Home Technology peripherals It Industry The perfect fusion of speed and intelligence: Canon EOS R1, a new choice for sports photography

The perfect fusion of speed and intelligence: Canon EOS R1, a new choice for sports photography

Aug 14, 2024 pm 01:07 PM

Source: Photography World

The Olympic Games, which are held every four years, are in full swing in the romantic city of Paris. Athletes from all over the world are vying for the top spot and sprinting for the top podium. Under the competition field, a large number of sports photographers hold "spike sprinters" and use their cameras to record the wonderful moments of the Olympic Games, which is also a repertoire of every Olympic Games.

速度与智能的完美融合:佳能EOS R1体育摄影新选择

Photo by Wei Xiaohao

Just before the opening of the Paris Olympics, Canon released a new generation of flagship professional micro camera - Canon EOS R1. Canon EOS R1 is taking over the predecessors F-1 and NEW in a new form The legacy of F-1, EOS-1, EOS-1D, and EOS-1DX are active in the Olympic arena, continuing the legend of the "1" series.

01 Only with accurate focus can you take good photos

速度与智能的完美融合:佳能EOS R1体育摄影新选择

Paris, July 27, 2024

On July 27, Chinese players Chang Yani (right)/Chen Yiwen were in the competition. On the same day, in the women's synchronized 3-meter springboard diving final at the Paris Olympics, Chinese players Chang Yani/Chen Yiwen won the gold medal. Xinhua News Agency reporter Zhang Yuwei Photo

Canon EOS R1, f/4.0, 1/4000 sec

Deep learning helps Canon EOS In addition to identifying the subject's eyes, face and other areas, the R1 can also recognize the upper body. In this way, when the photographer's composition takes up a smaller proportion of the frame, the athlete can capture it more accurately.

速度与智能的完美融合:佳能EOS R1体育摄影新选择

On July 27, Chinese players Chang Yani (right)/Chen Yiwen were competing. On the same day, in the women's synchronized 3-meter springboard diving final at the Paris Olympics, Chinese players Chang Yani/Chen Yiwen won the gold medal. Xinhua News Agency reporter Zhang Yuwei Photographed by

Canon EOS R1, f/2.8, 1/4000 sec

In sports photography, accurate focus is especially important. If the composition and exposure of a photo are perfect, but the focal plane falls in the wrong position and is not in the right place as the photographer intended, it will still not be an excellent work.

It can be seen that the camera has an autofocus system that can quickly and accurately track the movement of the subject, which determines the success or failure of sports photography. In July 2013, Canon EOS equipped with the first-generation full-pixel dual-core CMOS AF technology The 70D was born, redefining the image sensor's on-chip integrated autofocus system.

速度与智能的完美融合:佳能EOS R1体育摄影新选择

On July 29, Chinese team players Wang Yuanyuan (left) and Li Yingying (middle) defended during the game. On the same day, in the women's volleyball group A match of the Paris Olympic Games, the Chinese team defeated the United States team 3-2. Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Gang Photographed by

Canon EOS R1, f/3.2, 1/2000 sec

Now, the new generation flagship Canon EOS R1, which is currently active in the Paris Olympics, is equipped with what is called a full-pixel dual-core smart focus system that has been iteratively upgraded. . Canon EOS For the first time, the R1 is also equipped with a full-cross autofocus system covering the entire focus area, which can detect the subject more sensitively and accurately, even if the subject is moving irregularly and at high speed.

速度与智能的完美融合:佳能EOS R1体育摄影新选择

On July 29, Chinese team player Li Yingying (left) spiked the ball in attack. On the same day, in the women's volleyball group A match of the Paris Olympic Games, the Chinese team defeated the United States team 3-2. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Gang

Canon EOS R1, f/3.2, 1/2500 seconds

The full-pixel dual-core smart focus system equipped with Canon EOS R1 focuses on the "smart" part: it is named "Accelerated Capture" A combination of new image processing systems and deep learning technology. With the above combination, Canon EOS R1 achieves the ability to distinguish between subjects and obstacles. Here’s an example of volleyball in the Olympics: Canon EOS Even when the subject (that is, the athlete the photographer wants to focus on) is partially obscured by a volleyball, net or other players, the R1 has a very high success rate and can track it firmly, creating the best shooting opportunity for the photographer.

速度与智能的完美融合:佳能EOS R1体育摄影新选择

On July 29, Chinese team players Yuan Xinyue (middle left) and Zhu Ting (middle right) were in the game. On the same day, in the women's volleyball group match of the Paris Olympic Games, the Chinese team played against the American team. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Gang

Canon EOS R1, f/2.8, 1/2000 seconds

In addition, the combination of accelerated capture image processing system and deep learning technology realizes a function called action priority. Canon EOS When shooting football, basketball and volleyball events, R1 can identify multiple characters, their joint status, and the position of the ball and other information. This means that the camera can identify specific key actions of athletes in the above three sports, helping photographers to lock in the most exciting moments of athletes.

02 High-speed continuous shooting to lock in the most exciting moments

速度与智能的完美融合:佳能EOS R1体育摄影新选择


7月29日,荷蘭隊球員本特·羅格(中)在比賽中進攻。當日,在巴黎奧運女子水球小組賽A組比賽中,中國隊11比15不敵荷蘭隊。新華社記者 張玉薇 攝

Canon EOS R1,f/3.2,1/3200秒


因此,旗艦級相機都會在最大連拍速度、連拍續航上面,提供最優秀的配置與性能表現。自佳能EOS 1D、EOS 1D-X系列歷代旗艦機身,其連拍性能都在不斷躍升。不過,傳統的單眼相機按下快門按鈕後,反光鏡處於反复上翻與下落的運動,其機械結構的設計阻礙了最大連拍速度的進一步提升。

速度与智能的完美融合:佳能EOS R1体育摄影新选择

7月29日,中國隊球員鄧澤文(前)在比賽中攻門。當日,在巴黎奧運女子水球小組賽A組比賽中,中國隊11比15不敵荷蘭隊。新華社記者 張玉薇 攝

Canon EOS R1,f/3.5,1/2500秒

相比之下,專微相機去除了反光鏡箱結構,最大連拍速度得以進一步解放。佳能EOS R1機械快門下最大連拍速度約12張/秒(連續自動對焦、自動曝光),最高快門速度為1/8000秒;電子快門下最大連拍速度高達40張/秒(連續自動對焦、自動曝光),最高快門速度高達1/64000秒。

為了提升超高速電子快門的實用程度,CanonEOS R1成功大幅降低了捲簾快門失真(俗稱「果凍效應」)的程度。這樣,畫面中即使是高速運動的物體也不容易變形。

射出的弓箭在離弦瞬間的運動變形、網球運動員高速擊球,以及擊劍比賽中電光火石般的決勝瞬間等等,這些人眼難以察覺的精彩瞬間,都可以通過佳能EOS R1的超高快門速度,定格在照片之中。

速度与智能的完美融合:佳能EOS R1体育摄影新选择

7月27日,中國香港選手江旻憓在八強賽中。最後,江旻憓15比7擊敗烏克蘭選手克里維茲卡。當日,巴黎奧運擊劍女子個人重劍比賽在巴黎大皇宮舉行。新華社記者 費茂華 攝

Canon EOS R1,f/2.8,1/1250秒

而在連拍續航方面,佳能EOS R1也保持了旗艦風範,性能強勁的影像處理系統與雙CFexpress 2.0記憶卡高速插槽的配置,即使是拍攝RAW+大JPEG的組合,也能連續拍攝超過1千張。

此外,佳能EOS R1也根據運動攝影師的拍攝需求,為連拍系統設計了自訂連拍速度,以及預連拍功能。自訂連拍速度模式下,使用者可以將連拍速度設定為較低的水平,按下特定功能按鍵時連拍速度再增加,從而有效減少照片數量,降低後期選片的工作量。



速度与智能的完美融合:佳能EOS R1体育摄影新选择


7月27日,中國香港選手江旻憓在八強賽中慶祝勝利。最後,江旻憓15比7擊敗烏克蘭選手克里維茲卡。當日,巴黎奧運擊劍女子個人重劍比賽在巴黎大皇宮舉行。新華社記者 費茂華攝

Canon EOS R1,f/2.8,1/1250秒


對此,旗艦級的佳能EOS R1配備了全新的約2420萬有效像素的全畫幅背照堆疊式影像感測器,背照堆疊式設計實現了單一像素點更高的聚光率,提升了高感光度下的畫質表現。

速度与智能的完美融合:佳能EOS R1体育摄影新选择

7月27日,江旻憓在比賽後。當日,在巴黎奧運擊劍女子個人重劍金牌賽中,中國香港選手江旻憓13比12擊敗法國選手馬洛-布雷東,奪得冠軍。新華社記者 費茂華 攝

Canon EOS R1,f/2.8,1/1250秒

佳能EOS R1配備了名為神經網路降噪的功能,可透過深度學習技術獲得噪點更少的作品,實現降噪與畫質的良好統一。這樣即使是ISO12800、ISO25600這樣傳統意義上的超高感光度,也能成為攝影師放心使用的常用感光度。

速度与智能的完美融合:佳能EOS R1体育摄影新选择

7月31日,中國選手肖若騰在雙槓比賽中。當日,在巴黎奧運體操男子個人全能決賽中,中國選手張博恆獲得亞軍、肖若騰獲得季軍。新華社記者 曹燦 攝

Canon EOS R1,f/2.0,1/3200秒

從膠卷時代的EOS 1,到數位時代的EOS 1D系列、EOS 1D-X系列,佳能EOS旗艦級單眼相機捍衛了其在奧運賽場的王者地位。時過境遷,如今這一衣缽傳承至最新一代的旗艦級專微EOS R1身上。強大的電子技術加持下,CanonEOS R1也將繼續書寫佳能「1」的傳奇。

速度与智能的完美融合:佳能EOS R1体育摄影新选择

安靈均 攝

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