It has been more than two years since I logged in to my csdn account. I did some side things in the middle, but now I have returned to the program, but changed to the front end. Although I have almost forgotten many things, I should still correct my mentality and slow down. Take your time, roam on the front end, and be a happy Pisces.
The road is walked step by step, knowledge is accumulated bit by bit, and records are wealth. Come on, learn to summarize and take notes together.
In order to get better interactivity, some pages that I have been writing background articles on some pages need to do some effects. js is undoubtedly the best choice, but because the compatibility of browsers has always been unsatisfactory, so Using the jquery framework, you can achieve a better user experience through css styles, dom nodes and its own functions. This case has three functional points. They are:
1. Use jquery's own toggle() function to implement layer hiding and display animation;
2. Imitate the dynamic decrement effect of Sina and Tencent Weibo input box characters (can be used as a separate js , it can be universal after introduction);
3. Implement several navigation buttons to switch different content, similar to tab;
The following is all the code:
用jquery实现两个table的显示与隐藏 <script> <br>/*控制文章字数输入函数*/ <br>$(function(){ <br>$("td span").addClass('textCount');//页面加载时为所有span标签添加新浪字体样式 <br>}) <br>/* <br>words_deal函数是一个可以通用的关于仿新浪字符输入的函数,用在网站的文章编辑上可以提高用户的交互性 <br>dom:当前要操作的对象 <br>num:限制字符数量 <br>id:通过传入id值动态添加需要操作的span <br>*/ <br>function words_deal(dom,num,id) <br>{ <br>var curLength=$(dom).val().length; //获取文本框中输入的文字总数量 <br>if(curLength>num)//判断是否大于限制字符数量 <br>{ //如果大于限制级字符数量,获得从0到该限制数量的所有字符串 <br>var totalNum=$(dom).val().substr(0,num); <br>$(dom).val(totalNum); //将这些字符重新载入文本框,并弹框提示 <br>alert("超过字数限制,多出的字将被截断!" ); <br>} <br>else <br>{ <br>if(curLength>num-10) <br>{//如果输入字符为倒数10个字符时改变样式将字体变红 <br>$('.textCount_'+id).addClass("textAfter"); <br>} <br>else <br>{//否则移除样式 <br>$('.textCount_'+id).removeClass("textAfter"); <br>} <br>$(".textCount_"+id).text(num-$(dom).val().length); //如小于限制级字符数量,进行累加计数显示 <br>} <br>} <br>//文章列表菜单栏效果控制函数 <br>function fun_search(dom,id){ <br>//控制搜索层显示或隐藏 <br>if(id!=1){ <br>$(".article_search").toggle("fast",function(){ <br>}); <br>} <br>//控制切换样式 <br>var className = $(dom).attr("class"); <br>if(className != 'on'){ <br>$('.search_table a').removeClass('on'); <br>$(dom).addClass('on'); <br>} <br>} <br></script>