In the popular role-playing game Fate/Grand Order, players embark on an epic adventure through time and space. This game, based on the sequel to the Fate series, invites players to delve into seven different eras and uncover the mysterious stories behind the seven Holy Grails. PHP editor Xiaoxin has carefully prepared this guide to analyze the background, gameplay and derivative works of the game for you, and start an exciting journey to the Holy Grail for you. Now dive into the article and understand the charm of "Fate/Grand Order"!
How to change the fgo servant portrait back?
fgo servant portrait can be viewed in the spirit base of the formation. Click on the servant and slide the portrait left or right to change the portrait on the main interface.
The above is the detailed content of How to change the vertical painting of the servant in FGO How to change the vertical painting of the servant back in FGO. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!