If you want CSS to control forced line breaks for continuous English characters in irefox, After exploring for a long time, I found that it is impossible to achieve. When I have to use js script to control it,
English characters are automatically wrapped and the string is truncated through js script. This method is compatible with ie6, ie7 and firefox.
js implements automatic line wrapping of continuous English characters ssssssssssssssssss
sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss< ;/div>
<script> <br>function toBreakWord( intLen){ <br>var obj=document.getElementById("ff");//The id of the container where the text content is located <br>var strContent=obj.innerHTML; <br>var strTemp=""; <br>while( strContent.length>intLen){ <br>strTemp =strContent.substr(0,intLen) "<br />"; <br>strContent=strContent.substr(intLen,strContent.length); <br>} <br>strTemp =strContent; <br>obj.innerHTML=strTemp; <br>} <br>toBreakWord(50);//The maximum number of characters in a line<br></script>