></i></div> <br><a class='pre' href='javascript:;' title='上一张' ></a> <br><a class='next' href='javascript:;' title='下一张' ></a> <br></div> <br><br><script type="text/javascript" src="./jquery-1.10.2.min.js" ></script> <br><script type="text/ javascript" src="./bzBanner.min.js" ></script> <br><script type="text/javascript"> <br>$(function(){ benzi.bzBanner(); }); <br></script> <br></body> <br></html>

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<pre code_snippet_id=" 280064" snippet_file_name="blog_20140408_2_455436" name="code" class="javascript">/*================================ ===== <br>@Title: diluted version of banner with title description and small button <br>@Time: 2013.11.22 <br>@Source: BENZI.PW <br>@Description: <br><br> How to use the plug-in: <br>Please copy the CSS HTML completely before use.<br>benzi.bzBanner(); <br><br>Object calls are all changed in js<br>container: outermost frame<br>cols: all content<br>btns: all small buttons<br>act: Button activation style name <br>pre: Scroll forward button <br>next: Scroll backward button <br><br><br>====*/ <br>var benzi = { <br>bzBanner: function (){ <br><br>//All parameters are initialized (will be deleted after encapsulation) <br>var values ​​= { <br>container:$('.bzBanner'), <br>cols:$('.bzBanner .col'), <br>btns:$('.bzBanner .btn i'), <br>act:'act', <br>pre:$('.bzBanner .pre'), <br>next: $('.bzBanner .next'), <br>now:0 <br>} <br><br>//Fade effect, set zindex of all individual objects, and show and hide <br>// col: all Content object <br> // pre: previous object <br> // now: currently displayed object <br> // ----------------------- - <br>var weaken = function( pre,now ){ <br>var col = values.cols; <br>col.css({ zIndex:1 }).eq( pre ).css({ zIndex:2 } ); <br>col.eq( now ).css({ zIndex:3,opacity:0 }).stop(true).animate({ opacity:1 },700); <br>} <br><br>//Incremental calculation, return the previous displayed content and the current content to be displayed<br>// now: the currently selected index<br>//---------------- --- <br>var increase = function( now ){ <br>var pre = now ,now = pre 1; <br>if( now >= values.cols.length ) now = 0; <br>return { pre:pre ,now:now }; <br>} <br><br>//Decreasing calculation<br>//------------------ <br>var regression = function( now ){ <br>var pre = now ,now = pre - 1; <br>if( now < 0 ) now = values.cols.length-1; <br>return { pre: pre ,now:now }; <br>} <br><br>//Modify the small button style<br>//--------------------- <br>var btnStyle = function( now ){ <br>if( values.btns && values.act ) <br>values.btns.removeClass( values.act ).eq( now ).addClass( values.act ); <br>} <br><br>//Small button event hook, if there is a small button in the initialization, it will be executed, otherwise it will not be executed <br>//---------------- ------ <br>var button = function(){ <br>values.btns.click(function(){ <br>var now = $(this).index(); <br>if( values .now != now ){ <br>weaken( values.now ,now ); <br>btnStyle( now ); <br>text( now ); <br>values.now = now; <br>} <br>}); <br>} <br><br>//Content switching<br>// aspect: direction, 0 or no value means backward flipping, 1 means forward flipping<br>//------ ---------------- <br>var change = function( aspect ){ <br>var val = aspect ? regression( values.now ) : increase( values.now ); <br>weaken( val.pre ,val.now ); <br>btnStyle( val.now ); <br>text( val.now ); <br>values.now = val.now; <br>} <br><br>//Left and right button effects<br>//----------------------- <br>var shortcut = function(){ <br> values.pre.click(function(){ change(1); }); <br>values.next.click(function(){ change(); }); <br>} <br><br>// Text switching effect, this effect is very targeted and requires style support <br>//--------------------- <br>var text = function ( now ){ <br>values.cols.find('span').css({ opacity:0 }).eq( now ).stop(true).delay(500).animate({ opacity:1 }, 1000); <br>values.cols.find('h3').css({ opacity:0 }).eq( now ).stop(true).delay(500).animate({ opacity:1 },500 ); <br>values.cols.find('p').css({ opacity:0 }).eq( now ).stop(true).delay(1000).animate({ opacity:1 },500) ; <br>} <br><br>//Frame size<br>//-------------------------------- - <br>$(window).resize(function(){ <br>values.container.height( values.cols.find('img').height() ); <br>}).resize(); <br><br>//Auto play, the degrees method gets the corresponding parameters, and modifies the small button style (if there is a small button), and then refreshes the global variable values.now <br>// time: delay time<br> //--------------------- <br>var loop,play = function( time ){ <br>clearTimeout( loop ); <br>loop = setTimeout (function(){ <br>change(); <br>play( 3000 ); <br>}, time ); <br>} <br><br>//Pause and trigger automatic play<br>// --------------------- <br>var control = function(){ <br>values.container.hover(function(){ <br>clearTimeout( loop ); <br>},function(){ <br>play( 2000 ); <br>}); <br>} <br><br>//Initialize the effect and call each function <br>//-- ------------------ <br>var initialize = function(){ <br>var now = values.now; <br>weaken( values.cols.length-1 ,now ); <br>if(values.btns ) button(); <br>if( values.pre && values.next ) shortcut(); <br>btnStyle( now ); <br>text( now ); <br>play( 4000 ); <br>control(); <br>} <br><br>//Initialization call<br>//---------------- ----- <br>initialize(); <br><br>} <br><br>} <br>

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