How to cancel your OKEx account: After logging in to the account, access "Account Settings"; click "Cancel Account" in "Security Settings"; check the confirmation option, enter the password and verification code; submit the cancellation application and wait for review (possibly It will take several working days); after passing the review, the account will be canceled and related information and assets will be permanently deleted.
How to cancel OKEx account
1. Log in to the account
- Visit OKEx official website (
- Log in to your account using your email address and password.
2. To access account settings
- click on the profile icon in the upper right corner.
- Select "Account Settings".
3. Submit cancellation request
- Under the "Security Settings" section, click "Cancel Account".
- Read the cancellation instructions carefully and make sure you understand the cancellation process.
- Tick the "I have read and agree" checkbox.
- Enter your account password and enter the verification code.
4. Waiting for review
- After submitting the cancellation application, OKEx will review your account.
- The review process may take several working days, please be patient.
5. Complete the cancellation
- After passing the review, your account will be canceled.
- You will receive an email confirming that your account has been successfully canceled.
- After the account is canceled, all account information and assets will be permanently deleted.
- Account cancellation is irreversible, please make sure you have backed up all important information before submitting a cancellation application.
- If you encounter any problems when canceling your account, please contact OKEx customer service for help.
The above is the detailed content of How to cancel Ouyiokex account. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!