function printsetup(){ //Print page setup wb. execwb(8,1); } Function printpreview(){ // Print page preview wb.execwb(7,1); } function printit() { if (confirm('Are you sure to print? ')) { wb.execwb(6,6) } }
----------------- ------------------------------- There are other uses for this component, listed below: WebBrowser.ExecWB(1,1) Open Web.ExecWB(2,1) Close all current IE windows and open a new window Web.ExecWB(4,1) Save the web page Web.ExecWB(6,1) Print Web.ExecWB(7,1) Print Preview Web.ExecWB(8,1) Print Page Settings Web.ExecWB(10,1) View the page properties Web.ExecWB(15,1) It seems to be revoked and needs to be confirmed Web.ExecWB(17,1) Select all Web.ExecWB(22,1) Refresh Web. ExecWB(45,1) Close the form silently 2. Print in pages