1. js removes spaces from strings
//Remove left spaces;
function ltrim(s)
return s.replace(/(^s*)/g, "");
//Remove the right space;
function rtrim(s)
return s.replace(/(s*$)/g, "");
//Remove left and right spaces;
function trim(s)...{
// s.replace(/(^s*)|(s*$)/g, "");
return rtrim(ltrim(s));
2. Function to remove spaces on both sides of a string
//Parameter: string passed in by mystr
//Return: string mystr
function trim(mystr){
while ((mystr.indexOf(" ")==0) && (mystr.length>1)){
}//Remove Space in front
while ((mystr.lastIndexOf(" ")==mystr.length-1)&&(mystr.length>1)){
mystr=mystr.substring(0,mystr.length-1) ;
}//Remove following spaces
if (mystr==" "){
return mystr;