This example uses Jquery to achieve the effect of turning off the lights on the video playback page. The video display uses the embed element, which is an HTML5 element, so it will be better to use a browser that supports HTML5.
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, Sans-Serif; font-size:13px; text-align:center; margin:0px; position:relative;}
#container { width:960px; margin:0px auto; text-align:left; overflow:hidden ; position:relative;}
#movie_keleyi_com {border:solid 1px #dcdcdc; float:left; width:560px; text-align:left; margin-right:20px; position:relative; z-index:102;}
#description { float:left; width:320px;border:solid 1px #dcdcdc; padding: 10px 20px;}
#command { position:relative; height:25px; display:block; margin: 25px 0 0 0;}
.lightSwitcher {position:absolute; z-index:101; background-image:url(;
background -repeat:no-repeat; background-position:left; padding: 0 0 0 20px; outline:none; text-decoration:none;}
.lightSwitcher:hover {text-decoration:underline;}
# shadow {background-image:url(; position:absolute; left:0; top:0; width:100%; z-index: 100;}
.turnedOff {color:#ffff00; background-image:url(;}
#clickHere {position: absolute; top: -25px; left:130px;}