Usage of oninput, onpropertychange, onchange
The onchange trigger event must meet two conditions:
a) The properties of the current object change and are triggered by keyboard or mouse events (script triggering is invalid)
b) The current object loses focus (onblur);
Onpropertychange, as long as the properties of the current object change, the event will be triggered, but it is exclusive to IE;
oninput is the non-IE browser version of onpropertychange. It supports browsers such as Firefox and Opera, but there is one difference. When it is bound to an object, not all property changes of the object can trigger events. It only changes the object value. Works when change occurs.
Stop bubbling events
if (e) //Stop event bubbling e.stopPropagation();else window.event.cancelBubble = true;
Second, now that we have discovered this feature, there will be a problem: sometimes when we want to perform a function operation when the input box value changes, we also need to modify a custom attribute, so onpropertychange will be triggered twice, which may not be what we want.
Just guess, since such an attribute is provided, you should be able to get which attribute has been changed. Try to get the number of parameters and their content.
Let’s look at the code directly: