Copy code The code is as follows: <br><!--<BR> //Disable the right mouse button, Ctrl N, Shift F10, F11, F5 refresh, backspace key<BR> //Author: meizz (梅花雨) 2002-6-18</P> <P>function document.oncontextmenu(){event.returnValue=false;}//Shield the right mouse button<BR>function window.onhelp(){return false} //Shield F1 help<BR>function document.onkeydown()<BR>{<BR> if ((window.event.altKey)&&<BR> ((window.event.keyCode==37)|| //Shield the Alt arrow key ←<BR> (window.event.keyCode== 39))) //Block the Alt direction key→<BR> {<BR> alert("You are not allowed to use the ALT direction key to move forward or back on the web!");<BR> event.returnValue=false;<BR> }<BR> /* Note: This is not really shielding the Alt direction key. <BR> Because when the Alt direction key pops up a warning box, hold down the Alt key. <BR> Use the mouse to click on the warning box. This shielding method is Invalid. In the future <BR> If any expert has a real way to block the Alt key, please let me know. */</P> <P> if ((event.keyCode==8) || //Shield the backspace delete key<BR> (event.keyCode==116)|| .keyCode==82)){ //Ctrl R<BR> event.keyCode=0;<BR> event.returnValue=false;<BR> }<BR> if (event.keyCode==122){event.keyCode =0;event.returnValue=false;} //Shield F11<BR> if (event.ctrlKey && event.keyCode==78) event.returnValue=false; //Shield Ctrl n<BR> if (event.shiftKey && event.keyCode==121)event.returnValue=false; //Shield shift F10<BR> if (window.event.srcElement.tagName == "A" && window.event.shiftKey) <BR> window.event.returnValue = false; > window.showModelessDialog("about:blank","","dialogWidth:1px;dialogheight:1px");<BR> return false;<BR> }<BR>}<BR>--><br>< ;/script><br><br><br> </div>