JavaScript provides the method parseInt to convert a numerical value into an integer, which is used to convert the string data "123" or the floating point number 1.23.
parseInt("1"); // 1
parseInt("1.2"); // 1
parseInt("-1.2"); // -1
parseInt(1.2); // 1
parseInt(0); // 0
parseInt("0"); // 0
But this parseInt function is not always valid:
parseInt ('06'); // 6
parseInt('08'); // 0 Note that the new Google version has been corrected
parseInt("1g"); // 1
parseInt("g1") ; // NaN
To do this, I wrote a function to convert arbitrary data into integers.
function toInt(number) {
return number* 1 | 0 || 0;
toInt("1"); // 1
toInt("1.2"); // 1
toInt ("-1.2"); // -1
toInt(1.2); // 1
toInt(0); // 0
toInt("0"); // 0
toInt (Number.NaN); // 0
toInt(1/0); // 0
There are also conversion functions written by netizens. They are also written down for reference. They are also suitable for converting data Convert to integer.
function toInt(number) {
return number && number | 0 || 0;
Note that the valid range of integers that the above two functions js can represent is -1569325056 ~ 1569325056
In order to express a larger range of values in js, I also wrote a function for reference, as follows:
function toInt(number) {
return Infinity === number ? 0 : (number*1 || 0).toFixed(0)*1;