Pepe virtual currency can be traded on platforms such as Hotbit, BitMart, KuCoin, Uniswap, SushiSwap and PancakeSwap.
On which platforms can Pepe virtual currency be traded?
Pepe Coin is a meme-based digital currency characterized by its unique pepe the frog logo. Currently, Pepe virtual currency can be traded on the following platforms:
Centralized Exchange
Decentralized Exchange (DEX)
It is worth noting that Pepe virtual currency is a small-cap currency and its liquidity may be limited. Before trading, be sure to conduct thorough research and understand the associated risks.
Pepe Latest Price Trend
As of 15:00 on 07 August 2024, the price of Pepe (PEPE) is $0.000000080555345567836 USD, with a 24-hour trading volume of $1.162 Billion.
Recent Changes
The price of Pepe fell by 0.45% in the last 24 hours.
Factors leading to price changes
Factors affecting Pepe price changes may include:
Future price trends
Given the current market conditions, Pepe The future price trend is difficult to predict. However, the currency is still in its early stages and is expected to still have growth potential in the future.
It is recommended that
investors should conduct their own research and exercise caution as the cryptocurrency market is highly volatile and carries risks.
Short Term Trend Forecast
Pepe is expected to be volatile in the short term as the market prices in a breakout before validating it.
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