OKEx novice account registration guide has seven steps: visit the official website, click to register, select the registration method, fill in the information, complete the verification, set up the second level verification, and the registration is successful. Note: Use strong passwords, keep information properly, enable two-factor authentication, and complete real-name authentication before trading.
OKEx Newbie Account Registration Guide
Step 1: Visit the official website
Open the OKEx official website (https://www.okex.com/).
Step 2: Click "Register"
Select "Register" in the upper right corner of the website.
Step 3: Choose the registration method
You can register through the following methods:
Step 4: Fill in the information
According to the registration method you choose, fill in the necessary personal information, including mobile phone number, email address, password, etc.
Step Five: Complete Verification
If you registered via mobile number or email, you will need to enter the verification code sent to your device. If you register through a social media account, you need to authorize OKEx to access your account information.
Step 6: Set up secondary verification
In order to improve account security, it is recommended that you set up secondary verification. This can be achieved via Google Authenticator or SMS verification code.
Step 7: Registration successful
After completing the above steps, your OKEx novice account will be created successfully. You can log in using your account number and password and start trading.
The above is the detailed content of How to register a novice account on Ouyiokex. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!