Diagnosis and solution of Chery Qiyun engine idling fault?

Release: 2024-07-29 06:59:52
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Engine idling failure has been plaguing many Chery Qiyun owners, with symptoms such as unstable idling, jitter, and stalling. PHP Editor Banana conducted an in-depth analysis on this and brought you a guide to the diagnosis and solution of Chery Qiyun engine idle speed fault. The following content will introduce in detail the cause of the fault, diagnostic methods and professional repair solutions to help you completely solve the problem and restore the smooth driving of your car. Read on for troubleshooting tips.

Diagnosis and solution of Chery Qiyun engine idling fault?

1. Diagnosis and solution of Chery Qiyun engine idle speed fault?

Clean the throttle valve, clean the oil line, check the spark plugs, and other ignition systems. After doing this, I found that the problem was not solved. Well, I will replace the idle motor. I am afraid that the idle motor will not work stably and may cause a jam.

If the fault is still the same after replacement, you should check whether there is a problem with the program inside the computer board

2. Diagnosis and troubleshooting of gasoline and fuel system faults?

Faults in the gasoline and fuel systems may lead to problems such as insufficient vehicle power, increased fuel consumption, and abnormal exhaust emissions. The following are fault diagnosis and troubleshooting methods for gasoline and fuel systems:

1. Check the fuel pump: The fuel pump is a key component that pumps fuel out of the tank and sends it to the engine. If the fuel pump fails, it will lead to insufficient power or the vehicle cannot function. start up. You can determine whether the fuel pump is working properly by measuring its output pressure.

2. Clean the oil lines and injectors: Blocked oil lines or clogged injectors or oversized nozzles will lead to insufficient fuel, causing engine misfires, low-speed jitters, etc. The fuel injector can be removed and cleaned using special cleaning agent.

3. Check the fuel filter: Regularly replacing the fuel filter can prevent debris from entering the fuel system and causing damage. Check whether the fuel filter is clogged or damaged. If there is a problem, replace it in time.

4. Check the air filter: The air filter is clogged or has poor filtration effect, which will reduce the air flow and cause the engine to stall due to insufficient power. Regular replacement and cleaning of the air filter can prevent such failures.

5. Check the ignition system: Failure of the ignition system may also cause the engine to be unable to start or suffer from insufficient power. It is necessary to check whether spark plugs, ignition coils and other ignition components are working properly and replace them in time.

In short, troubleshooting of gasoline and fuel systems requires comprehensive consideration of multiple factors. Maintenance work such as replacing damaged parts, cleaning oil lines, and ignition systems are all effective preventive measures. If you are unable to troubleshoot the fault yourself, it is recommended to contact professional vehicle maintenance personnel in time.

3. Spark machine fault diagnosis and repair?

1. Spark machine fault diagnosis and repair The screen cannot be displayed after normal startup

This situation is most likely caused by poor contact between the screen signal line or power line, or a faulty screen power switch.

Solution: Reconnect the signal cable, power cable, replace the power switch or screen.

2. Spark machine fault diagnosis and repair The spark machine cannot be turned on

The general reason is that there is no power input. It may be that the power plug is not plugged in properly or the fuse switch has tripped or the system program is faulty

Solution: Check the plug , turn on the fuse switch again and reinstall the system program.

4. LG washing machine fault diagnosis and repair?

Regarding this issue, the troubleshooting and repair steps for LG washing machines are as follows:

1. Check the power supply and plug: Determine whether the washing machine is connected to the power outlet, and check whether the plug is loose or burnt.

2. Check the door lock: If the washing machine door is not closed, there may be a problem with the door lock. Check if the door lock is working properly.

3. Check the filter: Check whether the filter is clogged and whether it is cleaned thoroughly.

4. Check the water valve: Check whether the water valve is working properly and ensure the normal supply of water.

5. Check the drain pipe: Check whether the drain pipe is blocked or bent.

6. Check the motor: Check whether the motor is working properly and ensure that the motor can control the operation of the washing machine.

7. Check the control board: Check whether the control board is faulty and needs to be replaced or repaired.

If you are unable to repair it yourself, please contact the LG after-sales service center.

5. Panasonic air conditioner fault codes and fault diagnosis methods?

1. E01 indoor temperature sensor failure

Treatment method Replace the indoor temperature sensor.

2. E02 outdoor temperature sensor failure

Treatment method Replace the outdoor temperature sensor.

3. E03 indoor and outdoor communication failure

Treatment method Check whether the indoor and outdoor communication lines are connected normally. If there is any problem, replace the line.

4. E04 indoor fan motor failure

Treatment method Replace the indoor fan motor.

5. E05 outdoor fan motor failure

Treatment method Replace the outdoor fan motor.

6. E06 compressor start-up failure

How to handle: Check whether the compressor startup circuit is normal.

7. E07 compressor operation failure

How to handle: Check whether the compressor operating circuit is normal.

8. E08 compressor is overheated Protection

Treatment method Check whether the heat dissipation of the compressor is normal. If the heat dissipation is poor, the radiator needs to be cleaned or replaced.

9. E09 indoor fan speed is abnormal

Treatment method: check whether the indoor fan circuit is normal,

10, E10 outdoor fan speed is abnormal

Treatment method: check whether the outdoor fan circuit is normal,

11, E11 voltage undervoltage protection

Treatment method: check whether the power supply voltage is normal, such as If the voltage is too low, the power supply needs to be replaced in time.

12, E12 overvoltage protection

Processing method Check whether the power supply voltage is normal. If the voltage is too high, replace the power supply in time.

13, E13 protection against excessive indoor and outdoor temperature difference

Method: Check whether the cooling and heating functions of the air conditioner are normal. If there are any problems, they need to be repaired in time.

6. Computer case leakage and how to solve it?

An effective way to eliminate leakage is to install a protective grounding device (should be connected to the earth) in strict accordance with electrical safety regulations. However, the power supply in ordinary households does not have a ground wire, so it is more difficult. A simple method is to put insulating tape on the exposed parts of the chassis to avoid "electricity".

Case leakage may come from inside the microcomputer power supply. In order to prevent electromagnetic interference from outside the microcomputer, a filter circuit is installed in the 220V input circuit of the power supply. The filter circuit consists of two capacitors connected in series, and the midpoint of the two capacitors is directly connected to the power supply casing. Therefore, the theoretical value of the chassis potential is 110V. This kind of leakage can be measured with a test pen. This leakage is inevitable. Because its leakage current is very small, it will not cause harm to the human body, but it will cause "anesthetic" - a needle-like electric shock that is felt when the body comes into contact with the exposed parts of the chassis. It does not affect the normal operation of the computer.

7. Causes and solutions for computer power leakage?

1. Humid air will cause the electrostatic voltage of the computer case to be too high

If it is rainy for a long time or the air is relatively humid, it will cause the electrostatic voltage of the computer case to be too high, and the hands will feel numb when touched! If this is the case If the problem occurs, it is recommended to strengthen indoor ventilation, put desiccant in the main case, and then promptly clean the dust on the hardware in the case, especially the motherboard and power supply.

2. The component pins of some hardware touch the chassis

Find the hardware that is in contact with the chassis. For example, the power supply is the most likely to cause leakage of the chassis. In addition, the motherboard is not installed in place, and the chassis is deformed, causing the pins on the back of the motherboard to touch. chassis shell, resulting in chassis vulnerabilities.

3. The main case leakage is caused by the power plug not having a ground wire (mostly)

It is recommended that you check this problem first. Most of the main case leakage is caused by the power plug not having a ground wire. We only need to pass a wire Connect it to the chassis, and then connect the other end to the bottom or wall.

8. Causes and solutions for computer power leakage?

Generally speaking, there are many reasons for computer case leakage, but the problems are concentrated in the following aspects:

 ⒈) External reasons lead to computer case leakage

Sometimes there is electricity leakage in the computer, and it may not be the motherboard or power supply inside the computer case. Caused by leakage, sometimes it is found that the leakage of the chassis is caused by external reasons, such as the chassis being placed too close to other electrical appliances or the chassis touching damaged wires, etc., which causes the chassis to leak. For the case leakage caused by external reasons, the solution is actually very simple. When we find that the case has leakage, check whether there are any electrical appliances or wires near the computer case, and move the position to solve the problem.

 ⒉) Internal reasons lead to leakage of computer case

 Internal reasons lead to leakage of computer case, which is the most common case of computer leakage. So what hardware inside the computer case is prone to leakage? This is actually very easy to know. What hardware is mainly found to be related to the case? Just make contact. For example, the power supply is the most likely to cause leakage in the chassis. Another is that if the motherboard is not installed in place or some component pins touch the chassis shell, leakage is also likely to occur.

  Computer case leakage often occurs in some computers that have been used for a long time. This is because the internal power supply of new computer cases is generally relatively normal, and there is generally no possibility of leakage. However, if the power supply is used excessively, or encounters harsh climatic conditions such as humid weather, the good "environment" inside the power supply itself is destroyed, and leakage will also occur. The more common thing is that there is too much dust inside the power supply, and the moisture causes internal leakage. Paths are formed between components and the metal casing of the power supply, causing leakage. The power supply is often close to the chassis, so old computers are prone to leakage.

  Power leakage is the most common cause of chassis leakage

What’s more, every accessory inside the platform may cause leakage, which may cause us to feel a leakage when we touch the chassis outside the platform. In fact, this leakage situation also comes from the electrical plug-in board used by the user, which does not have a perfect grounding design, resulting in the leakage effect generated by the internal components of the platform. The leakage cannot be guided to the earth through grounding, reducing the risk of leakage.

What to do if the computer case leaks electricity?

We know that the safe voltage for human contact is lower than 36 degrees, which can be considered to have little impact on human safety. The voltage used inside the computer is less than 12V, so general computer leakage will not cause harm to the human body, but it is often touched No one can bear the tingling feeling of being electrified when entering the chassis. So how to solve the problem of chassis leakage? Generally, you can refer to the following methods:

 1. If we find a leakage, we must first confirm whether the electrical plug-in board we are using is in good condition. If the grounding design is not replaced immediately (including the wall-mounted electrical sockets that are more common in homes), with good grounding, even if leakage occurs, the damage and loss can be minimized.

 2. Open the case and check the wiring inside and outside the case to see if the insulation package is damaged and whether the metal parts of the wires are exposed and come into contact with other accessories and the case. If so, replace them immediately. Or directly choose wires wrapped with nylon mesh, which can also provide better insulation effect.

 3. The problem of grounding of wires and sockets has been eliminated. In view of the previous analysis, the biggest culprit of chassis leakage is the power supply. Let’s start from the power supply. Disassemble the power supply to see if the EMI circuit of the power supply is complete and the intervals are Check whether the plastic film or mica sheet between the component and the metal shell of the power supply has lost its insulating effect, and whether the internal capacitors of the power supply have exploded. If there is a problem, you can make a high-temperature resistant plastic film yourself and put it on the component. A shielding barrier is formed between the problem and the power supply casing. If the problem cannot be solved, replace the power supply immediately.

 4. Finally, check the motherboard and graphics card inside the chassis to see if there is any PCB board deformation or other conditions that may cause direct contact with the chassis. It is best to use a minimized system for inspection. On the one hand, it makes the platform simpler and easier to judge, and on the other hand, it can avoid unnecessary damage during the testing of hard drives and other accessories.

 5. Finally, check the chassis itself. Behind the front panel of the general chassis, there is a PCB circuit board that connects the motherboard audio, signal, switch, and USB expansion. We also need to check the circuit board and the wires connecting the circuit board. In the event of insulation failure, component short circuit, or burnout, if any, it can be repaired or replaced with the help of simple electrician common sense and electrician tools.

  6. Of course, we can also make a full range of judgments and ultimately find out the culprit of the leakage by placing the chassis in a drier location (if the original location is relatively humid, which may easily cause wire short circuits), replacing the insulated shoes at the bottom, etc.


  Solutions to computer case leakage

For general leakage cases that are not serious, novice friends can also take a wire to connect the case to a metal grounded object and let go of the leakage. Pay attention to the grounding end and you can connect it The top of the radiator can also be connected to a large-area metal grounded object such as an aluminum alloy window. Direct grounding to the floor is not effective and may cause leakage from the chassis, so it is best to connect it to a grounded metal object.

9. Computer malfunctions and solutions?

Common fault one: No display when starting up

No display when turning on the computer. The first thing we need to check is the BIOS. Important hardware data is stored in the motherboard's BIOS. At the same time, the BIOS is also a relatively fragile part of the motherboard and is easily damaged. Once damaged, the system will be unable to run. Such failures are generally caused by the motherboard BIOS being damaged by the CIH virus. (Of course, it does not rule out that the motherboard itself fails and causes the system to fail to run.). We can plug in the ISA graphics card to see if there is a display (if there is a prompt, just follow the prompts.), if there is no startup screen, you can make a floppy disk that automatically updates the BIOS and refresh the BIOS, but some motherboards After the BIOS is damaged, the floppy drive will not work at all. At this time, you can try the hot-swapping method to solve the problem (I have tried it before, and as long as the BIOS is the same, it can be successfully burned in the same level of motherboard.).

Common fault 2: After installing the motherboard driver under Windows, the system crashes or the CD-ROM disk reading speed slows down.

This phenomenon sometimes occurs on some off-brand motherboards. After installing the motherboard driver, restart the computer. The Windows 98 desktop cannot be entered in normal mode, and the driver cannot be uninstalled under Windows 98. If this happens, it is recommended to find the latest driver and reinstall it. The problem can usually be solved. If it doesn't work, you can only reinstall the system.

Common fault three: The mouse is not available when installing or starting Windows

The software cause of such faults is generally caused by CMOS setting errors. There is a modem useIRQ item in the power management bar of the CMOS settings. Its options are 3, 4, 5..., NA. Generally, its default option is 3. Set it to an interrupt item other than 3. Can.

Common fault 4: The computer crashes frequently, and crashes will also occur when setting CMOS

When a crash occurs in CMOS, there is usually a problem with the motherboard or CPU. If the problem cannot be solved by following the methods, then the only option is to replace the motherboard or CPU. This type of failure is generally caused by problems with the motherboard Cache or poor heat dissipation in the motherboard design. The author has discovered this failure on the 815EP motherboard due to insufficient motherboard heat dissipation. After the computer crashed, I touched the motherboard components around the CPU and found that they were very hot to the touch. After replacing the high-power fan, the crash problem was solved. For problems with the Cache, we can enter the CMOS settings and disable the Cache to successfully solve the problem. Of course, the speed will definitely be affected after the Cache is disabled.

10. How to use the car fault diagnosis computer?

The operation method of the car computer tester is similar, and it is very easy to use. Connect the test computer and the car diagnostic interface. The method is: turn on the computer - select the car series to be tested - select the car model to be tested - select the system to be tested - —Read fault codes, data flow, component testing, matching. . . . In addition, if you still don't understand something, it is recommended to read the "operation guide" first, that is, the instruction manual! Opinions to watch

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