What will be updated in League of Legends on August 17th?

Release: 2024-07-15 21:20:21
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Want to know what League of Legends will update on August 17th? On August 17th, League of Legends received an update, bringing exciting new changes to players! Can’t wait to learn more? Then hurry up and follow PHP editor Zimo to learn more about all aspects of the updated content. This article will detail all the new features and improvements introduced in this update, so you don’t miss any exciting content!

What will be updated in League of Legends on August 17th?

2023 League of Legends Latest Maintenance Announcement

LOL will start a region-wide shutdown for maintenance at 1 a.m. on August 17th (please note: the entrance to the qualifying competition will be closed at 0:00 a.m. on August 17th, which will not affect the ongoing qualifying competition). Version 13.16 is released. The expected downtime is 1:00-12:00. For activities that end during the downtime, the actual end time will also be advanced to the beginning of the downtime maintenance, so please pay attention.

Note: The announcement of the national server is based on the actual version value of the national server update. If the Riot game design team adjusts the balance within the version, the national server operation team will issue an in-version update announcement based on the update preparation progress. Subsequent optimization may be based on actual operating results, and the results may be different under different machine configurations.

lol update content on August 17th

1. Version News

,,,,,, is already in version 13.16.

What will be updated in League of Legends on August 17th?

2. Known BUG

1. After changing the avatar, you need to log in to the game again to take effect. It is expected to be fixed in the next version.

2. Occasionally, it is impossible to watch the battle in custom mode, and the loading interface will be black. We will fix it as soon as possible.

3. There is an exception in the training mode and it is temporarily closed and unavailable. We will fix it as soon as possible.

3. Hero

The Thorn of Outliers Akali

What will be updated in League of Legends on August 17th?

Q energy consumption is reduced and basic damage is increased.

Akali isn't very good at multiple levels of play, so it's time to pull out some sharper and deadlier weapons from her ninja toolkit. The goal of the "League of Legends" team in this version is to make Akali's energy consumption less burdensome during the laning phase, and to make her blood exchanges more powerful, so that her opponents will not dare to fight this kunoichi easily. Blood transfusion. Believe first!

What will be updated in League of Legends on August 17th?

Q - I flow mysteries! Hanying

Energy consumption: 130/115/100/85/70 → 110/100/90/80/70

Damage: 40/65/90/115/140 (+65% attack power) (+60% ability power) → 45/70/95/120/145 (+65% attack power) (+60% spell power)

Revenge Flame Soul Brand

What will be updated in League of Legends on August 17th?

Passive mana recovery increased. Q spell power gain increased. E spell power gain increased.

Contrary to popular belief, Brand doesn't have all the firepower in solo queue, especially in the mid lane. While many players choose to use Brand as a support, the League of Legends team also wants to ensure that he remains a viable mid lane option. To this end, the "League of Legends" team has increased his passive mana recovery to help him better sustain his mana in the middle. The "League of Legends" team also increased the ability power bonus of his Q and E to better utilize Brand's main strength of damage output, without increasing the already reasonable damage values ​​of his W and R.

What will be updated in League of Legends on August 17th?

Passive - Fiery Flame

Mana regeneration: 20-40 (based on level) → 30-50 (based on level)

What will be updated in League of Legends on August 17th?

Q - Firebrand

Magic damage: 80/110/140/170/200 (+55% of spell power) → 80/110/140/170/200 (+65% of spell power)

What will be updated in League of Legends on August 17th?

E - Burning

Magic damage: 70/95/120/145/170 (+45% of spell power) → 70/95/120/145/170 (+50% of spell power)

Piltover Policewoman Caitlin

What will be updated in League of Legends on August 17th?

The number of passive attacks required for each headshot is reduced.

Caitlyn has been injured for a while, and the buffs from the last patch didn't buff her to where the League of Legends team wanted her to be. The "League of Legends" team still wants her to focus on basic attacks and critical strikes, but for now is aiming to increase headshot damage. So, the League of Legends team gave her more headshots!

Basic attributes

Number of attacks required per headshot: 6 → 5

Time Assassin Ike

What will be updated in League of Legends on August 17th?

The initial basic damage of Q has been increased, and the slowdown of the first few levels has been increased. W base shield value increased.

Ekko has been weak at all levels of play for some time, so the League of Legends team is looking to add some strength back to his kit in a way that favors him playing mid lane so he interacts in the mid lane It will make more sense. He is currently more afraid of ranged harassment (as expected), but the "League of Legends" team wants to make him more durable against ranged heroes, so he enhanced his Q1 to give him more ranged health consumption ability, and use W Has more slow/chase potential when attacking, and more shield value when defending with W.

What will be updated in League of Legends on August 17th?

Q - Time Warper

Initial magic damage: 60/75/90/105/120 (+30% of spell power) → 70/85/100/115/130 (+30% of spell power)

Slow down: 32/39/46/53/60% → 40/45/50/55/60%

What will be updated in League of Legends on August 17th?

W - time interlacing

Shield value: 70/90/110/130/150 (+150% spell power) → 100/120/140/160/180 (+150% spell power)

The Revealed Karma

What will be updated in League of Legends on August 17th?

Q spell power income has been increased, and RQ spell power income has been increased. R cooldown shortened.

Karma's offensive growth isn't up to par, as she often has to rely on her shield or her unreliable W to contribute in the late laning phase. With these changes, the League of Legends team hopes to make Karma more reliant on her Q as she enters the late game (as spell power increases) and give her more reasons to use Mantra Q.

What will be updated in League of Legends on August 17th?

Q - Inner Flame

Magic damage: 70/120/170/220/270 (+40% of spell power) → 70/120/170/220/270 (+50% of spell power)

Ultimate skill enhancement Q: 35/140/245/350 (+60% spell power) → 35/140/245/350 (+70% spell power)

What will be updated in League of Legends on August 17th?

R - Mantra

Cooling time: 40/38/36/34 seconds → 40/37/34/31 seconds

Spear Ranger Lucian

What will be updated in League of Legends on August 17th?

Passive collateral damage increased.

Lucian is an exciting and fan-favorite hero, but unfortunately he's currently underperforming. The League of Legends team has increased the base damage of his passive to solidify his role as a lane bully, while still keeping him out of solo lane.

What will be updated in League of Legends on August 17th?

Passive - Silver Bullet of Light

Additional magic damage: 10 (+15% attack power) → 15 (+15% attack power)

Fairy Witch Lulu

What will be updated in League of Legends on August 17th?

Growth and health increase. Q spell power gain increased. E spell power gain increased.

Lulu has had some trouble re-establishing herself since her much-needed pro-focused nerf in patch 13.12. While the League of Legends team is hesitant to give her power to make her stronger in synergy matches, we do want to give her some power back, but in a way that benefits solo queue players. . The League of Legends team expects some of the ability power buffs to come into play as they give her a little more offensive power, but that power can only be purchased if she can earn gold.

Basic attributes

Growth HP: 88 → 92

What will be updated in League of Legends on August 17th?

Q - Shining Spear

Magic damage: 70/105/140/175/210 (+40% of spell power) → 70/105/140/175/210 (+50% of spell power)

What will be updated in League of Legends on August 17th?

E - Help, Pixar!

Shield value: 80/120/160/200/240 (+40% spell power) → 75/115/155/195/235 (+55% spell power)

Prophet of the Void Malzahar

What will be updated in League of Legends on August 17th?

E The damage interval of each period is shortened, and the minion execution threshold is lowered.

In this version, the "League of Legends" team has added some quality-level changes to Malzahar's Evil Star Vision to solve some consistency issues when using E to last hit. While lowering the minion kill threshold might seem like a nerf, when combined with a faster damage framerate, this should allow players to more reliably last-hit and earn sweet gold.

What will be updated in League of Legends on August 17th?

E - Evil Star Vision

Each damage interval: 0.5 seconds → 0.25 seconds

Minion execution threshold: 15-45 health (based on level) → 10-30 health (based on level)

Mingzhu Mirio

What will be updated in League of Legends on August 17th?

Q damage increased. E base shield value increased.

With Mirio being nerfed due to the need to reduce his pro play rate, the League of Legends team wanted to introduce some less pro-focused buffs that were less focused on teamfighting, which can be used to output power through coordination. Maximized scenario. This change also gives him the option to take control of the situation himself, maxing out Q first and converting spell power into greater effectiveness. Gold gain and late-stage strength are often better reflected in the solo queue than in the professional arena, because in the professional arena, players will deliberately use military lines and defense towers to focus more resources on the C position. You deserve the gold, Mirio!

What will be updated in League of Legends on August 17th?

Q - Fiery Flying Kick

Magic damage: 90/135/180/225/270 (+90% of spell power) → 80/140/200/260/320 (+120% of spell power)

What will be updated in League of Legends on August 17th?

E - Harmonious friendship

Shield value: 60/80/100/120/140 (+25% spell power) → 60/85/110/135/160 (+30% spell power)

Hundred-Split Hell Dog Naya Feli 

What will be updated in League of Legends on August 17th?

Basic armor, attack power and attack speed are reduced.

Nayafili is already in a position where his long-term health is a little stronger than the League of Legends team believes, especially in the top lane, which is currently roughly on par with mid. The fact that she is always on par with half-meaty heroes shows that her basic combat attributes are a little on the high side. So these changes from the League of Legends team hit both her top and mid units, but hit her top units harder.

Basic attributes

Base Armor: 32 → 30

Base attack power: 57 → 55

Base attack speed: 0.688 → 0.663

Wild Huntress Nidalee

What will be updated in League of Legends on August 17th?

EAdded attack power gain.

In this patch, the "League of Legends" team hopes to provide some help for the physical Nidalee's cougar form, so that her swings can bring some power. The "League of Legends" team does not plan to make major changes to physical Nidalee, but just gives her a little more support.

What will be updated in League of Legends on August 17th?

E - Swipe

Damage: 80/140/200/260 (+45% ability power) → 80/140/200/260 (+40% bonus attack power) (+45% ability power)

Void Earth Breaker Rek'Sai

What will be updated in League of Legends on August 17th?

Q damage adjustment.

Since Rek'Sai's update in version 13.11, her performance has been very good. Although she has been downgraded several times in previous versions, she is still the absolute queen of the early game and is still stronger than her in version 13.9. . She just doesn't have her current level of early-game dominance, especially in higher-ranked games where players get better at setting up traps (which she can bypass) and cashing in on early leads (which she can do easily).

This change converts Q into total attack power, which is a damage reduction before level 13, and a damage enhancement after that, and is also an extra incentive to max out Q first, because the skill level will now also affect the base damage. and gold coins gained.

What will be updated in League of Legends on August 17th?

Q - Queen's Wrath

Additional physical damage: 21/27/33/39/45 (+50% additional attack power) → 34/38/42/46/50% total attack power

Devil Clown Shaco

What will be updated in League of Legends on August 17th?

Basic mana recovery is reduced. W mana cost increased.

The mage support Shaco is more of a threat than usual at certain levels of play, and that's all because of his Fright Box, which is full of damage and mana. Currently, it's too easy for Shaco to counter multiple heroes trying to start a team fight by creating a magic box minefield in lane (and eventually in the enemy jungle), so the League of Legends team wants to improve Mana limit to prevent him from spawning his magic box.

Basic attributes

Base mana regeneration: 7.15 → 6

What will be updated in League of Legends on August 17th?

W - Scary Box

Mana cost: 50/55/60/65/70 → 70 at all levels

Dragon Blood Warrior Shyvana

What will be updated in League of Legends on August 17th?

W’s group damage and collateral damage are reduced.

Shyvana gained a lot of power in patch 13.14, and while she was nerfed in patch 13.15, her ability-power builds are pretty much the same as before, but her attack-power builds have taken off. The League of Legends team wanted to make sure Attack was her best build, but it was just too good. This patch, the League of Legends team has nerfed the part of her that least depends on the player's skill level, as it's only effective when she's competing against her enemies for stats.

What will be updated in League of Legends on August 17th?

W - A prairie fire

Damage per second: 20/32/45/57/70 (+30% bonus attack power) → 20/30/40/50/60 (+20% bonus attack power)

Collateral damage: 5/8/11.25/14.25/17.5 (+7.5% additional attack power) → 5/7/9/11/13 (+5% additional attack power)

Silas the Liberator

What will be updated in League of Legends on August 17th?

Basic mana value increased.

Silas is currently struggling to find success in the middle. A large part of this is due to the fact that he has a difficult laning period as a melee hero, and must put himself in danger in order to farm money and exchange blood, resulting in his inability to make a smooth transition to the mid-to-late stage where he can develop stably. The League of Legends team gave him some mana boosts in this patch, something mid-unit Sylas values ​​highly.

Basic attributes

Base mana: 310 → 400

Target Dummy

Legend has it that no hero has ever defeated this guy. It's not afraid of anything. Except BUG. Bugs will scare it.



移動速度:0 → 370 (備註:這應該是《英雄聯盟》有史以來最大的移動速度增強。)

最小生命值:100 → 1 (備註:活得更極限了。)


使出你的全力打我。目標假人可以承受的單次最大傷害不再是 900,現在是假人的最大生命值減 1。

麥林砲手 崔絲塔娜

What will be updated in League of Legends on August 17th?


崔絲塔娜近來已統治了職業賽場的中路,因為她既是一個難抓的線霸,又是一個牢靠的後期成長型暴擊射手。 《英雄聯盟》團隊希望她在下路時很大程度上不受這些改動的影響,因為下路的物理傷害更為​​普遍,但在對抗那些能夠還擊的法師時會更弱了。


基礎護甲:26 → 30

成長護甲:4.2 → 4.5

基礎魔抗:30 → 28

基礎生命值:670 → 640

齊天大聖 孫悟空  

What will be updated in League of Legends on August 17th?

成長法力回覆提升。 Q法力消耗降低。 W法力消耗降低。



成長法力回覆:0.65 → 0.8

What will be updated in League of Legends on August 17th?

Q - 粉碎打擊

法力消耗:40 → 20

What will be updated in League of Legends on August 17th?

W - 真假猴王

法力消耗:80/70/60/50/40 → 60/55/50/45/40



What will be updated in League of Legends on August 17th?

更新過的依然不足以讓這件新裝備受到使用者們的關注,因此《英雄聯盟》團隊冒了一些風險,增強了它的終極技能冷卻返還,希望能幫到它在峽谷中找到它的立足之地。 《英雄聯盟》團隊將密切關注這項改動,以確保它如《英雄聯盟》團隊所希望的那樣發展,但如果有必要,《英雄聯盟》團隊將進行更多改動。

終極技能冷卻時間回饋:5% (+40%穿甲) → 10% (+40%穿甲)


What will be updated in League of Legends on August 17th?


冷卻時間:10秒 → 30秒

已損失生命值傷害:20% → 18%


What will be updated in League of Legends on August 17th?

현재 재사용 대기시간은 대부분의 사용자가 기꺼이 가져오기에는 너무 길기 때문에 리그 오브 레전드 팀은 이러한 영웅들이 더 쉽게 사용할 수 있도록 재사용 대기시간을 낮추고 약간 개선했습니다. 제공할 수 있는 피해로 인해 구매 가치가 더 높아졌습니다. .

냉각시간 : 10초 → 5초

피해량: 85(근접)/65(원거리)(+45(근접)/30(원거리) 추가 공격력 %) → 85(근접)/65(원거리)(55(근접)/35 (원거리) % 보너스 공격력)


What will be updated in League of Legends on August 17th?

암살자 사용자의 경우에는 적당한 강도 수준이지만 여전히 틈새 아이템이므로 '리그 오브 레전드' 팀은 '유일한' 문제를 제거하는 데 도움이 되도록 좀 더 일반적인 힘을 가할 수 있기를 희망합니다. 대결 중" "방어 시 구매" 포지셔닝. 작은 갑옷 관통 버프 덕분에 이 아이템은 방패를 부수려는 암살자들에게 더 인기가 있을 것입니다.

방어구 관통력: 12 → 15

What will be updated in League of Legends on August 17th?

필요한 만큼 강력하지 않았으며, 종종 장비에 자연스럽게 적합한 영웅(예: 파이크)을 실망시켰습니다. 작은 갑옷 관통 버프는 사용자의 손에 있는 것을 좀 더 위험하게 만들 것입니다.

방어구 관통력: 10 → 13

5. 소울 파이팅 아레나 밸런스 조정

지난 버전에서 다수의 강력한 경쟁자들을 다운그레이드한 후, 이번 버전의 "리그 오브 레전드" 팀은 아직 게임에서 성공하지 못한 영웅들에게 도움을 제공하는 데 더욱 중점을 두고 있습니다. "리그 오브 레전드" 팀은 여전히 ​​가장 강력한 일부 영웅, 파워업 룬, 장비에 대한 일부 너프를 다루고 있으며, 약한 영웅에게 더 많은 경쟁 능력을 제공하는 데에만 초점을 맞추고 있습니다.

파이팅 소울 아레나 영웅 강화


●패시브 데미지 공격력 비율 : +60% 추가 공격력 → +70% 추가 공격력

●패시브 피해 주문력 산출량: +55% 주문력 → +65% 주문력

●W 기력 회복량: 100 → 150

●버그 수정: Akali가 Arena of Souls 버프에서 +100 에너지를 올바르게 받지 못하는 버그를 수정했습니다.


●Q 스킬 가속 : 0 → 25

●Q 기본 피해량: 80/140/200/260/320 → 100/160/220/280/340

●E 기본 데미지 : 22/34/46/58/70 → 32/44/56/68/80

●E 감속도: 30/35/40/45/50 → 40/45/50/55/60

●R 스킬 가속 : 0 → 30

●영웅에게 R 데미지 : 300/475/650 → 400/575/750

●층당 R 체력 값: 80/120/160 → 100/150/200

Time Assassin Ike

●패시브 공명 피해량: 30~140(레벨 기준)(+90% 주문력) → 33~154(레벨 기준) (주문력 +90%) (참고: 변경 사항이 적용되었지만 게임 내 일부 텍스트 설명이 일치하지 않습니다.)

●Q 첫타 데미지 : 60/75/90/105/120 → 70/85/100/115/130

●Q 2타 데미지 : 40/65/90/115/140 → 50/75/100/125/150

●W 패시브 데미지 : 3%(주문력 100당 +3%) → 4%(주문력 100당 +3%)


●Q 기본 피해량: 25/30/35/40/45(+30% 주문력) → 35/40/45/50/55 (주문력 +30%) (참고: 변경 사항이 적용되었지만 게임 내 일부 텍스트 설명이 일관되지 않습니다.)

●Q 추가 마법 피해: 15/25/35/45/55(+25% 주문력) → 25/35/45/55/65 (주문력 +30%) (참고: 변경 사항이 적용되었지만 게임 내 일부 텍스트 설명이 일관되지 않습니다.)

●W 스킬 가속 : 0 → 20

●E 기본 데미지: 55/70/85/100/115(+3%(+주문력 100당 1.5%) 대상의 최대 체력) → 5% 대상의 최대 체력

●E 강화 마법 피해: 75/100/125/150/175(대상 최대 체력의 +4%(주문력 100당 +2.5%)) → 대상 최대 체력의 7%


●Q 피해량: 20/45/70/95/120(+130% 공격력)(+15% 주문력) → 30/60/90/110/135(+135% 공격력) (+17% 주문력)

●E 스킬 가속 : 0 → 15

●E 데미지 : 80/130/180/230/280(+50% 추가 공격력)(+75% 마법 위력) → 90/140/190/240/290 (+50% 추가 공격력) (+80% 주문력) (참고: 변경 사항이 적용되었지만 게임 내 일부 텍스트 설명이 일치하지 않습니다.)

●R 데미지 : 350/500/650(+100% 추가 공격력)(+90% 마법력) → 390/540/690(+100% 추가 공격력) (+95% 주문력)


●Q 데미지 : 60/85/110/135/160(+90% 추가 공격력) → 70/95/120/145/170(+90% 추가 공격력)

●W治療效果:25% (+2%每100額外攻擊力)對敵人造成的傷害 → 35% (+3%每100額外攻擊力)對敵人造成的傷害

●E最小傷害:30/45/60/75/90 (+50%額外攻擊力) → 50/65/80/95/110 (+60%額外攻擊力)

●E最大傷害:60/90/120/150/180 (+100%額外攻擊力) → 100/130/160/190/220 (+120%額外攻擊力)


●Q傷害:65/90/115/140/165 (+ 40%法術強度) → 75/100/125/150/175 (+ 40%法術強度)(註:改動已生效,但遊戲內部分文字描述會不一致。)


●W技能急速:0 → 15

●W傷害:75/115/155/195/235 (+60%法術強度) → 75/115/155/195/235 (+70%法術強度)

●R技能急速:0 → 15

●RQ傷害:70/140/210 (+40%法術強度) → 90/160/230 (+50%法術強度)

●RE傷害:70/140/210 (+40%法術強度) → 90/160/230 (+50%法術強度)


●Q技能急速:0 → 30

●W生命偷取&法術吸血:5-27% → 15-35%

●W護盾值:50-250 → 60-300

●E基礎傷害:35-155 → 55-195

●E減速:20-80% → 40-80%



●Q人類形態最小傷害法強報酬率:50% → 80%

●W最大陷阱數:4/6/8/10 (基於等級) → 100(註:改動已生效,但遊戲內部分文字描述會不一致。)

●E人類形態基礎治療:35-95 → 60-180

●E人類形態額外攻速:20-60% → 40-80%

●E美洲獅形態攻擊力報酬率:0% → 80%


●Q技能急速:0 → 30

●Q傷害:100/160/220/280/340 (+65%法術強度) (+5%額外生命值) → 120/180/240/300/360(+70%法術強度) (+7%額外生命值)

●W傷害:180/225/270/315/360 (+150%法術強度) → 215/260/305/350/395 (+150%法術強度)

●R傷害:625/950/1275 (+300%法術強度) → 655/980/1305 (+300%法術強度)

●R護盾效果:65/75/85 (+150%法術強度) (+30/40/50%額外生命值) → 85/95/105 (+150%法術強度) (+40/50/60%額外生命值)


●Q傷害:20/45/70/95/120 (+ 80/90/100/110/120%攻擊力) (+50%法術強度) → 20/45/70/95/120 (+90/100/110/120/130%攻擊力) (+75%法術強度)

●W被動攻擊速度:28 / 36 / 44 / 52 / 60% → 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 70%(註:改動已生效,但遊戲內部分文字描述會不一致。)

●W技能急速:0 → 100

●R攻擊力收益率:70% → 100%


●被動暈眩命中傷害:10%最大生命值 → 12%最大生命值

●Q技能急速:0 → 20

●E對每個英雄的冷卻時間:8 → 5


●Q最小基礎傷害:40/60/80/100/120 → 65/85/105/125/145

●Q最大基礎傷害:90/155/220/285/350 → 130/195/260/325/390

●W每次參與擊殺英雄後的層數:15 → 45

●E護甲削減:20% → 40%

●E減速:40/45/50/55/60% → 55/60/65/70/75%

●R最小傷害:150/300/450 → 200/350/500

●R最大傷害:400/800/1200 → 600/1000/1400


●Q基礎治療:30-70 (+30%法術強度) → 60-140 (+50%法術強度)

●Q每點怒氣的治療量:0.5-2.3 (+1.2%法術強度) → 1-4 (+2%法術強度)

●W減速:30-60% → 50-80%

●W攻擊力削減:20-80 → 30-120


●Q基礎傷害:70/110/150/190/230 → 100/140/180/220/260(註:改動已生效,但遊戲內部分文字描述會不一致。)

●R基礎傷害:180/230/280 → 250/300/350(註:改動已生效,但遊戲內部分文字描述會不一致。)

鬥魂競技場 英雄削弱


●W技能急速:0 → -30


●被動真實傷害:3% (+4%每100額外攻擊力) → 2% (+3%每100額外攻擊力)

●W技能急速:0 → -20


●Q百分比生命值傷害:6-10% → 5-9%

●Q攻擊力報酬率:1.2% → 1%

●E技能急速:0 → -20

●R基礎傷害:175-525 → 100-300

鬥魂競技場 強化符文增強


●屬性提供:提升15% → 提升20%


●治療轉傷害的轉換率:40% → 50%


●法術強度轉技能急速的轉換率:20% → 25%


●治療與護盾強度:20% → 25%


●傷害增幅:11% → 15%

●傷害:25-75 (+30%額外攻擊力) (+20%法術強度) (+6每層) → 50-100 (+35%額外攻擊力) (+25%法術強度) (+10每層)


●冷卻時間:所有技能共享0.75秒 → 每個技能欄位0.75秒


●灼燒的百分比最大生命值傷害:4% → 5%

鬥魂競技場 強化符文削弱


●傷害:55-275 (+30%額外攻擊力) (+20%法術強度) → 45-225 (+25%額外攻擊力) (+17%法術強度)


●每移動1000碼的基礎治療:50-150 → 30-150


●轉移傷害:30% → 25%

●複製治療:40% → 45%


●會心防守的傷害削減:40% → 30%


●技能急速對額外移速的轉換率:200% → 150%

鬥魂競技場 裝備增強


●提供的攻擊速度:30% → 40%

●附帶傷害:20 → 25


●生命值:325 → 400


●禁錮/減速時長:1秒 → 1.5秒


●冷卻時間:45秒 → 30秒

●攻擊速度:15% → 25%


●生命值:200 → 300

●攻擊力:50 → 55


●初始觸發傷害:50-90 → 70-130

●友軍觸發傷害:100-160 → 120-200


●移動速度:30 → 45


●攻擊力:35 → 40


●護盾值:400-1000 → 600-1200


●冷卻時間:30秒 → 15秒

鬥魂競技場 裝備削弱


●攻擊力:60 → 50

●觸發的百分比最大生命值傷害:8% → 6%


●每段治療效果:6%最大生命值 → 4%最大生命值


眾所周知,一些玩家使用投降投票來表達他們對當前遊戲狀態或隊友的不滿。雖然因為在遊戲中遇到困難而感到挫敗是可以的,但《英雄聯盟》團隊認為濫用《英雄聯盟》中的功能來打擾和騷擾隊友是不可以的。透過這個改動,《英雄聯盟》團隊希望限制狂刷投降投票,並使投降的發起更像是一種團隊行動。 《英雄聯盟》團隊也花了一些時間讓投降過程整體上更加簡潔。









●至臻 玉劍傳說 琴仙子

●至臻 幻靈戰鬥貓 金克絲

●至臻 真實傷害 亞索

●至臻 王國機神玄武 蓋倫

●至臻 西部魔影 泰隆




●至臻 玉劍傳說 武劍仙

●至臻 福牛守護者 菲歐娜

●至臻 星之守護者 索拉卡

●至臻 黑夜使者 李青



































●怦然心動 凱特琳 未相見心已至



What will be updated in League of Legends on August 17th?

玉劍傳說 翼劍仙

What will be updated in League of Legends on August 17th?

玉劍傳說 舞龍衛

What will be updated in League of Legends on August 17th?

玉劍傳說 琴仙子

What will be updated in League of Legends on August 17th?

玉劍傳說 神機花火

What will be updated in League of Legends on August 17th?

玉劍傳說 星仙子

What will be updated in League of Legends on August 17th?

玉劍傳說 無劫

What will be updated in League of Legends on August 17th?

至臻 玉劍傳說 琴仙子


What will be updated in League of Legends on August 17th?

玉劍傳說 琴仙子

What will be updated in League of Legends on August 17th?

玉劍傳說 舞龍衛

What will be updated in League of Legends on August 17th?

玉劍傳說 翼劍仙

What will be updated in League of Legends on August 17th?

玉劍傳說 無劫

What will be updated in League of Legends on August 17th?

玉劍傳說 星仙子

What will be updated in League of Legends on August 17th?

玉劍傳說 神機花火

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