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The computer has a blue screen of death. How to deal with it?

Release: 2024-07-31 07:43:52
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死のブルースクリーンがコンピューターに表示され、頭痛の種になります。 PHP エディターの Youzi は、ブルー スクリーン ガイド、一般的な原因の詳細な分析を提供し、さまざまなタイプに対する効果的な解決策を提供します。初心者でも技術に精通している人でも、この記事ではブルー スクリーン オブ デスに対処する方法についての実践的なガイダンスを見つけることができます。急いで詳細を読んで、コンピューターのブルー スクリーンに別れを告げて、安定した使用をお楽しみください。

The computer has a blue screen of death. How to deal with it?

1. コンピューターに死のブルー スクリーンが表示されます。どうやって対処すればいいのでしょうか?




360 Security Guardソフトウェア


1. ソフトウェアを開き、クリックしてコンピューターエキスパートツールに入ります。

2. 検索バーに「ブルー スクリーン」と入力し、クリックして検索します。

3. プランを選択し、[今すぐ修復] をクリックします。

4. 自動修復プロセスを開始します。

2. コンピューターのホストがブルースクリーンで起動し、再起動する


コンピューターは現代の生活に欠かせないツールです。コンピュータホストは、コンピュータのコアコンポーネントとして、システムの実行とソフトウェアプログラムの重要なタスクの処理を担当します。ただし、起動時のブルー スクリーン、クラッシュと再起動など、ユーザー エクスペリエンスに影響を与える問題が発生することがあります。この記事では、読者がこれらの問題にうまく対処できるように、コンピューター ホストのブルー スクリーン デスと再起動の問題を解決するための詳細なガイドを提供します。

起動時のブルー スクリーンの問題

コンピューターの起動プロセス中にブルー スクリーン プロンプトが表示されるのはよくある問題です。この状況は、ハードウェアの障害、ドライバーの問題、またはシステム エラーによって発生する可能性があります。起動時のブルー スクリーンの問題を解決する鍵は、具体的な原因を特定することです。一般的な解決策をいくつか示します。

ハードウェア接続を確認します。コンピューター ホスト内のハードウェア接続がしっかりしていて、緩んでいたり、接続が不十分でないことを確認します。 ドライバーの更新: システムとの互換性を維持するために、コンピューター ホストのさまざまなハードウェア ドライバーを確認して更新します。 システム修復: システム修復ツールを使用してシステムを修復し、考えられるシステム エラーを解決してみることができます。



内部のほこりを掃除する: コンピューター ホスト内のほこりを定期的に掃除して、放熱を確保し、クラッシュにつながる過熱を防ぎます。 ソフトウェアの競合を排除する: 最近インストールしたソフトウェアがシステムまたは他のプログラムと競合していないかを確認し、問題のあるソフトウェアを適時にアンインストールまたは更新します。 電源を確認します。クラッシュや再起動を引き起こす電源の問題を避けるために、電源コードがしっかりと接続されており、電源出力が安定していることを確認してください。


起動時のブルー スクリーンやクラッシュ再起動の問題に加えて、コンピューター ホストでは、起動の遅さ、ハードウェアの認識の失敗など、他のさまざまな障害が発生する場合もあります。これらの問題に対処するには、次の方法で解決できます:

起動項目の最適化: システムの起動項目を管理および最適化し、起動時の負荷を軽減し、起動速度を向上させます。 システム パッチを更新する: オペレーティング システムのパッチとアップデートを定期的に更新して、既知のシステムの脆弱性やエラーを修正します。 ウイルスの検出: ウイルス対策ソフトウェアを使用してコンピューターのフル スキャンを実行し、潜在的なウイルスの脅威を排除します。

上記の方法を合理的に適用することで、ブルー スクリーン オブ デスとコンピュータ ホストの再起動の問題をより効果的に解決し、コンピュータの安定性とパフォーマンスを向上させることができます。このガイドがお役に立ち、コンピューター体験がよりスムーズで楽しいものになることを願っています。

3. コンピュータホストの起動時にブルースクリーンが表示される


コンピューター ホストの起動時にブルー スクリーンが表示される考えられる理由

まず、コンピューター ホストの起動時にブルー スクリーンが表示される一般的な理由をいくつか見てみましょう。これらの問題には以下が含まれる可能性があります:

メモリ破損や電源の問題などのハードウェア障害、ドライバーの非互換性やオペレーティング システム エラーなどのソフトウェアの競合、システム クラッシュを引き起こすウイルス感染


コンピューター ホストがブルーになる問題の場合起動時に死亡画面が表示される場合は、次の解決策を試してください:

1. ハードウェアの問題を確認します

まず、コンピューターのハードウェア コンポーネントが適切に動作しているかどうかを確認します。コンピュータホストの電源を入れ、メモリモジュールが正しく取り付けられているかどうかを確認し、電源の問題を解決します。

2. ドライバーを更新します

コンピューター上のブルー スクリーンは、ドライバーが古いか破損していることが原因である場合があります。互換性と安定性を確保するために、グラフィックス カード、サウンド カード、その他のドライバーの更新を試みることができます。

3. ウイルスをスキャンします

もう 1 つの一般的な理由は、ウイルス感染によるシステムクラッシュです。信頼できるウイルス対策ソフトウェアを使用してシステムの包括的なスキャンを実行し、潜在的な脅威を排除します。

4. システムの回復



When the computer host has a blue screen of death when it is turned on, we can solve the problem by carefully checking the hardware, updating drivers, scanning for viruses, and performing system recovery. If the problem persists, it is recommended to seek professional technical support to ensure that the computer failure is repaired in a timely manner and to ensure the smooth progress of work and study.

4. What should I do if my computer often freezes and has a blue screen?

Reinstall the system if there is any problem. Sometimes it's not necessarily the computer itself that's the problem. If you don't know how to install it, take it to a computer store and ask the technician to help you figure out what the problem is. A matter of dozens of dollars.

5. HP computer blue screen of death?

If this happens, it means there is a problem with the computer's launcher driver. It is recommended to upgrade the driver after starting the computer. If it doesn't work, contact the after-sales service center to check it.

6. Why does my computer keep having a blue screen of death?

Watching videos on Youku website in the browser, a blue screen appears as I look at it. This problem occurred three or four times in one afternoon. I don’t know what’s going on... Does anyone know how to solve this problem? The system has just been reinstalled...

7. How to solve the problem of STOPOXOOOOOOEA when the blue screen appears after the computer crashes?

0x000000EA: THREAD_STUCK_IN_DEVICE_DRIVER ◆Error analysis: Usually caused by the graphics card or graphics card driver. ◇Solution: Upgrade the latest graphics card driver first, if not, you need to replace the graphics card to test whether the fault still occurs. The above is Microsoft's official Error analysis and solutions for the 0x000000EA blue screen code are given. Probably. Personally, I feel that the primary cause of computer blue screens is generally caused by physical memory. Usually, restarting can solve the problem! Sometimes software conflicts may also cause a blue screen on the computer (of course game software is also a type of software)... But in the final analysis, software conflicts are caused by memory problems. Blue screen! There are also some viruses that may also cause blue screen on the computer. When the poster mentioned the old blue screen, it is still recommended to kill the virus and use the optimization master to optimize the system! There are also reasons for hardware compatibility.. Compatibility issues can also cause blue screens! The specific reasons are up to the author to judge. . Or download a bluescreenview software and test it to see what problem causes the blue screen.

8. Is the computer’s frequent blue screen of death a problem with the motherboard or the graphics card?

1. Try to reinstall the system, the system version is win10 1903 final version; https://msdn.itelleyou.cn/

2. Uninstall software such as 360, 2345, Master Lu (especially 2345, which is worse than 360 Virus, it will delete your computer files every time, and then blue screen, and then repair it for you);

3. Turn off XMP. This is a metaphysical problem. Many people have encountered it. After turning it off, there will be no problem (it is said that it is a memory stick or Motherboard problem)

4. Driver under the official website

Graphics card:

NVIDIA driver download

The brand of the motherboard can be found under the brand’s official website.

9. What are the causes of computer blue screen of death?

Cause 1 of computer blue screen of death: Hard drive failure

For computers with the system installed on a mechanical hard drive, once the hard drive has bad sectors, it will cause a blue screen of the computer, because when the computer is running, it will read and When data is stored on a hard disk platter, if there are bad sectors on the platter, the system will not be able to run normally. At this time, the computer will be prone to a blue screen.


First look at the degree of damage. If the number of bad sectors is relatively small, we can continue to use it. If there are many, it is recommended to back up the data and replace it with a mechanical hard drive.

Reason 2 for computer blue screen of death: updating drivers and fixing vulnerability patches

For computer system prompts to update drivers and fix vulnerability patches, once we follow the prompts and choose to update and repair, it will easily cause the computer to freeze and blue screen, especially the graphics card driver It was updated mainly because the new driver did not match the original system, causing the display to fail.


Press F8 on boot to enter safe mode, delete the original updated driver, restart the computer and enter the system to repair.

Three reasons for computer blue screen of death: Memory module failure

When the memory module fails, the computer will also have a blue screen phenomenon. Generally, the gold finger of the memory module is dusty, causing poor contact, physical damage to the memory module, and Caused by incompatibility and other reasons.


Take out the memory stick correctly, then wipe the gold finger with an eraser, then use a brush to clean the card slot of the memory stick, and re-insert the memory stick. If it still doesn't work, we have to replace it. For new memory modules, this may be caused by memory module compatibility issues or memory module damage.

The fourth reason for computer blue screen of death: The computer temperature is too high

When the computer's CPU temperature is too high, the memory module is too high, the hard disk temperature is too high, and the graphics card temperature is too high, the computer blue screen phenomenon will easily occur. Generally, it is caused by the heat dissipation of the computer. Of course, sometimes it is caused by improper human operation. For example, the protective film of the computer's CPU cooling fan is not removed, and the computer's CPU and memory modules are overclocked.


Computer dust cleaning and maintenance, correct use. Regarding this knowledge, the editor has written in detail in previous articles, so I won’t go into details here. Don’t overclock at will. Today’s hardware basically has the same main frequency. It is very high and can fully meet our needs.

10. How to fix a blue screen on your computer?

Hi HP brother is here~

First of all, some popular science: the blue screen is not a system failure, but a problem on the computer caused by the system software, memory, and hard disk that makes the system unable to continue running. In order to protect the user's data, the Windows system Safety, to prevent further damage to the computer and temporarily shut down the system. In short, a blue screen indicates that the user is using the computer inappropriately. But don’t panic, it’s easy to rescue a blue screen on your computer. Next, HP will teach you step by step how to troubleshoot and fix blue screen problems on your computer~

Generally speaking, the causes of blue screen are mainly divided into “external causes” and “internal causes” ":

1. "External causes" ——Hardware problems: the installation of incompatible hardware, graphics cards, poor contact or dust in the memory slots, damage to the hardware itself, etc.

2. "Internal causes" ——Software problems (This is also the reason for most blue screens): The software downloaded on the computer is incompatible with the system version, the system update fails, there is a virus in the computer, etc.

Let’s first look at the solutions to the blue screen due to software problems:

1. Hardware Reset

The hard reset operation is mainly to refresh the underlying hardware settings. In theory, it has no impact on the data in the computer, but HP still wants to remind you to back up important data in advance

1) Turn off the computer , plug in the power, and unplug all external devices such as mice, printers, etc.

2) Press and hold the power button with your left hand and do not release it; press and release the power button with your right hand for 5 seconds (this method is suitable for disassembling home, thin and light notebooks, and business notebooks) Remove the battery and hold down the power switch for 15 seconds)

3) Until the screen displays the CMOS reset interface (502) or you hear a 'beep' from the computer, it means the operation is successful

2. Enter safe mode

Safe mode is A diagnostic mode of Windows, in which Windows only loads the most basic drivers and cannot run any software. Not only the blue screen, when you encounter problems such as abnormal system functions and being unable to log in to the system normally, you can also try to enter safe mode for troubleshooting. So how do you enter safe mode? (Take Windows 10 system as an example)

First press the power button and then click the F11 key repeatedly to enter the advanced menu interface and click -- in sequence.

Select in, press the F4 key, and you can enter safe mode after restarting.


1) If you want to enter the safe mode with network connection, please click the F5 key. In this mode, network connection is supported and basic network connection functions can be achieved

2) If you want to enter the safe mode with command prompt Safe mode, please click the F6 key. A Command Prompt (CMD) window will pop up in this mode, enter the command directly to try to fix the problem】

After successfully entering safe mode, four words will appear in the four corners of the desktop. (If you cannot enter, please see 2.2)

2.1 In safe mode, if the blue screen problem does not continue to occur, you can do the following three operations:

1) Uninstall programs and patches:

a. First uninstall the application - rule out possible The blue screen phenomenon occurs because the recently installed software version is incompatible with the system version. Method: Press the key, select -, enter the installed one in the search list, select and uninstall (the steps are as shown in the picture)

b. Uninstall the system patch: press, search, select -

2) Disable startup items

Press and hold, click and select Options to select all startup items. (The steps are shown in the picture)

2.2 If you cannot enter safe mode, you can install a pure version of the system

This method is actually very simple and fast. In general, it only requires two steps:

1) Download and create a Windows installation USB flash drive (taking the home version 64-bit system as an example)

a. Format the U disk (recommended to be 8G or above) and back up the data in the U disk in advance. The data in the U disk will be lost when making and installing the U disk.

b. Click the following link to enter the Microsoft official website to download the image, click to download now


c. After the download is complete, double-click to open the MediaCreationTool program

d. Click to accept the applicable notice and license terms

e. Choose to create installation media (USB drive, DVD or ISO file) for another computer

f. Select Chinese (Simplified) for language, select Windows 10 Home Chinese Edition for version, and select 64-bit (x64) for architecture

g. Select the USB flash drive and click Next

h. Select the USB flash drive, click Next, wait for the download to complete, and wait until the interface reminds you that the USB flash drive is ready. This USB flash drive can be used to install the system

2) Boot the USB flash drive to install the Windows 10 system

a. Laptop In the shutdown state, insert the prepared U disk

b. Click the power button and click F9 quickly and continuously. In the boot interface, select the USB hard disk

c. After entering the installation interface, select Chinese (Simplified, China) as the language, and click Step

d. After clicking Install Now, select I don’t have a product key

e. Check I accept the license terms (A) and click Next

f. Select Custom: Install Windows Only (Advanced) (C)

g. Create or delete partitions according to the icon

h. After repartitioning the disk, select the primary partition and click Next.

i. Now you can wait for the system to automatically complete the installation and unpacking process.

j. After the installation is completed, you can set the account and password, and the system will automatically complete activation when connected to the Internet.

If the questioner is using an HP computer, you can also try the following method:

3. Update the driver

If a blue screen appears, it may also mean that your computer needs to update the driver. For users who are using HP laptops, especially those who are new to laptops, HP strongly recommends that you install the driver download tool - HP SA (HPSA). Very simple three steps; download HPSA-log in to HP account-add device, you can manage device updates and set software function preferences! In HPSA, you can clearly see the current system version and configuration information, and you can also set the next detection time and automatic update time period to avoid the possibility of a blue screen due to an outdated driver version. In addition, network and battery status can also be monitored and detected in HPSA in real time, and HPSA also provides solutions to common faults.

4. Check the hardware

If a blue screen still appears after reinstalling the system, this means that the computer hardware may be faulty.

1) First, you can click F2 continuously to detect the hard disk/memory and check whether the cause of the blue screen is a hardware failure (the steps are as shown in the animation). If the detection fails, please contact the repair station to replace the hardware.

2) Generally, computer hardware failure occurs in the memory module or graphics card. It may be due to oxidation of the memory or graphics card or poor contact with the slot, which may cause a blue screen. The solution to this situation can be to cut off the power first, open the computer case, pull out the memory stick, use an eraser to rub the area with the copper piece back and forth a few times, then replace it with a memory slot and plug it back in, and you're done. . If you still get a blue screen after doing this, the next step is to check the graphics card and follow the same steps as above.

In addition, there are many reasons for blue screen. If blue screen problems occur from time to time, remember to save the blue screen error screenshot and write down the blue screen code.

Enter Microsoft China official website

https://www.microsoft.com /zh-cn?/?https://www.microsoft.com/zh-cn

Type the blue screen code directly into the search bar, you may be able to find a solution.

In fact, if laptops are used and maintained correctly, their lifespan will be very long. Brother HP often receives private messages asking questions such as the battery is not charging, the fan is noisy, and the installed memory module is incompatible... These common computer problems are usually caused by improper operation or outdated program versions. Regarding how to maintain and upgrade notebooks, you can read these two articles. HP will continue to bring you more popular science in the future~

HP: It is not difficult to become a DIY enthusiast - Shadow Elf 6 upgrade guide HP: In fact, TA also needs to be protected - HP Gaming Laptop Daily Maintenance Guide

If you have any computer problems, please privately message HP brother to ask, or send a private message on Weibo, and technical experts will answer your questions~ You can also follow HP's official WeChat ID , not only product-related information, but also new product launches, e-commerce promotions and fan benefits will be sent from time to time~

The above is the detailed content of The computer has a blue screen of death. How to deal with it?. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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