When using "get", add the encoding type
Server side: servletactioncontext.getresponse().setcharacterencoding("utf-8");
Client web page special effects p/jsp.html target=_blank >jsp tutorial: < %@ page language="java" contenttype="text/html; charset=utf-8" pageencoding="utf-8"%>
response.expires = -9999
response.addheader "pragma", "no-cache"
response.addheader "cache-ctrol","no-cache"
response.addheader "content-type","text/html; charset=gb2312"'This is the key point, otherwise it will Garbled characters appear
response.write "Chinese characters"%>
2. Use vbscript to solve the encoding problem when using post:
The source code is as follows:
below The vbscript function is used: