ELF coin, the native token of the aelf blockchain, has a promising future due to sidechain technology, corporate cooperation and active communities. But factors such as regulation, competition and economic conditions must still be considered.
ELF Coin Prospect Analysis
ELF Coin Introduction
ELF Coin is the native token of aelf blockchain, aelf is a distributed cloud computing platform for enterprise-level applications.
ELF Coin Prospect Analysis
The prospect of ELF Coin is affected by the following factors:
Overall Outlook
ELF coin has a promising future, with aelf’s technical advantages, corporate cooperation growth and active community laying the foundation for future growth. Factors such as the regulatory environment, market competition and global economic conditions may affect its price.
Current Price and Market Data
As of 1:00 PM on Jun 28, 2024, aelf (ELF) price is $0.35768357937909 with 24-hour trading volume of $17339564.51612. In the last 24 hours, ELF price has seen a positive upward trend as it increased by 2.17787728%. Currently, the circulating supply of ELF is 731311898.90919, the maximum supply is 1 billion, and the total supply is consistent with the circulating supply. The circulating market capitalization is $261578257.64436. Continue to pay attention to the future price trend of ELF to understand its performance in the cryptocurrency market.
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