Blockchain technology has long faced scalability issues. In order to solve this problem, various Layer1 and Rollup solutions have been proposed in the industry. With the implementation of these solutions, new public chains and Layer 2 Rollup have achieved rapid development, expanding the performance scalability of the blockchain, but also faced a new situation: the status data of users and decentralized applications (DApps) are inconsistent. It is no longer limited to a few blockchains, but is scattered across dozens of Layer1 and Rollup networks.
This decentralization has brought new challenges, including the fragmentation of user experience, the increase in usage thresholds, the lack of liquidity in decentralized finance (DeFi) protocols, the complexity of cross-chain DApp state synchronization, and the difficulty of governance. Increase etc. These problems require new solutions to cope with the increasingly complex blockchain ecosystem.
With the evolution of blockchain technology and the improvement of infrastructure, in response to the above problems, three types of solutions/tracks have appeared on the market: cross-chain, full chain (Omni-Chain) and chain Abstraction.
Cross-chain: refers to interaction and communication between different blockchains to achieve interoperability of data and assets. Cross-chain technology allows applications and users on different blockchains to interact, breaking the island effect of blockchains.
Omni-Chain: refers to the realization of complete functions and applications on a single blockchain, and all operations and data are performed on this separate blockchain.
Chain Abstraction: refers to the The complexity of the blockchain system is abstracted and encapsulated so that developers and users do not have to directly deal with the underlying technical details. Through chain abstraction, developers can use unified interfaces and tools to interact with different blockchains without caring about the specific implementation details of each blockchain. Users can seamlessly browse and use Web3 applications without paying attention to the underlying layer. Blockchain, cross-chain operations, gas payments and other complex details.
Comparing the above three types of solutions, chain abstraction has obvious advantages in developer friendliness and user experience, and it is also A key driver for future blockchain development and mainstream adoption. Cycle Network is the head project of the chain abstraction track. With its unique full-chain communication technology, it has unique technical advantages in realizing asset liquidity aggregation and interoperability between different chains, bringing more unity to Web3. , convenient and safe user experience.
Cycle Network is a trustless aggregated liquidity network for all blockchains, based on aggregated orderers and chain abstractions. Cycle utilizes multi-chain zk-rollup technology to extend the traditional one-to-one native bridge between L1 and L2 to support full connectivity of all chains. This enables users to achieve trustless full-chain interoperability on Cycle.
Through Cycle Network, developers and users can experience seamless communication and value transfer across all chains, layers and dApps.
Cycle Network is committed to liberating developers and letting them get rid of repetitive and tedious tasks. From the underlying architecture to the synchronization and deployment of information/assets, Cycle is a one-stop solution, allowing developers to focus on innovative exploration without fear. Unknown, enjoy exploring the unlimited potential of Web3.
Cycle: Bridgeless cross-chain interoperability makes it easy to build multi-chain applications
Cycle breaks through ecosystem barriers and achieves a seamless experience of cross-chain interoperability. Whether developers choose EVM chains, non-EVM chains, L2 or other modular chains, Cycle can provide a one-stop solution that supports existing or new dApps to easily integrate and automatically build cross-chain applications. Cross-layer functionality can be achieved with a simple plug-in contract without any code modification or new chain deployment.
Full-chain distributed ledger, empowering developers
Cycle provides a full-chain distributed ledger, freeing developers from the trouble of cross-chain learning and deployment. No more headaches with complex consensus mechanisms or rule sets customized for each layer/blockchain. Cycle empowers developers to focus on developing innovative applications.
High speed, low cost, creating the ultimate experience
Cycle toolkit, SDK and advanced smart contract design allow developers to build efficient and low-cost multi-chain applications at low cost. Lightning speed and ultimate user experience will bring more value to your application.
In order to achieve ultimate security and trustlessness, the essence of Cycle’s cross-chain communication is to deploy itself as a ZK-Rollup for all connected chains. The ZK-Rollup bridge provides trustless two-way authentication. Cycle extends this functionality from Ethereum to all external networks, anchoring multi-chain state to Cycle state via aggregation sequencers. This simplifies the state synchronization problem in distributed systems, creating a decentralized hyperledger and liquidity center for all blockchains.
The overall architecture of Cycle Network mainly consists of three parts:
2. Extend Layer: Connect to other blockchains except Ethereum, including all L2 and other heterogeneous L1 (Solana , TON and Bitcoin, etc.). The core modules include:
3. Security Layer: It is the security layer of Cycle to ensure the security of transaction status. It uses Ethereum, which has the highest security among programmable networks. The core modules include:
Key components of Cycle Network include Omni State Channel Indexer and Verifiable State Aggregation. Based on them, Cycle Network can effectively aggregate liquidity from different networks and solve state synchronization challenges, Relying on its key component Omni State Channel Indexer.
Omni State Channel Indexer
Omni State Channel Indexer는 Cycle Network의 각 확장 레이어의 분산형 인덱싱 및 데이터 가용성을 담당하는 분산형 다중 체인 인덱서입니다. 여러 블록체인 네트워크(비트코인, 이더리움 등 포함)와 상호 작용하고, 다양한 체인의 자산과 메시지를 추적하며, Cycle Network가 다양한 체인의 데이터 변경 사항을 확인하고 기록할 수 있도록 보장합니다.
(Omni State Channel Indexer图例)
개발자의 경우:
풀체인 계정 솔루션은 원활한 크로스체인 상호작용과 통합 계정 관리를 목표로 하며, Cycle Network를 통해 여러 블록체인을 연결하여 관리할 수 있습니다. 하나의 계정 내에서 크로스체인 자산과 거래를 운영합니다.
Cycle Network는 유동성 공급자와 협력하여 유동성을 통합하고 효과적으로 할당하는 유동성 인터페이스 역할을 합니다. dApp 또는 체인은 Cycle의 Liquidity Faucet 인터페이스 SDK를 통해 유동성에 쉽게 접근할 수 있습니다. 최종 사용자도 유동성 공급자 역할을 하여 유동성을 제공하고 LP 보상을 받을 수 있습니다.
Cycle의 플러그 앤 플레이 호환성으로 인해 더 많은 DeFi LEGO 잠금이 해제되고 Perp Dex, LSD, 옵션, 관심 교환과 같은 더 많은 파생 상품이 활성화됩니다. DeFi 생태계에 새로운 활력을 불어넣습니다.
풀체인 거래 로봇: 지능적인 거래, 더 높은 수익
Cycle은 온체인 거래 로봇의 전략을 배가하여 지능형 거래를 달성하고 사용자에게 더 높은 수익을 제공하는 풀체인 거래 로봇을 지원합니다.
AI 에이전트: 전체 체인 데이터 권한 부여, 지능적인 의사 결정
Cycle은 전체 체인 데이터의 실시간 동기화를 제공합니다. AI 에이전트는 전체 체인 기계 학습을 수행하고 매개변수 조정, 자금 관리, DAO 참여 등을 향상할 수 있습니다. 개발자가 더욱 스마트하고 강력한 DeFi 애플리케이션을 구축할 수 있도록 지원하는 기능입니다.
풀체인 NFT: 새로운 차원의 플레이, 끝없는 즐거움
Cycle은 풀체인 NFT를 지원합니다. 더 많은 체인의 상호작용을 통해 특정 조건/작업에 따른 표시 등 NFT에서 더욱 흥미로운 기능이 실험될 것입니다. /features/airdrops는 사용자에게 더욱 풍부하고 다양한 NFT 경험을 제공합니다.
풀체인 다크 풀: 효율적인 거래, 저렴한 비용
Cycle はフルチェーンのダークプールをサポートしており、大規模トレーダーがより多様な資産タイプで大量の取引を行うのに役立ち、低スリッページ、より良い価格を実現し、取引コストを節約でき、オンチェーンの変動を引き起こさないため、理想的なプラットフォームとなります。大規模な取引向けに、より効率的で低コストの取引体験を投資家に提供します。
Cycle Network ホワイト ペーパーの最初のバージョン (v 0.5) が正式にリリースされました。このホワイト ペーパーでは、Cycle Network がグローバルな状態を達成する方法の詳細なアーキテクチャと可能性が共有されており、次のような重要なトピックがカバーされています。背景、Cycle Network フレームワーク 詳細な技術開示と、開発者が Cycle Network を使用して展開できる潜在的な現実世界のアプリケーション。
開発者向けCycle Network Testnet 1.0「Starfish」が正式にリリースされ、画期的なマルチチェーン集約機能が導入されました。 Cycle-JS-SDK を使用して独自の Omni dApp をプログラミングおよび構築できます。
Cycle Network の 2 番目のイテレーションとして、TestNet Squid はビットコイン エコシステムと戦略的に統合されており、BRC-20 資産の Cycle Network への、および Cycle Network からのシームレスな転送を容易にします。 Cycle TestNet Squid は、イーサリアム レイヤー 2 ネットワークに加えて、拡張レイヤーとして Bitlayer TestNet (ビットコイン レイヤー 2) も統合しています。近い将来、ビットコインのネイティブデータ可用性インフラストラクチャであるNbuitをCycle Networkに統合する予定です。
JellyFish は、開発者向けの Cycle Network Testnet 2.0 ネットワークであり、Starfish に基づいて、開発者はこのネットワーク上でよりスムーズなサイクルを体験できます。独自のフルチェーン製品を構築します。
Piggybankは、Cycle Network上に構築されたDeFiツールであり、集合流動性を活用して、さまざまなブロックチェーンにわたるマイクロトランザクションと貯蓄サービスを促進することを目的としています。ユーザーは、さまざまな取引で残った少量のトークンを Piggybank に預けることができ、Piggybank はこれらのトークンを複数のチェーンにわたってインテリジェントにルーティングして交換し、資本の有用性と効率を高めます。
2017 年以来、Cycle Network のコア チーム メンバーは、特に高性能分散台帳と ZK ハードウェア アクセラレーションの分野におけるブロックチェーンの基本技術の研究開発に専念し、スケーラビリティとスループットに重点を置いています。前回の作品では、ピーク TPS が 56,000 に達するという素晴らしい結果を達成しました。このチームは 30 以上の学術論文と 50 以上のブロックチェーン技術特許を取得しています。
分散型台帳テクノロジーの限界を押し広げるという初期の取り組みを原動力として、Cycle Network チームはブロックチェーン業界の増大するニーズを満たすスケーラブルで効率的なソリューションを提供するために設立されました。
Cycle Network は、広範な Web3 開発経験と開発者の課題への深い理解を活用することで、Web3 開発者がアプリケーション中心のイノベーションに集中し、Web3 ブロックチェーンの可能性を最大限に実現できるようにすることを目指しています。
チェーン抽象化トラックの主要プロジェクトとして、サイクルネットワークは、3層アーキテクチャと検証可能な状態集約テクノロジーを通じて、パブリックチェーンとアプリケーション向けのフルチェーン資産流動性インフラストラクチャとソリューションを提供し、シームレスで安全で効率的なメカニズムを提供します流動性を管理し、複数のブロックチェーン間で価値を転送することで、流動性の統合が大幅に強化され、ユーザーのオンチェーンインタラクションエクスペリエンスが向上します。 Cycle Chain Abstraction テクノロジーをブリッジレスで統合した dApp は、ユーザーがチェーン全体の流動性を共有し、異なるチェーン間で断片化されたユーザー エクスペリエンスを破壊的に解決するのに役立ちます。
The above is the detailed content of How does Cycle Network build a full-chain liquidity aggregation network based on chain abstraction?. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!