Qualcomm has confirmed that it will be holding the Snapdragon Summit in the coming October, in which the company is expected to showcase the Snapdragon 8 Gen 4. Its competitor, the Dimensity 9400, is also scheduled to launch in October, and it seems MediaTek is ready to go head-to-head with Qualcomm.
Per the latest report from Digital Chat Station, a reputable Chinese tipster, the upcoming Dimensity 9400 can offer over 30% better single-core performance than its predecessor. For reference, in Geekbench, the Dimensity 9300 scores around 2200 in the single-core test.
So, over a 30% performance bump would mean around 2,900 points in the single-core test of Geekbench. This would make the Dimensity 9400 pretty much on par with Apple A17 Pro of iPhone 15 Pro models. Of course, beyond synthetic benchmarks, better single-core benchmarks mean better performance on applications that mostly rely on single-threaded processing.
Other than the single-core performance bump, Digital Chat Station shares that the large core of Dimensity 9400 needs only 30% of the power of the Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 (256 GB Galaxy S24 Ultra curr. $1,199.99 on Amazon). This hints that the energy efficiency has also been vastly improved, which would lead to better battery life.
As for the Snapdragon 8 Gen 4, a recent leak suggests that the upcoming Qualcomm SoC will be 30% better than its predecessor. So, we may see a similar level of competition to the current generation of Dimensity and Snapdragon chips.
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