The first type: Copy code The code is as follows: Two types: <br><br><br> </div> <br>Copy code <br><div class="codetitle"><span> The code is as follows: <a style="CURSOR: pointer" data="57474" class="copybut" id="copybut57474" onclick="doCopy('code57474')"><u></u> <script language="javascript"> ;</a>alert("Return");</span>window.history.back(-1);</div> Third type: Copy code The code is as follows: window.navigate( "top.jsp"); Fourth method: Copy code The code is as follows: self.location='top.htm'; < script language="javascript"> alert("Illegal access!"); top.location='xx.jsp'; Automatically jump to other pages after how many seconds (js script) Add js between Copy code The code is as follows:<br>var secs = 3; //Countdown seconds</div>var URL ;<br>function Load(url){<p>URL = url;</p>for(var i=secs;i>=0;i --) <p>{ </p> window.setTimeout('doUpdate(' i ')', (secs-i) * 1000); <p>} </p> <div class="codetitle">}<span>function doUpdate(num) <a style="CURSOR: pointer" data="38652" class="copybut" id="copybut38652" onclick="doCopy('code38652')">{ <u>document.getElementById('ShowDiv').innerHTML = 'Will automatically jump to the homepage in ' num ' seconds' ;</u>if(num == 0) { window.location = URL; }</a>}</span> Then add in index.asp is the page you want to jump to. Add between Method 2: Copy code The code is as follows: The system will automatically jump to the new URL in 5 seconds. If it fails to jump, Please click. </p> delayURL(); <p> function delayURL() { </p> var delay = document.getElementById("time"). innerHTML;<p> var t = setTimeout("delayURL()", 1000);</p> if (delay > 0) {<p> delay--;</p> <div class="codetitle"> document.getElementById("time").innerHTML = delay;<span> ;/script><a style="CURSOR: pointer" data="65355" class="copybut" id="copybut65355" onclick="doCopy('code65355')"><u></u></a></span> </div></a></span></div>