I saw a Baidu verification code today which was quite interesting, so I copied it.
Use JS to implement automatic comparison after selecting 4 items. This article uses a static comparison method to see if you have selected all the right items. Then it prompts [The answer is correct! ] or [Wrong answer!],
I will make the program when I have time in the future, and share it with everyone first!
The rendering is as follows:

The source code is as follows:
js仿百度贴吧验证码特效 <script> <br><br> function getid(id) { <br> return document.getElementById(id); <br> } <br><br> //获取属性样式 <br> function getStyle(id,prop){ <br> var obj=getid(id); <br> var ie = ! "v1";//简单判断ie6~8 <br> if(prop=="backgroundPosition"){//IE6~8不兼容backgroundPosition写法,识别backgroundPositionX/Y <br> if(ie){ <br> return obj.currentStyle.backgroundPositionX " " obj.currentStyle.backgroundPositionY; <br> } <br> } <br> if (obj.currentStyle) { <br> return obj.currentStyle[prop]; <br> } <br> else if (window.getComputedStyle) { <br> proppropprop = prop.replace (/([A-Z])/g, "-$1"); <br> proppropprop = prop.toLowerCase (); <br> return document.defaultView.getComputedStyle (obj,null)[prop]; <br> } <br> } <br><br> var anslist = ["","","",""];//储存容器 <br> var crent="-56px -92px,-100px -138px,-100px -92px,-3px -138px"; //正确答案容器 <br> var flag=0;//从第0个开始算起到当到第3个时自动对比答案 <br> var adbs=getid("val_add").getElementsByTagName("b"); <br> function addans(va){ <br> for(var i=0;i<anslist.length;i ) <BR> { <BR> if(anslist[i]=="") <BR> { <BR> anslist[i]=va; <BR> adbs[i].style.cssText="background-position:" anslist[i]; <BR> flag=i; <BR> break; <BR> } <BR> } <BR> if(flag==3) <BR> { <BR> if(anslist==crent) <BR> { <BR> alert("答案正确!"); <BR> } <BR> else <BR> { <BR> alert("答案错误!"); <BR> dele(); <BR> } <BR> } <BR> } <br><br> //清除原有值 <BR> function dele(){ <BR> flag=0; <BR> for(var i=0;i<adbs.length;i ) <BR> adbs[i].style.cssText=""; <BR> anslist = ["","","",""]; <BR> }<br><br> //Bind the click event of the Jiugongge verification code <BR> function addEvt(tab,ct,type){ <BR> var ctab = getid(tab).getElementsByTagName("b"); <BR> //var cdiv = getid(ct).getElementsByTagName(type); <BR> for(var i = 0;i<ctab.length;i ) <BR> ){ );//In the middle of the attribute Space is used as a separator such as: background-position:215px 215px; The value obtained by the getStyle method is 215px 215px; <BR> var st1,st2=""; <BR> /*-53px -36px,-56px -41px; Jiugongge The difference between x and the displayed selected answer is -3, and the y difference is -5*/ <BR> st1= parseInt(std[0].replace("px"))-3; replace("px"))-5; addEvt("val_input"); <BR> </script>
Source: http://www.86y.org/art_detail. aspx?id=682