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Encrypted version of CS? A Beginner's Guide to the AAA Blockchain Shooting Game SHRAPNEL

Release: 2024-07-18 12:50:39
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Encrypted version of CS? A Beginners Guide to the AAA Blockchain Shooting Game SHRAPNELAuthor: Stella L (stella@footprint.network)

Original text: Click this link to read. This article first appeared in Footprint Analytics’ CoinGecko column on July 5.

Latest News: SHRAPNEL announced that it will participate in the China International Digital Interactive Entertainment Exhibition (ChinaJoy 2024) to be held in Shanghai, China from July 26th to 29th.

Key points of this article

  • Created by the veteran team of BAFTA and Emmy Award-winning Neon Machine, SHRAPNEL is an exciting AAA escape shooter.

  • SHRAPNEL’s blockchain system runs as a subnet on Avalanche, but players will have to wait a moment to fully experience the blockchain functionality in the game.

  • SHRAPNEL will officially launch an early access version of the game on Epic Games in February 2024.

  • The core tasks of players are both simple and challenging: survival, collection, and safe evacuation.

Introduction to SHRAPNEL

SHRAPNEL is a AAA extraction shooter scheduled to be released on the PC platform in 2025. Early access has been open since February 2024. Crafted by the BAFTA and Emmy award-winning veteran team at Neon Machine, the game combines high-stakes skill challenges, creative modding tools and a vibrant community market. SHRAPNEL supports both single-player combat and team collaboration, with a particular focus on user-generated content, allowing players to create and mint their own game items as NFTs on its blockchain network built on Avalanche.

Encrypted version of CS? A Beginners Guide to the AAA Blockchain Shooting Game SHRAPNELSHRAPNEL

Avalanche, launched by Ava Labs in 2020, uses a unique three-chain architecture, including X-Chain, C-Chain and P-Chain. This platform empowers developers to create customized blockchains, or subnets, with specific rules and functionality based on their needs. SHRAPNEL leverages this technology to run its blockchain as a subnet on Avalanche.

As an early access game, SHRAPNEL will continue to evolve, providing players with valuable opportunities to personally participate in game development and provide direct feedback to jointly shape its future.

SHRAPNEL Studio: Neon Machine

SHRAPNEL Studio Neon Machine was originally affiliated with HBO Interactive and later operated independently. The studio brings together top award-winning experts from AAA gaming and platform technology projects. Team members have rich industry backgrounds and have worked in well-known companies such as Xbox, HBO, EA, ConsenSys, Microsoft and Amazon, bringing a wealth of knowledge and professional experience to SHRAPNEL.

Neon Machine brings together a unique combination of designers, producers, artists and programmers to form a diverse team. Active at the intersection of gaming, television, film and animation, they have created iconic franchises in the entertainment industry including "Halo," "Call of Duty" and "Westworld."

SHRAPNEL Financing

SHRAPNEL has successfully raised a total of US$37.5 million after three rounds of financing.

<img src="https://img.php.cn/upload/article/000/000/000/172127825670943.png" alt="Encrypted version of CS? A Beginners Guide to the AAA Blockchain Shooting Game SHRAPNEL">SHRAPNEL 融资事件
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The first round of financing was announced in November 2021, led by Griffin Gaming Partners and supported by Polychain Capital and Forte, raising a total of US$10.5 million. The funds were mainly used for team expansion and game development. At the same time, Forte also provided technical support for the project. In April of the following year, a second round of financing successfully raised $7 million through a token sale, which was earmarked for building the infrastructure of SHRAPNEL’s gaming subnet on Avalanche – the SHRAPNEL subnet. By October 2023, the Series A round of financing was successfully completed under the leadership of Polychain Capital, raising US$20 million, aiming to promote the in-depth development of the game and fully prepare for the upcoming early access version release.

SHRAPNEL Why is it popular?

SHRAPNEL’s journey from concept to early access has been accompanied by the achievement of many major milestones and strategic results. Here’s a distilled recap of SHRAPNEL’s key development stages:

  • November 2021: Neon Machine successfully raised $10.5 million in its first round of funding.

  • April 2022: Neon Machine completes $7 million token sale.

  • June 2022: Operators NFT series officially released.

  • October 2022: The first gameplay trailer is released, built on Epic Games’ Unreal Engine 5 and showcasing the world’s leading real-time 3D creation technology.

  • December 2022: SHRAPNEL approaches 100,000 followers on social media.

  • April 2023: At Consensus 2023, SHRAPNEL demonstrated the MPX.1 prototype publicly for the first time.

  • September 2023: The Web3 developer platform Mercury (formerly Gamebridge) is officially launched.

  • October 2023: SHRAPNEL successfully completed $20 million in Series A funding.

  • December 2023: The number of registered users of SHRAPNEL exceeded 100,000.

  • December 2023: SHRAPNEL pre-launch community expands to over 100,000 Discord members and 370,000 X platform followers.

  • 2024 年 2 月:SHRAPNEL 游戏在 Epic Games Store 上开放早期访问。

  • 2024 年 2 月:首个早期访问活动“SHRAPNEL Training Exercises”(STXs)于 2 月 8 日启动,初期阶段每月举办一次。

  • 2024 年 5 月:SHRAPNEL 交易市场 V1 版本上线。

SHRAPNEL 的广受欢迎,得益于其精心策划的开发流程、卓越的图形质量以及前沿的技术应用,这些成果均出自一支拥有深厚 AAA 级游戏开发经验的团队之手,历经长时间打磨而成。游戏玩法巧妙融合了风险与回报的元素,为玩家带来了一场既刺激又富有策略性的体验。在游戏中,玩家需巧妙权衡获取稀有战利品的诱惑与撤离前可能遭遇的致命威胁,这种紧张与策略并存的设计,无疑增强了游戏的吸引力和可玩性。

<img src="https://img.php.cn/upload/article/000/000/000/172127826057799.png" alt="Encrypted version of CS? A Beginners Guide to the AAA Blockchain Shooting Game SHRAPNEL">SHRAPNEL 游戏预告片画面
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传统 AAA 级游戏开发与区块链技术的无缝融合,构成了 SHRAPNEL 成功的另一大基石。该游戏巧妙借助了 Fireblocks 和 Subsum 等安全领域的平台合作伙伴,以及 Layer Zero 和 MoonPay 等致力于提升用户体验的合作伙伴,共同构建了一个既安全又便捷的游戏环境。这种高安全性与低摩擦游戏体验的完美结合,不仅赢得了传统游戏玩家的青睐,也深深吸引了区块链领域的爱好者。

此外,SHRAPNEL 致力于社区参与,积极将系列作品拓展至多元叙事媒介(如漫画与电影短片)的举措,均极大地提升了其吸引力与影响力。


SHRAP代币是一种在 Avalanche C-Chain 上创建的 ERC-20 代币,并在 SHRAPNEL 子网中使用。在代币生成事件(TGE)之际,发行了总量为 30 亿枚的 SHRAP 代币。依据SHRAPNEL 官方白皮书所述,未来不会再有任何可交易的 SHRAP 代币被创建或增发。

SHRAP 代币在 SHRAPNEL 生态系统中具备多种用途。

  • 内容发布:它作为桥梁,促进了平台上所有玩家生成内容(PCC)的发布流程,涵盖了代号、徽章、皮肤、地图及装饰品等。这些独特创作通过 SHRAP 代币的支持,被转化为 NFT 并上链。

  • 治理与推广:代币持有者不仅是游戏的参与者,更是社区治理的积极参与者。他们有权通过投票参与 DAO 提案及其他重要事项的决策过程。此外,代币持有者还能通过投票推广自己喜爱的地图或虚拟物品,为这些内容增加曝光度,推动生态内容的多元化和繁荣发展。

  • 交易媒介与支付功能:作为 Gas 代币,SHRAP 在子网内实现了验证者间的无缝支付,消除了玩家和创作者在使用过程中的额外费用负担,提供了更为流畅的游戏体验。同时,在 SHRAPNEL 交易市场中,SHRAP 代币作为交换媒介,促进了玩家之间以及玩家与平台之间的经济互动,推动了游戏内经济的健康发展。

SHRAP 代币分配至七个组别中:社区奖励(33%)、团队与顾问(27%)、种子代币持有者(20%)、生态系统基金(8.5%)、做市商与流动性(3%)以及公开分配(1.5%)。自 2024 年 4 月 29 日 TGE 起,这些代币将在最长 60 个月内逐步解锁。

2024 年 3 月,解锁计划进行了一次调整,将 2024 年 4 月计划解锁的代币数量大幅减少了近 75%,而社区奖励池的代币发放和生态系统基金的分配则保持不变。此非线性解锁方案将整体解锁周期划分为四个阶段,初期解锁速率较低,随后随着用户基数的增长和 SHRAP 实用性的提升,解锁速率将逐渐加快。

<img src="https://img.php.cn/upload/article/000/000/000/172127826833281.png" alt="Encrypted version of CS? A Beginners Guide to the AAA Blockchain Shooting Game SHRAPNEL">SHRAP 代币解锁计划
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2024 年 5 月,SHRAPNEL 宣布了一项重要更新:玩家可通过信用卡和借记卡直接获取 SHRAP 代币。这一变革打破了传统通过加密货币交易所购买代币的惯例,玩家能够利用 Moonpay 或 Stripe 等支付网关,实现法定货币到 SHRAP 代币的快速便捷转换。


在下载并注册 SHRAPNEL 之前,有几点关键信息需您留意。首先,作为一款早期访问游戏,您需要购买“Extraction Pack”以获得参与资格。每月一次的早期访问活动 STX 将持续约五天,在此期间您方可进行游戏。请注意,游戏服务器在活动结束后将关闭,以便 Neon Machine 团队进行必要的优化与改进,为下一次 STX 活动做准备。其次,为确保您能享受到最优质的 AAA 级游戏体验,请务必确认您的设备系统配置符合游戏要求。

<img src="https://img.php.cn/upload/article/000/000/000/172127827394795.png" alt="Encrypted version of CS? A Beginners Guide to the AAA Blockchain Shooting Game SHRAPNEL">SHRAPNEL 系统要求
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  • 访问SHRAPNEL 官网并点击“GET GAME(获取游戏)”。

  • 从Epic Games下载游戏。如果您还没有 Epic Games 账户,您需要先创建账户。

Encrypted version of CS? A Beginners Guide to the AAA Blockchain Shooting Game SHRAPNEL从 Epic Games 下载 SHRAPNEL

  • 请使用您的电子邮件地址注册 SHRAPNEL 账户,之后您便可以使用该账户顺利登录游戏。

<img src="https://img.php.cn/upload/article/000/000/000/172127828632317.png" alt="Encrypted version of CS? A Beginners Guide to the AAA Blockchain Shooting Game SHRAPNEL">登陆 SHRAPNEL
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获取早期访问 SHRAPNEL 的资格

“Extraction Packs”是通往 SHRAPNEL 早期访问的钥匙。每个“Extraction Pack”内含可操控的角色(Operators)、装饰品、消耗品等丰富内容,玩家可在SHRAPNEL 应用市场进行购买。基础包定价为 9.99 美元,而轻型、中型及重型包则分别以 19.99 美元、49.99 美元及 99.99 美元的价格提供,内含更多游戏内物品、消耗品及专属皮肤,以增强游戏体验。。SHRAPNEL 支持多种支付方式,包括信用卡/借记卡、银行转账以及 Cash APP 支付。

<img src="https://img.php.cn/upload/article/000/000/000/172127828922721.png" alt="Encrypted version of CS? A Beginners Guide to the AAA Blockchain Shooting Game SHRAPNEL">SHRAPNEL 交易市场
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SHRAPNEL 的故事背景设定在 2044 年。这一年,一颗小行星与月球发生猛烈碰撞,产生的碎片环绕地球,不断轰击地表,引发了一场浩劫。这场灾难迫使人们紧急疏散了一个被称为“牺牲区”的危险地带。原本由准军事承包商严密守卫的这片区域,在发现蕴含巨大价值的小行星碎片后,迅速转变为各路雇佣兵为争夺财富而展开的激烈战场。

科学家发现这些被命名为 “Compound Sigma” 的碎片,具备着超乎想象的物理操控能力。这一发现瞬间推高了它们的价值,也点燃了雇佣兵部队之间的熊熊战火。转眼间,牺牲区内对于控制权与财富的争夺战依旧如火如荼,未见平息。

在 SHRAPNEL 中,您将扮演一名 “Operator” 的角色。您只需轻点主页上的 “Deploy” 按钮,即可开启您的冒险之旅。这一过程通常只需数秒,系统便会为您分配至合适的服务器。

Encrypted version of CS? A Beginners Guide to the AAA Blockchain Shooting Game SHRAPNEL开始玩 SHRAPNEL

您的任务清晰明确且具挑战性:生存、收集与撤离。您需探索区域,寻找新武器与物品以提升生存能力。发现 Sigma 碎片可增强您的能力,助您击败其他 Operator。最终目标是抵达撤离区,携带 Sigma 逃脱,以在 STX 排行榜上取得佳绩并赢得奖励。

<img src="https://img.php.cn/upload/article/000/000/000/172127830412170.png" alt="Encrypted version of CS? A Beginners Guide to the AAA Blockchain Shooting Game SHRAPNEL">SHRAPNEL 玩家在游戏中的任务
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对于习惯于流行射击游戏的玩家而言,SHRAPNEL 在 PC 平台上的操作控制将显得相当熟悉。游戏采用标准的键位设置,其中 “WASD” 键用于控制角色的移动,鼠标左键负责射击,而 “shift” 键则用于加速奔跑。

<img src="https://img.php.cn/upload/article/000/000/000/172127831211466.png" alt="Encrypted version of CS? A Beginners Guide to the AAA Blockchain Shooting Game SHRAPNEL">SHRAPNEL 游戏中默认控制键
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Encrypted version of CS? A Beginners Guide to the AAA Blockchain Shooting Game SHRAPNEL

SHRAPNEL 游戏玩法:找到新武器和装备

一旦发现 Sigma,请迅速按下 “F” 键进行拾取。在此过程中,请务必保持警惕,以防被其他 Operator 攻击并淘汰。您的目标是尽可能长时间地存活下去!

Encrypted version of CS? A Beginners Guide to the AAA Blockchain Shooting Game SHRAPNEL

SHRAPNEL 游戏玩法:捡起 Sigma

在成功击败其他 Operator 后,您可以收集他们的 Sigma、武器及物品,您需要将它们拖放到自己的口袋或背包中以确保它们不被其他 Operator 截获。

Encrypted version of CS? A Beginners Guide to the AAA Blockchain Shooting Game SHRAPNEL

SHRAPNEL 游戏玩法:收集其他玩家的武器和装备

最后,您需要到达撤离区并逃脱。成功提取将确保您收集到的 Sigma 和物品,帮助您登上 STX 排行榜并赢得奖励。

在体验 SHRAPNEL 时,您可能会意识到这款游戏并非典型的早期访问射击游戏。目前,游戏仅提供单一 Operator 角色、有限的武器选择以及一张尚未完全构建的地图。在探索过程中,您可能会遇到建筑物和其他表面上缺失的纹理,以及以基础几何形状作为未来内容占位符的情况。整个游戏环境呈现出一种“灰盒”状态,多处区域仍处于开发阶段。

Encrypted version of CS? A Beginners Guide to the AAA Blockchain Shooting Game SHRAPNEL


Neon Machine 采取了这样的策略,旨在尽早地将游戏社区纳入开发过程中。他们希望通过这种方式,能够根据广大玩家的反馈意见,对游戏地图以及 SHRAPNEL 中的撤离玩法进行细致的调整与优化。


SHRAPNEL 在視覺與玩法上均展現出了大片級 FPS 遊戲的魅力,特別是在其預告片和演示中更是令人印象深刻。在目前的 STX 活動中,玩家甚至可能意識不到這款遊戲其實是建構在區塊鏈技術之上的。這是因為遊戲的焦點完全放在了提供極致的遊戲體驗上,而非 Web3 的整合功能,例如連接錢包或購買 NFT 等。因此,玩家無需具備 Web3 的專業知識,即可輕鬆上手 SHRAPNEL,並享受遊戲帶來的樂趣。對於開發團隊而言,他們的首要任務是打造一款引人入勝的 FPS 遊戲,因為只有當遊戲本身足夠有趣時,區塊鏈技術的加入才會顯得有意義。

Neon Machine 正逐步且謹慎地擴展 SHRAPNEL 的區塊鏈經濟體系,而這個體系遠不止於 SHRAP 代幣本身。根據 SHRAPNEL 的路線圖規劃,玩家即將能夠創造並鑄造獨特的武器與裝備皮膚作為 NFT,甚至可以設計自訂地圖。這些玩家創作的作品將透過 SHRAP 代幣在社群內進行推廣與交易,從而形成一個充滿活力的創作與分享生態。作為備受矚目的 AAA 級 FPS 遊戲之一,SHRAPNEL 有望引領區塊鏈遊戲領域的新一輪變革,為玩家帶來前所未有的遊戲體驗與互動樂趣。

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