The page is rather ugly and only functions are implemented. ^ ^
Imitate the effect of easyui dialog< ;/title>
<script> <br>//Get the page element<br>var getElement = function() { <br>return document.getElementById(arguments[0]) || false; <br>} <br>function openDialog(dialogId) { <br>var maskId = "mask"; <br>//If there is one, delete the original one first <br>if (getElement(dialogId)) { <br>document.removeChild(getElement (dialogId));//Delete operation: pop-up div <br>} <br>if (getElement(maskId)) { <br>document.removeChild(getElement(maskId));//Delete operation: pop-up inoperable (Mask) layer<br>} <br><br>//Grey background<br>var maskDiv = document.createElement("div"); <br> = maskId; <br> position = "absolute"; <br> = "1"; <br> = document.body.scrollWidth "px"; <br> = document.body. scrollHeight "px"; <br> = "0px"; <br> = "0px"; <br> = "gray"; <br> .filter = "alpha(opacity=10)"; <br> = "0.30";//Transparency<br>document.body.appendChild(maskDiv);//Add a background layer to the body<br><br>//Dialog <br>var dialogDiv = document.createElement("div"); <br> = dialogId; <br> = "absolute"; <br>dialogDiv. style.zIndex = "9999"; <br> = "400px"; <br> = "200px"; <br> = (parseInt(document.body. scrollHeight) - 200) / 2 "px"; // Center the screen <br> = (parseInt(document.body.scrollWidth) - 400) / 2 "px"; // Center the screen <br>dialogDiv .style.background = "white"; <br> = "1px solid gray"; <br> = "5px"; <br>dialogDiv.innerHTML = "(Dialog Content)" ; <br>//Close operation in Dialog: close the background layer and Dialog layer <br>var closeControlloer = document.createElement("a");//Create a hyperlink (as a trigger for closing) <br> closeControlloer.href = "#"; <br>closeControlloer.innerHTML = "Close"; <br>closeControlloer.onclick = function() { <br>document.body.removeChild(getElement(dialogId));//Delete diaglog <br>document.body.removeChild(getElement(maskId));//Remove the background layer<br>} <br>dialogDiv.appendChild(closeControlloer);//Add "close" operation to the dialog<br>document.body. appendChild(dialogDiv);//Add dialog in body <br>} <br></script>
Open Dialog< ;/a>