Integrating different payment gateways may seem like a challenging task, but imagine the peace of mind of having a solution that makes this process simple and efficient. With Design Pattern Adapter, you will have full control over integrations, facilitating the maintenance and expansion of your system.
Now, visualize the power of mastering a skill that not only saves you time but also increases the quality of your code. In this article, we will reveal how you can stand out when integrating a payment gateway using Node.js and Fastify, a technology that has won over developers around the world.
If you are committed to taking your skills to the next level, this content is for you. Let's explore together the creation of PIX charges with the Woovi API, as well as other features that will make you stand out in the market.
We will cover the integration of a payment gateway using Node.js and Fastify. You will learn how to generate charges via PIX using the Woovi API, in addition to other features.
This article is part of the CrazyStack Node.js classes, where we developed a REST API from scratch using Node.js and Fastify. You can follow the beginning of the tutorial through the videos here and here.
We will structure the project in a modular way, where each payment gateway will have its own implementation, but everyone will share a common contract. We will use TypeScript to ensure static typing and code security.
The first step is to define a contract that all payment gateways must implement. This ensures that all gateways have the same functions with the same signatures, ensuring consistency.
// src/contracts/PaymentGateway.ts export abstract class PaymentGateway { abstract createCharge(data: any): Promise<any>; abstract deleteCharge(id: string): Promise<any>; abstract getCharge(id: string): Promise<any>; abstract createSubscription(data: any): Promise<any>; abstract getSubscription(id: string): Promise<any>; abstract createCustomer(data: any): Promise<any>; abstract getCustomer(id: string): Promise<any>; abstract getChargeByCustomer(data: any): Promise<any>; }
The adapter implementation for Woovi uses the axios library to make HTTP calls.
// src/adapters/WooviAdapter.ts import axios from "axios"; import { PaymentGateway } from "../contracts"; import { env } from "../config"; export class WooviPaymentGateway extends PaymentGateway { private apiKey: string; constructor(paymentKey: string) { super(); this.apiKey = paymentKey; } async deleteCharge(id: string): Promise<any> { try { const response = await axios.delete( `${id}`, { headers: { Authorization: this.apiKey }, } ); return response?.data; } catch (e: any) { return e?.response?.data; } } async getCharge(id: string): Promise<any> { try { const response = await axios.get( `${id}`, { headers: { Authorization: this.apiKey, "content-type": "application/json" }, } ); return response?.data; } catch (e: any) { return e?.response?.data; } } async createCharge(data: any): Promise<any> { const { correlationID, value, comment } = data; try { const { data } = await "", { correlationID, value, comment }, { headers: { Authorization: this.apiKey, "content-type": "application/json" }, } ); return data; } catch (e: any) { return e?.response?.data; } } async createSubscription(body: any): Promise<any> { try { const { data } = await "", body, { headers: { Authorization: this.apiKey, "content-type": "application/json" }, } ); return data; } catch (e: any) { return e?.response?.data; } } async getSubscription(id: string): Promise<any> { try { const response = await axios.get( `${id}`, { headers: { Authorization: this.apiKey, "content-type": "application/json" }, } ); return response?.data; } catch (e: any) { return e?.response?.data; } } async createCustomer(body: any): Promise<any> { try { const { data } = await "", body, { headers: { Authorization: this.apiKey, "content-type": "application/json" }, } ); return data; } catch (e: any) { return e?.response?.data; } } async getCustomer(id: string): Promise<any> { try { const response = await axios.get( `${id}`, { headers: { Authorization: this.apiKey, "content-type": "application/json" }, } ); return response?.data; } catch (e: any) { return e?.response?.data; } } async getChargeByCustomer(correlationID: string): Promise<any> { try { const response = await axios.get( `${correlationID}&status=ACTIVE`, { headers: { Authorization: this.apiKey, "content-type": "application/json" }, } ); return response?.data; } catch (e: any) { return e?.response?.data; } } } export const makeWooviAdapter = () => { return new WooviPaymentGateway(env.wooviKey); };
For Stripe, we use the official stripe SDK.
// src/adapters/StripeAdapter.ts import { PaymentGateway } from "../contracts"; import { env } from "../config"; import Stripe from "stripe"; export class StripePaymentGateway extends PaymentGateway { private stripe: Stripe; constructor(paymentKey: string) { super(); this.stripe = new Stripe(paymentKey, { apiVersion: "2023-10-16", typescript: true, }); } async createPrice(amount: number): Promise<any> { try { const price = await this.stripe.prices.create({ currency: "brl", unit_amount: amount, recurring: { interval: "month" }, product_data: { name: "Gold Plan" }, }); return { price }; } catch (e: any) { return e?.response?.data; } } async createSubscription(data: any): Promise<any> { try { const subscription = await this.stripe.subscriptions.create({ customer: data?.customer?.id ?? data?.customer?.correlationID, items: [{ price: data?.priceId }], }); return { subscription }; } catch (e: any) { return e?.response?.data; } } async getSubscription(id: string): Promise<any> { try { const subscription = await this.stripe.subscriptions.retrieve(id); return { subscription }; } catch (e: any) { return e?.response?.data; } } async deleteCharge(id: string): Promise<any> { try { const charge = await this.stripe.paymentIntents.update(id, { metadata: { status: "canceled" }, }); return { charge, status: "OK" }; } catch (e: any) { return e?.response?.data; } } async getCharge(id: string): Promise<any> { try { const charge = await this.stripe.paymentIntents.retrieve(id); return { charge }; } catch (e: any) { return e?.response?.data; } } async createCharge(data: any): Promise<any> { try { const charge = await this.stripe.paymentIntents.create({ amount: Number(data?.value), currency: "brl", metadata: { metadata: JSON.stringify(data) }, automatic_payment_methods: { enabled: true }, }); return { charge }; } catch (e: any) { return e?.response?.data; } } async createCustomer(data: any): Promise<any> { const { email, description } = data; try { const customer: Stripe.Customer = await this.stripe.customers.create({ description, email , }); return { customer }; } catch (e: any) { return e?.response?.data; } } async getCustomer(id: string): Promise<any> { try { const customer = await this.stripe.customers.retrieve(id); return { customer }; } catch (e: any) { return e?.response?.data; } } } export const makeStripeAdapter = () => { return new StripePaymentGateway(env.stripeKeySecret); };'s documentation details how to create a client using their API. Through a POST request to the /customers endpoint, it is possible to register a new customer on the platform. It is important to note that the email field is unique: if a customer with the same email already exists, the data will be updated instead of creating a new record. Additionally, customers with a passport can only transact with valid international addresses.
Now, explaining PagarmeAdapter based on this documentation:
PagarmeAdapter is an implementation of an adapter that allows you to interact with the API to create and manage customers, charges, and subscriptions. It uses the axios library to make HTTP calls to the API.
This function sends a POST request to the /customers endpoint, passing the customer data in the body of the request. axios handles authentication using the API token (Bearer ${this.apiKey}) and returns the created or updated client data.
Example of use:
async createCustomer(data: any): Promise<any> { try { const response = await "", data, { headers: { Authorization: `Bearer ${this.apiKey}` }, } ); return response?.data; } catch (e: any) { return e?.response?.data; } }
This function is essential for registering or updating customers on directly from your Node.js application using the Adapter pattern, ensuring the flexibility and modularity of the system.
For more details on creating customers on, see the official documentation here.
The documentation explains how to obtain details of an already registered customer using the API. The specific endpoint for this is GET{customer_id}, where {customer_id} is the identifier of the customer you want to query.
A função getCustomer dentro do PagarmeAdapter realiza exatamente essa operação. Ela faz uma requisição GET para o endpoint da, utilizando o customer_id fornecido. Aqui está como funciona:
Exemplo de uso:
async getCustomer(id: string): Promise<any> { try { const response = await axios.get( `${id}`, { headers: { Authorization: `Bearer ${this.apiKey}` }, } ); return response?.data; } catch (e: any) { return e?.response?.data; } }
Essa função permite que você obtenha informações detalhadas sobre um cliente específico, diretamente da API da, integrando facilmente essa funcionalidade ao seu sistema Node.js. Para mais detalhes, você pode consultar a documentação oficial aqui.
A documentação da explica como obter detalhes de um cliente já cadastrado usando a API. O endpoint específico para isso é o GET{customer_id}, onde {customer_id} é o identificador do cliente que você deseja consultar.
A função getCustomer dentro do PagarmeAdapter realiza exatamente essa operação. Ela faz uma requisição GET para o endpoint da, utilizando o customer_id fornecido. Aqui está como funciona:
Exemplo de uso:
async getCustomer(id: string): Promise<any> { try { const response = await axios.get( `${id}`, { headers: { Authorization: `Bearer ${this.apiKey}` }, } ); return response?.data; } catch (e: any) { return e?.response?.data; } }
Essa função permite que você obtenha informações detalhadas sobre um cliente específico, diretamente da API da, integrando facilmente essa funcionalidade ao seu sistema Node.js. Para mais detalhes, você pode consultar a documentação oficial aqui.
Vamos expandir o PagarmeAdapter para incluir métodos específicos para lidar com transações de cartão de crédito, seguindo a documentação da API Também fornecerei exemplos de payloads de teste que você pode usar para verificar cada método.
Aqui está a implementação dos métodos do PagarmeAdapter:
import axios from "axios"; import { PaymentGateway } from "../contracts"; import { env } from "../config"; export class PagarmePaymentGateway extends PaymentGateway { private apiKey: string; constructor(paymentKey: string) { super(); this.apiKey = paymentKey; } async createCharge(data: any): Promise<any> { try { const response = await "", data, { headers: { Authorization: `Bearer ${this.apiKey}` }, } ); return response?.data; } catch (e: any) { return e?.response?.data; } } async deleteCharge(id: string): Promise<any> { try { const response = await axios.delete( `${id}`, { headers: { Authorization: `Bearer ${this.apiKey}` }, } ); return response?.data; } catch (e: any) { return e?.response?.data; } } async getCharge(id: string): Promise<any> { try { const response = await axios.get( `${id}`, { headers: { Authorization: `Bearer ${this.apiKey}` }, } ); return response?.data; } catch (e: any) { return e?.response?.data; } } async captureCharge(id: string, amount: number): Promise<any> { try { const response = await `${id}/capture`, { amount }, { headers: { Authorization: `Bearer ${this.apiKey}` }, } ); return response?.data; } catch (e: any) { return e?.response?.data; } } async refundCharge(id: string, amount: number): Promise<any> { try { const response = await `${id}/refund`, { amount }, { headers: { Authorization: `Bearer ${this.apiKey}` }, } ); return response?.data; } catch (e: any) { return e?.response?.data; } } } export const makePagarmeAdapter = () => { return new PagarmePaymentGateway(env.pagarmeKey); };
{ "amount": 2990, "payment_method": "credit_card", "card_number": "4000000000000010", "card_cvv": "123", "card_expiration_date": "1225", "card_holder_name": "Tony Stark", "customer": { "external_id": "#3311", "name": "Tony Stark", "type": "individual", "country": "br", "email": "", "documents": [ { "type": "cpf", "number": "12345678909" } ], "phone_numbers": ["+5511999998888"], "birthday": "1967-03-01" }, "billing": { "name": "Tony Stark", "address": { "country": "br", "state": "sp", "city": "Sao Paulo", "neighborhood": "Bela Vista", "street": "Avenida Paulista", "street_number": "1000", "zipcode": "01310000" } }, "items": [ { "id": "r123", "title": "Chaveiro do Tesseract", "unit_price": 2990, "quantity": 1, "tangible": true } ] }
{ "amount": 2990 }
{ "amount": 2990 }
Esses métodos cobrem as principais operações que você pode realizar com transações de cartão de crédito utilizando a API Os payloads fornecidos são exemplos básicos que você pode utilizar para testar essas funcionalidades.
Código completo
// src/adapters/PagarmeAdapter.ts import axios from "axios"; import { PaymentGateway } from "../contracts"; import { env } from "../config"; export class PagarmePaymentGateway extends PaymentGateway { private apiKey: string; constructor(paymentKey: string) { super(); this.apiKey = paymentKey; } async createCharge(data: any): Promise<any> { try { const response = await "", data, { headers: { Authorization: `Bearer ${this.apiKey}` }, } ); return response?.data; } catch (e: any) { return e?.response?.data; } } async deleteCharge(id: string): Promise<any> { try { const response = await axios.delete( `${id}`, { headers: { Authorization: `Bearer ${this.apiKey}` }, } ); return response?.data; } catch (e: any) { return e?.response?.data; } } async getCharge(id: string): Promise<any> { try { const response = await axios.get( `${id}`, { headers: { Authorization: `Bearer ${this.apiKey}` }, } ); return response?.data; } catch (e: any) { return e?.response?.data; } } async createSubscription(data: any): Promise<any> { try { const response = await "", data, { headers: { Authorization: `Bearer ${this.apiKey}` }, } ); return response?.data; } catch (e: any) { return e?.response?.data; } } async getSubscription(id: string): Promise<any> { try { const response = await axios.get( `${id}`, { headers: { Authorization: `Bearer ${this.apiKey}` }, } ); return response?.data; } catch (e: any) { return e?.response?.data; } } async createCustomer(data: any): Promise<any> { try { const response = await "", data, { headers: { Authorization: `Bearer ${this.apiKey}` }, } ); return response?.data; } catch (e: any) { return e?.response?.data; } } async getCustomer(id: string): Promise<any> { try { const response = await axios.get( `${id}`, { headers: { Authorization: `Bearer ${this.apiKey}` }, } ); return response?.data; } catch (e: any) { return e?.response?.data; } } async getChargeByCustomer(correlationID: string): Promise<any> { try { const response = await axios.get( `${correlationID}`, { headers: { Authorization: `Bearer ${this.apiKey}` }, } ); return response?.data; } catch (e: any) { return e?.response?.data; } } } export const makePagarmeAdapter = () => { return new PagarmePaymentGateway(env.pagarmeKey); };
Implementar gateways de pagamento utilizando o padrão Adapter em TypeScript facilita a integração e a manutenção do código. Ao seguir essa abordagem, você garante flexibilidade e modularidade no seu sistema, podendo adicionar ou substituir gateways com facilidade.
Para uma compreensão mais detalhada e prática sobre como implementar um gateway de pagamento com Node.js e Fastify, assista ao nosso vídeo tutorial completo na Aula 99 do CrazyStack Node.js. Não perca essa oportunidade de aprofundar seu conhecimento e dominar as melhores práticas de desenvolvimento de sistemas de pagamento.
? Links Importantes:
This course is practical and intensive training in a bootcamp format, focused on full-time and senior developers who want to evolve the way they write code. You will learn advanced concepts such as Design Patterns, Clean Architecture, TDD and DDD, applied in real projects with Node.js and Fastify.
Learn more and sign up!
The above is the detailed content of Payment gateway in general doesn't have to be complicated. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!