It is very common to use slideshow effects on websites. After some research on how to implement it, I thought it would be complicated, but unexpectedly it turned out to be very simple. There is a ready-made jquery plug-in jquery.KinSlideshow.js.
Using jquery.KinSlideshow.js you can easily achieve the slideshow effect
htm code:
js code:
$(function () {
// moveStyle: "down", //Set the switching direction to downward [default left switch]
intervalTime:8, //Set the interval time to 8 seconds [default 5 seconds]
mouseEvent: "mouseover", //Set the mouse event to "switch over mouse slide" [default switch when mouse clicks]
titleFont:{TitleFont_size:14,TitleFont_color:"#FF0000"} //Set the title text size to 14px, color: #FF0000
CSS to set image size
.ifocus img{width:700px;height:400px; }
Final renderings