No; Bitget exchange is no longer able to provide registration and trading services for users in mainland China due to compliance with the Chinese government’s announcement banning cryptocurrency trading and mining. It is recommended to choose other legal cryptocurrency exchanges that do not operate in mainland China.
Can domestic users register for Bitget Exchange APP?
Answer: No
Bitget Exchange is currently unable to provide registration and trading services for users in mainland China.
In 2021, the Chinese government issued an announcement banning cryptocurrency trading and mining. In order to comply with relevant regulations, Bitget stopped providing services to users in mainland China in October of the same year and froze their accounts.
For domestic users in China, it is recommended to choose other legal cryptocurrency exchanges that do not operate in mainland China. But please note that you should be careful when choosing an exchange and fully understand its compliance and security.
The above is the detailed content of Can domestic users of Bitget Exchange APP register? Is it true?. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!