Jun 13, 2016 am 09:28 AM在WINDOWS下安装PEAR,WINDOWS安装PEAR
一、从官网下载go-pear.phar 文件,地址http://pear.php.net/go-pear.phar
将下载好的文件go-pear.phar 放到PHP安装目录下,dos 命令下进入PHP安装目录 运行 php go-pear.phar
安装Mail插件:D:\mvam\php5> pear install mail
安装MDB2插件:D:\mvam\php5> pear install MDB2
D:\mvam\php5> pear config-set auto_discover 1
D:\mvam\php5>pear install pear.phpunit.de/PHPUnit
把phpunit加入环境变量,然后 phpunit --help 可以看到全部用法,如下:
D:\mvam\php5>phpunit --help
PHPUnit 4.0.17 by Sebastian Bergmann.
You have installed PHPUnit via PEAR. This installation method is no longer
supported and http://pear.phpunit.de/ will be shut down no later than
December, 31 2014.
Please read http://phpunit.de/manual/current/en/installation.html and
learn how to use PHPUnit from a PHAR or install it via Composer.
Usage: phpunit [options] UnitTest [UnitTest.php]
phpunit [options]
Code Coverage Options:
Default: Standard output.
Logging Options:
Test Selection Options:
--group ... Only runs tests from the specified group(s).
--exclude-group ... Exclude tests from the specified group(s).
--list-groups List available test groups.
--test-suffix ... Only search for test in files with specified
suffix(es). Default: Test.php,.phpt
Test Execution Options:
--report-useless-tests Be strict about tests that do not test anything.
--strict-coverage Be strict about unintentionally covered code.
--disallow-test-output Be strict about output during tests.
--enforce-time-limit Enforce time limit based on test size.
--strict Run tests in strict mode (enables all of the above).
--process-isolation Run each test in a separate PHP process.
--no-globals-backup Do not backup and restore $GLOBALS for each test.
--static-backup Backup and restore static attributes for each test.
--colors Use colors in output.
--stderr Write to STDERR instead of STDOUT.
--stop-on-error Stop execution upon first error.
--stop-on-failure Stop execution upon first error or failure.
--stop-on-risky Stop execution upon first risky test.
--stop-on-skipped Stop execution upon first skipped test.
--stop-on-incomplete Stop execution upon first incomplete test.
-v|--verbose Output more verbose information.
--debug Display debugging information during test execution.
--tap Report test execution progress in TAP format.
--testdox Report test execution progress in TestDox format.
Configuration Options:
--no-configuration Ignore default configuration file (phpunit.xml).
-d key[=value] Sets a php.ini value.
Miscellaneous Options:
-h|--help Prints this usage information.
--version Prints the version and exits.
--self-update Update PHPUnit to the latest version. 配置 PHP.ini文件
将php.ini中的include_path修改为PEAR安装目录 include_path = ".;D:/mvam/php5/pear"
在PHP目录下,用命令行方式执行pear install –a Auth 就会在PHP\PEAR 目录下建立AUTH目录,目录中包含文件包。-a选项表明安装Auth包所依赖的所有其他包。
呵呵 这不你已经有了 go-pear.phar 文件了,那就好办了,请如下操纵:
1、打开命令提示符(附件里面有)或者在运行中输入 cmd 。
2、找到你那个go-pear.phar所在的目录,使用 cd 命令切换过去。
3、然后在命令提示符中使用 php go-pear.phar 进行pear的安装。
Good Luck~~

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