Commonly used:
JS Get browser window size
// Get the window width
if (window.innerWidth)
winWidth = window.innerWidth;
else if ((document.body) && ( document.body.clientWidth))
winWidth = document.body.clientWidth;
// Get window height
if (window.innerHeight)
winHeight = window.innerHeight;
else if ( (document.body) && (document.body.clientHeight))
winHeight = document.body.clientHeight;
// Detect the body by going deep inside the Document and get the window size
if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.clientHeight && document.documentElement.clientWidth)
winHeight = document.documentElement.clientHeight;
winWidth = document.documentElement.clientWidth;
About getting the visible window size of various browsers:
<script> <br>function getInfo() <br>{ <br> var s = ""; <br>s = "The width of the visible area of the web page:" document.body.clientWidth; <br>s = "The height of the visible area of the web page:" document.body.clientHeight; <br>s = "The width of the visible area of the web page:" Area width: " document.body.offsetWidth " (including the width of the edges and scroll bars)"; <br>s = " Height of the visible area of the web page: " document.body.offsetHeight " (including the width of the edges)"; <br> s = "The full text width of the web page body:" document.body.scrollWidth; <br>s = "The full text height of the web page body:" document.body.scrollHeight; <br>s = "The scrolled height of the web page (ff):" document.body.scrollTop; <br>s = "The height to which the webpage is scrolled(ie):" document.documentElement.scrollTop; <br>s = "The left side to which the webpage is scrolled:" document.body.scrollLeft; <br>s = "The top part of the webpage text:" window.screenTop; <br>s = "The left part of the webpage text part:" window.screenLeft; <br>s = "The height of the screen resolution:" window.screen.height; <br>s = "Screen resolution width:" window.screen.width; <br>s = "Screen available work area height:" window.screen.availHeight; <br>s = "Screen available work area width:" " window.screen.availWidth;
<p>s = "Your screen setting is " window.screen.colorDepth " bit color "; <br>s = " Your screen setting is " window.screen.deviceXDPI " pixels/inch"; <br>//alert (s); <br>} <br>getInfo(); <br></script>
In my local test:
It works under IE, FireFox and Opera Use
to get it, it’s very simple and convenient.
And among company projects:
Opera still uses
But IE and FireFox use
It turns out that the W3C standard is causing trouble
If you add this line of tags to the page, in IE:
document.body.clientWidth ==> BODY object width
document.body.clientHeight ==> BODY Object height
document.documentElement.clientWidth ==> Visible area width
document.documentElement.clientHeight ==> Visible area height
In FireFox:
document.body.clientWidth ==> BODY object width
document.body.clientHeight ==> BODY object height
document.documentElement. clientWidth ==> Visible area width
document.documentElement.clientHeight ==> Visible area height
In Opera:
document.body.clientWidth ==> Visible area width
document.body.clientHeight ==> Visible area height
document.documentElement. clientWidth ==> Page object width (that is, BODY object width plus Margin width)
document.documentElement.clientHeight ==>gt; Page object height (that is, BODY object height plus Margin height)
And if it is not defined W3C standards, then
IE is:
document.documentElement.clientWidth ==> 0
document.documentElement.clientHeight ==> 0
FireFox is:
document.documentElement.clientWidth ==> page object width (that is, BODY object width plus Margin width) document.documentElement.clientHeight ==> page object height ( That is, the height of the BODY object plus the height of the Margin)
Opera is:
document.documentElement.clientWidth ==> page object width (that is, BODY object width plus Margin width) document.documentElement.clientHeight ==> page object height ( That is, the height of the BODY object plus the height of the Margin)