WAT Medical has launched its EmeTerm Smart anti-nausea smartwatch campaign on Indiegogo after years of research and development. The health-improving smartwatch actively counters nausea and vomiting in various scenarios by using electrical stimulation of an acupuncture point on the wrist.
The human body is connected by a network of nerves that transmit sensations such as pressure or pain felt across the body to the brain. The sensations are transmitted as electrical signals that can be manipulated using external electrical stimuli, or transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS). Acupuncture is a well-known practice used in traditional Chinese medicine to help alleviate pain, nausea, and other symptoms of poor health.
The EmeTerm watch specifically stimulates the pericardium 6 acupuncture point (PC6) to prevent nauseating stomach muscle contractions as a transcutaneous electrical acupuncture point stimulation (TEAS) device. The advantage of this wearable is its drug-free relief of nausea and vomiting. The smartwatch has received FDA 510(k) clearance for this purpose for users six years and older. The watch can be used while riding in a car, train, plane, or boat, and during pregnancy or after surgeries.
The degree of relief will vary depending on the user, but one post-operative study showed that the incidence of postoperative nausea and vomiting caused by anesthetics 24 hours after surgery was reduced by approximately 26% among EmeTerm wearers. Naturally, all medical treatments can have side-effects, and 5 out of 260 study patients (~1.9%) experienced localized allergies or unbearable numbness.
The EmeTerm Smart can be used to count daily steps in addition to telling the time. The waterproof watch is IP67-rated and can be used while swimming or on a boat. The rechargeable battery powers the watch for up to 20 hours while countering nausea and up to 72 hours in watch mode. The watch recharges in 2 hours using the included USB-A charging cable. The watch measures 2.36 x 2.36 x 1.77 inches (60 x 60 x 45 mm) and weighs 1.6 ounces (48.5 g). The wristband is sized for wrist diameters of 5.12 to 7.87 inches (130 to 200 mm).
The EmeTerm Smart anti-nausea watch is currently priced at $139 as a Super Early Bird special on Indiegogo. Readers who can't wait for the smartwach to arrive before a nauseating ride or surgery can pick up motion sickness pills on Amazon.
The above is the detailed content of WAT Medical launches EmeTerm Smart anti-nausea smartwatch campaign on Indiegogo. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!