Recently, I was developing jquery in IE10. I made some summary about the incompatible problem of combobox multi-selection in jquery.
When setting the attribute "multiple:true" for the combobox, IE10 cannot complete the multiple selection, and the error is as follows:
function _7e8(_7e9,_7ea){
var _7eb=$.data(_7e9,"combobox");
var opts=_7eb.options ;
var _7ec=$(_7e9).combo("getValues");
var _7ed=_7ec.indexOf(_7ea "");//Error reported here at line 10650
if(_7ed>=0) {
That is, it is reported that the indexOf method is not supported in F12. Now there are two solutions to this problem Solution:
1. Modify the source code
Modify the above code to
function _7e8(_7e9,_7ea){
var _7eb=$.data(_7e9,"combobox");
var opts=_7eb. options;
var _7ec=$(_7e9).combo("getValues");
var _7ed = (function(arr,str){
str = str "";
for(var i =0,l=arr.length;iif(arr[i] == str) return i;
return -1;
})(_7ec ,_7ea);
if(_7ed >= 0){//Modified on 2013-6-25 19:04
2. Add indexOf method
Array.prototype.indexOf = function(target){
for(var i=0,l =this.length;iif(this[i] === target) return i;
return -1;
}< ;/strong>
Actually, I quite recommend the first method, because it is more convenient, so I use the first method.