The principle is to use an Alpha filter to add a transparent gradient to each table, controlled by the background color of the table, and a single td controls another color gradient
Alpha filter
Syntax: {FILTER: ALPHA(opacity=opacity, finishopacity=finishopacity,style=style,startx=startx,starty=starty,finishx=finishx,finishy=finishy)}
Filter: Alpha(Opacity=100, FinishOpacity=0, Style=1, StartX=0, StartY= 0, FinishX=0, FinishY=100);
The 'Alpha' attribute blends a target element with the background. Designers can specify numerical values to control the degree of blending. This "blending with the background" is colloquially known as the transparency of an element. By specifying coordinates, you can specify the transparency of points, lines, and surfaces. The meanings of their parameters are as follows:
"opacity' represents the level of transparency. The default range is from 0 to 100, and they are actually in the form of percentages. In other words, 0 represents completely transparent and 100 represents completely opaque." finishopacity' is an optional parameter. If you want to set the transparency effect of the gradient, you can use them to specify the transparency at the end. The range is also 0 to 100. The "style' parameter specifies the shape characteristics of the transparent area. 0 represents a uniform shape, 1 represents a line, 2 represents a radial shape, and 3 represents a rectangle. "STARTX" and "STARTY" represent the starting X and Y coordinates of the gradient transparency effect." FINISHX " and "FINISHY" represent the X and Y coordinates of the end of the gradient transparency effect.