What is an ActiveX control?
ActiveX controls are widely used on the Internet. They can make browsing more fun by offering videos, animated content, and more. However, these programs may cause problems or provide you with unwanted content. In some cases, these programs can be used to collect information from your computer in ways you do not allow, corrupt data on your computer, install software on your computer without your consent, or allow others to remotely Take control of your computer. Given these risks, you should only install these programs if you fully trust the publisher.
What should you do when Windows blocks the installation of an ActiveX control?
You probably should not install this ActiveX control. Installing an ActiveX control that Windows blocks is extremely risky. If Internet Explorer security settings are at the default level and the ActiveX control does not have a valid digital signature, Windows blocks the installation of the ActiveX control.
A valid digital signature confirms the identity of the publisher (the company, website, or person who distributed the file) and confirms the fact that the file has not been tampered with since it was signed. If a file doesn't have a valid digital signature, you can't be sure that the file really comes from the source it states, or that it hasn't been tampered with (for example, a virus might have been inserted into the control). Unless you trust the publisher and know that the contents will be safe once opened, you should not open the file.
Explanation: The following sentence means to generate a related Active object, according to the relevant browser version
xmlHttp = newActiveXObject(aVersions[i]);
This line of JS code generates an XMLHttpRequest object..
The name in brackets is the name of the ActiveX plug-in.
The complete version should be written like this:
["MSXML2.XMLHttp.5.0","MSXML2.XMLHttp.4.0","MSXML2.XMLHttp.3.0","MSXML2.XMLHttp","Microsoft.XMLHttp"];These are his ActiveX versions.
And some browsers, like FireFox, the browser itself has support for XmlHttpRequest. The browser has built-in objects. So just use "xmlHttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); "
if(window.XMLHttpRequest) is to determine whether the browser has a built-in XmlHttpRequest object