1. Event processing
1.1. Event binding
1.2. Abbreviation of binding method
1.3. Synthetic events
2. Animation
//Function: Display and hide by changing the width and height of the element at the same time
show(speed,[callback function]);
You can use "normal", "fast", "slow" for speed, or you can use milliseconds
callback The function will be executed after the entire animation is executed
2.2. slideUp() / slideDown()
//Function: Display and hide by changing the height of the element
Usage is the same as above.
$ (function(){
$ ('#d1').slideDown('slow');
2.3.fadeIn() / fadeOut()//Fade in, fade out
//Function: Show and hide by changing the opacity of the element
Usage is the same as above.
$(function( ){
},function( ){
2.4.Since Define animation
params: //It is a javascript object that describes the style when the animation execution ends.
speed: //Speed, unit is milliseconds.
callback: //Callback function will be executed after the animation is completed.
$ (function(){
//Animation queue
$(this).animate({'left':'400px'},3000 );
3. Array-like operations
//Array-like: refers to the jQuery selector that will encapsulate all found DOM objects into a jQuery object,
//will These DOM objects are called array-like objects.
3.1.length property: //Get the number of DOM objects contained in the jQuery object.
3.2.each(fun(i)): //Loop through each element, this represents the dom object being iterated,
//$(this) represents the jquery object being iterated.
3.3.eq(index): //Return the jquery object at index 1
3.4.index(obj): //Return the subscript, where obj can be a dom object or jquery object.
3.5.get(): //Returns an array of dom objects
3.6.get(index): //Returns index 1 dom object.
$(function( ){
//var $obj = $('ul li');
//i: Indicates the subscript of the DOM object being accessed,
//The subscript starts from 0.
//this: Represents the DOM object being accessed
}else if(i== 1){
//var $obj = $('ul li');
var $o = $obj.eq(1);
//$ o.css('font-size','60px');
var index = $obj.index($o);
//var $ obj = $('ul li');
var arr = $obj.get();
var $obj = $( 'ul li');
var obj = $obj.get(1);