var $ = function (id) {
return "string" == typeof id ? document.getElementById(id) : id;
var Class = {
create: function() {
return function() {
this.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
Object .extend = function(destination, source) {
for (var property in source) {
destination[property] = source[property];
return destination;
var TransformView = Class.create();
TransformView.prototype = {
//Container object, sliding object, switching parameter, switching number
initialize: function(container, slider, parameter, count, options) {
if(parameter <= 0 || count <= 0) return;
var oContainer = $(container), oSlider = $(slider), oThis = this;
this.Index = 0;//Current index
this._timer = null;//Timer
this._slider = oSlider;//Sliding object
this._parameter = parameter ;//Switching parameter
this._count = count || 0;//Switching quantity
this._target = 0;//Target parameter
this.Up = !!this.options.Up;
this.Step = Math.abs(this.options.Step);
this.Time = Math.abs(this.options.Time) ;
this.Auto = !!this.options.Auto;
this.Pause = Math.abs(this.options.Pause);
this.onStart = this.options.onStart;
this.onFinish = this.options.onFinish;
oContainer.style.overflow = "hidden";
oContainer.style.position = "relative";
oSlider.style.position = "absolute";
oSlider.style.top = oSlider.style.left = 0;
//Set the default properties
SetOptions: function(options) {
this. options = {//Default value
Up: true,//Whether to go up (otherwise to the left)
Step: 5,//Sliding change rate
Time: 10,//Sliding delay
Auto: true,//Whether to automatically convert
Pause: 2000,//Pause time (valid when Auto is true)
onStart: function(){},//Execute when starting conversion
onFinish: function (){}//Execute when the conversion is completed
Object.extend(this.options, options || {});
//Start switching settings
Start : function() {
if(this.Index < 0){
this.Index = this._count - 1;
} else if (this.Index >= this._count){ this .Index = 0; }
this._target = -1 * this._parameter * this.Index;
Move: function() {
var oThis = this, style = this.Up ? "top" : "left",
iNow = parseInt(this._slider.style[style]) || 0,
iStep = this.GetStep(this._target, iNow);
if (iStep != 0) {
this._slider.style[style] = (iNow iStep) "px";
this._timer = setTimeout(function(){ oThis.Move(); }, this.Time);
} else {
this._slider.style[style] = this._target "px";
if (this.Auto) { this._timer = setTimeout(function(){ oThis.Index ; oThis.Start(); }, this.Pause); }
//Get the step size
GetStep: function(iTarget, iNow) {
var iStep = (iTarget - iNow) / this.Step;
if (iStep == 0) return 0;
if (Math.abs(iStep) < 1) return (iStep > 0 ? 1 : -1) ;
return iStep;
Stop: function(iTarget, iNow) {
this._slider.style[this .Up ? "top" : "left"] = this._target "px";
function Each(list, fun){
for (var i = 0, len = list.length; i < len; i ) { fun(list[i], i); }
var objs = $("idNum2").getElementsByTagName("li");
var tv = new TransformView("idTransformView2", "idSlider2", 408, 3, {
onStart: function(){ Each(objs, function(o, i){ o.className = tv.Index == i ? "on" : ""; }) },//Button style
Up: false
Each(objs, function(o, i){
o.onmouseover = function(){
o.className = "on";
tv.Auto = false;
tv.Index = i;
o.onmouseout = function(){
o.className = " ";
tv.Auto = true;
The name is obvious at first glance. So I won’t explain the code in detail!
Demo and source file download