1 使用jQueryRotate.js实现
2 使用Microsoft提供的Matrix对象
3 使用Microsoft提供的BasicImage对象
Test Result: Rotation cannot be done under chrome; the effect is normal under ie8, and the img object is still an img object after rotation. BasicImage() has only one parameter.
Looking at the codes of these three methods, you will find that it is essentially a solution: using the canvas object under chrome, and using VML or Matrix() or BasicImage() under ie8. I recently renovated a component: it involves rotating and enlarging images. Since jQueryRotate.js will generate a new object under IE8, special processing is required when selecting an image before enlarging it. Finally, it was decided to handle chrome and ie8 separately. jQueryRotate was used to implement it under chrome, and BasicImage() was used under ie8 to ensure the simplicity and readability of the code.